Chapter 19: First kiss.

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Yibo's POV

I talked to my friends and hanged the call. Me and zhan was still enjoying the view from hospital balcony.
I still don't feel like going back. Here... Beside him.... Feel so warm.



"Why are you not talking?"

"You want me to talk?"

"I thought you are not feeling comfortable. I really can't stay without talking"

"It's not about uncomfortable. It's like I am liking being here. I am enjoying it."

"Oh.... Mh.... Did my parents ask about me?"


"They call me like thousand times. I thought they might have disturbed you too"

I want to take him back but he too seems to counting the beauty.

"Yibo, when was your first kiss?" I was stunned. Where did he got this question. I am still looking at his eyes and wonder what to should I say. Due to awkwardness I look away.

He gently hold my hand and I look back to his eyes. He push me closer and place his hand circle around my neck. He lean closer. I can feel the warm breath of Zhan on my lip. I was speechless for a moment and unable to look out of his bright eyes.

Now I can see clearly each and every features of Zhan. He might be the most beautiful man I have ever seen.
His almond eyes, perfect jawline and ofcourse the mole under lips that always make me loss everything.
He came close to my ears.

"What do you feels now?"
I was still speechless. Literally I feel like a freezing effect and I can hear my heart beat like drums in my ears.
He giggles.

"This is how I feel when you are close to me" he said. And gently lick my earlobe.
I try to see his face but he hug me tightly and place his head on my shoulder.
I wanted to tell him how much I love him. I wanted to tell him how I feel when he is my arms. But still I didn't want to confess my feelings in such a place. I want him to feel so special. Without any other thoughts.

"BoBo, are you listening?"


"Then, answer me"

"Zhan, let's talk later. Not today."


"No reasons" we were still hugging.
He gently come near me by breaking the hug.

"Do you know what I am feeling Right now. I feel so happy. Being in your arms. I was so happy to see you there to save me. I was so happy when you feed me. I am so happy to be with you".
I just hear all his words and I was like dumpheaded unable to convey anything in my mind.
I was so lost in my mind that I haven't notice he came so close to me and gently kiss on my lips. I wasn't really expecting that. I close my eyes when I feel he start sucking my lips. I return it and suck as alike.

Suddenly my phone ring. I feel so frustrated still I take the call.

Yibo: yes who is this. I am busy right now.(firmly)

Mian mian: it's your PA sir. I just call you to inform you that there is to urgent meetings tommorow and how should I schedule it.

Yibo: do as you wish mian Mian. Please don't call me here after today. I will be busy with personal stuff.

I hanged up.
Zhan was still in my arms. He was laughing like hell.

"BoBo, you are so funny when you are frustrated"
I just nodded.
Mian mian really ruined my first kiss. Ahremmm..

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