Chapter 45(END) : Husbands and Twins

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After three years.

“Yizhan… don’t make me come there. Come outside right now” Zhan roar to his son who is hiding inside a shelf of kitchen after spill milk on kitchen.
“Zhan dada… I will not do that again” yizhan replied.
“I don’t want to listen your excuses. I know you spill it so that you don’t want to drink it anymore. Right?”
“But dada. It’ doesn’t taste good. Ask to A-yuan.”
“You come out right now. Or else I will switch off the lights right now” Zhan said.
“Dada… no……” yizhan cried and come out.
“ see what you have done.” Zhan ask.
Yizhan didn’t dare to look straight to his Zhan dada.
“zhan dada. It’s okay. Leave Him. It’s a mistake” A-yuan who see his brother is almost getting a beat from dada.
“ A-yuan, are you going to take his place. I know he did it intentionally” Zhan said.
“ But Zhan dada, today papa will be back. He will not happy to see yizhan crying. So please Zhan dada. He did a mistake” A-yuan tug his dada’s leg and beg.
After seeing his son’s filled eyes Zhan melted.
He knee down and hug A-yuan.
“zhan dada didn’t love me” yizhan cried out loud.
Zhan chuckles.
“come here you drama king” zhan ask his sone to come and hug both of them and kiss them on their forehead.
“okay, stop all this. Come and eat your fruits……” Zhan and look at yizhan..
“Yizhan baby,.. dada will give take you both to see film tommorow. Now please eat healthy. I don’t want your papa to get upset on that”;Zhan said.
“Zhan dada, I will eat it. You don’t want to be sad because of me” yizhan said and hug his dada.
Yibo went out to deal his business and he is resigning from his racing career. The already merged company of both of them is there still Yibo have another one that is his own.  Their company is looking after by Zhan in between dealing with their son.
After death of meng yao. All came back to their family life and a calm life.
Zhan who already resigned as a singer will give some posts of speech to his fans with his sons and husband.
Wanyin and huan already have two girl babies and named as hu yin and hu yang. He also three years old as Zhan’s sons.
They all are best friends with their A-ling brother and Cha ming ( Mingjue and Ziyi’s daughter).
Cha ming and A-ling started to going to school and other three will be going this year.

Bowen and xing Chen’s house-

“wen wen, see.. how do I look?” xing chen ask his husband after wearing a shirt that his husband gifted him a day before.
Bowen come and hug him and kiss on his forehead.
“My Angel. You are always the cutest. I don’t want to look at you to tell you are beautiful in this shirt…but I like you more …. Without shirts” Bowen said and chuckled.
“Naughty husband” xing chen said and lightly slap on his husband’s chest.
“I think I am far more better than you…my naughty angel” Bowen said.
They both are married for two years and now living in their home , same city of all others.

Xing chen is working with zhan as Bowen working with Yibo

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Xing chen is working with zhan as Bowen working with Yibo.
Bowen didn’t go with Yibo as he have some work here in their office here in China.
“Wen Wen, do you think we too need a baby as Zhan and Yibo.?” Xing Chen ask.
“why baby? You need a baby.!? I will give you anything you wish.” Bowen said.
“its.. wen Wen… I don’t know how to tell you.”
“Baby, what happened?.. you tell me anything. I can take care of it” Bowen said.
“baby, I don’t know what is happening to me recently. I have been feeling strange these days. I has so tensed on that. Yesterday I went to see yizhan and A-yuan to Zhan’s home. When we were talking I feel like nausea. Zhan also get tensed. He ask guard to take care of babies and we went to hospital” xingchen breath out.
“baby, why you didn’t tell me.? Tell me what doctor said” Bowen became rest less.
“baby, calm down… let me say. ….
Doctor ask for a scan and I give it. Yesterday we was in a hurry as A-yuan miss his dada. So we went back. So we want to go there and take the results today” xing chen said.
“angel… you are scaring me. Come lets go” Bowen take xing chen and make him dress up and change his dress too.
They reach hospital and doctor ask them to get in.
“mr.bowen. I don’t know if you have heard about male pregnancy and all. But ..I would really like to remind you on that. You husband is pregnant for like 5 weeks” doctor said.
They both was shocked though they heard about it.
“thank you doctor” Bowen said and left with his husband to Zhan’s mansion.
“Zhan…” xing chen call out loud enough.
“uncle xixi,” both yizhan and A-yuan run to him and hug him.
“uncle wen is also here.see” xing chen show them his husband who only use to come with their papa.
“Uncle wen, where is our papa?” Yizhan ask.
“He will come by today itself” Bowen said and they all come to living room.
“Xing chen baby, what made you come here with your husband. I haven’t seen him for a month” Zhan who come out of his bed room said.
“Zhan, good to see you “ Bowen said.
“you too Mr.wen wen. I am really not happy with your attitude okay…” Zhan said.
“what attitude?”
“You left my husband alone with his business trip” Zhan said and sit near xing chen.
“zhan, I want to tell you something” xing chen said.
“Come on tell me.”
“I am pregnant”
“What?.. really?” Zhan almost cried.
“yes, we come straight back to you from hospital”
“I am so happy for both of you” Zhan said.
They talk a lot and couples left.
“Zhan dada, are we going to have a brother or sister too?” yizhan ask with pouting.
“Dada, we want to become brother as A-ling. He said his mom is giving him a brother soon. But you didn’t give us.”  A-yuan said and cried.
“zhan dada, I am sorry if I didn’t listen you. I know that’s why you are not giving us a brother or sister to call us big brother” yizhan also started crying.
Zhan knee down and hug both of them
“my dear babies, I can’t help it. You papa is not around. Without him. I can’t give you a sibling”
“why?” A-yuan ask.
“Because, I only have half part of your sibling. And papa have another half. If he didn’t give me how can I give you an healthy sibling” Zhan said and make both his sons sit brother on the couch.
“Really!?, I will call papa today itself “ yizhan said and go near Zhan’s phone.
He grab it and dial some numbers Which is obviously not his Papa’s.
Zhan take the phone and dial to correct number.
(Speaker call)
Yizhan: papa..
A-yuan : papa..
Yibo: yes babies, tell me what happened. Where is dada?.
A-yuan. : How are you papa. When are you coming back. Dada is waiting for you.
Yizhan: papa.. this is not fair okay. We called you and you are asking about dada.
Yibo: I am sorry baby, from your voice itself I know that you are happy.
Yizhan: papa.. you already call dada for like every minute and still you are asking him.
A-yuan. : Papa don’t listen to him. He is so jealous of you both.
Yibo: I love my babies the most than your dada. Right Zhan?.
Zhan: I will not talk to you in phone anymore. Mr. Wang Yibo if you make a day more for me to sleep alone ,I will not  talk to you anymore.
Yibo: Baby… I am on my way.
Zhan: your dick..
A-yuan : dada left papa.
Yizhan: we didn’t call you to you too get upset on each other.
Yibo: tell me baby, I have already brought you your motor bike and Mike for a-yuan. Is there anything more I need to buy.
A-yuan and Yizhan: we need a baby brother of sister.
Yibo: hahahaha., Is that’s why you call me. Ask dada to give one. I can only help him. Is dada okay to give you a brother or sister?!
Yizhan: dada told that a part of our brother is with you and you didn’t give him. So I want you to give him and give us baby.
A-yuan  : yea. We too want like A-ling ge.
Yibo: Your wish is my command babies. I will be back within minutes okay. Turn off speaker.
Yizhan: done papa.
A-yuan  : what happened!?
Yibo: papa already reach home. I am outside here. Don’t tell dada. I want to give him a surprise. Come outside. Don’t tell dada okay?

Yizhan and A-yuan cut the call and run to their backyard.
“Papa….” “papa…”
“we missed you papa”..
“Yes we missed you a lot”
“I too miss you both my assets” Yibo said and kiss both of them.
“why don’t you tell us papa. You know dada almost cried yesterday when you tell you will take two more days” A-yuan said.
“ you are so cruel papa. You made our dada cry” yizhan start beating his Papa’s chest as strong as he could.
“Aw, baby it hurt. You are always behaving like your dada. Always beating papa” Yibo said and lean to hug.
“Promise us papa, that you will give us a sibling?”
“ofcourse baby, I am you papa. I want to make your wishes come true. But I want you two too promise me something”
“what papa?”
“Sleep early here after okay. Done make dada angry”
“are you tricking us to make us sleep early” yizhan pouted.
“no baby, papa will not force you both to do something unless it’s that important right!? So be good boys” Yibo said.
“okay we promise”
“go and play outside let me go and see you dada” Yibo said and go in to their house.
Zhan was in the kitchen, making some milk for boys as they haven’t eat breakfast well.
Yibo went straight back to Zhan without making any noise and back hug him.
“Do you miss me baby?” Yibo murmur to Zhan' ears.
Zhan who didn’t expecting his husband ,was so happy to smell his husband. He turn around and hug back his husband.
Yibo cupped Zhan’s face and kiss him aggressively as his life depends on it.
Zhan break the kiss. And snuggle into his husband’s chest.
“You are so bad husband. Why are you doing this to us?” Zhan ask with tearing eyes.
“My baby, I am also not happy to go away from my happiest place- here in your embrace. I was feeling like fly back to you and hug you” Yibo said.
“Yea, yea…. So cheesy”
“hey Mrs. Wang. Don’t…”
“who the hell is Mrs. Wang. You stupid.” zhan start to hit Yibo.
“You.. who else. You my cutest wifey” Yibo said and kiss eye while struggling in between Zhan’s act.
“I love you” Yibo said.
“I love you more. You.. stupid husband”
“aw my cutie wifey… no.. my handsome wifey”
“bobo stop okay”
“Okay.. baby.. now give me something to eat. I am so hungry” Yibo said and sit on the small dinning area in their kitchen.
(Picture of kitchen).
“ Do you want.milk? I have already boiled it.”
“I need your milk” Yibo giggle.
“Moron,.. go away. Boys will hear you. Shut the fuck up”
“so you were waiting for me to fuck you. Right baby?!”
“Shut up bobo”
“tell me know”
“ Of course yes. You are my husband. I am longing for you like days now.”
“what happened to our boys for the need of siblings? You too want it baby?” Yibo stand from there and back hug Zhan.
“It’s not like that bobo. Xing chen is pregnant and jie is also expecting. I don’t know how are they getting information. They both were crying over it”
“ I always want a big family. It’s you who made me put condoms or you having pills. I always wanted more babies like our cuties”
“Bobo, I too want babies. But .. bu doctor told me to avoid being pregnant again. So… that’s why. I too don’t like doing it with Condom”
“Baby, is that why you avoid it. Baby. It’s only for a year because after those events you started bleeding and which leads more complication. That’s why doctor suggest that. If you are still doubt on it. Ask doctor” Yibo said and kiss his husband’s both cheeks.
“ I … don’t know bobo” Zhan was tensed.
“c’mon baby, don’t get tensed. If you don’t want one baby, we will be happy with our twins” Yibo said.
“ I too want babies.” Zhan said.
“Haha.. which means I can’t stop in one go right!?.. you said about babies..not a baby” Yibo started laughing.
“Bobo..” Zhan said in low voice.
“yes baby!?”
“I too want a big family as your wish. I am so blessed to give you babies. If ….. if I can’t reproduce any more.wil..will you leave me”
Yibo hug more tightly.
“When did you became this silly. When I marry you, you were pregnant that is right. But I.. I love to the knowledge as you are a man. I fell for you years ago. If ..if… you can’t give me babies then we will go for surrogacy or adoption. I always thought about that before this male pregnancy and all. So…. So.. my cutie..  don’t think too much. And I want more babies. And we are going to do it today itself” Yibo said.
“Bobo… today.. no.. no I promise babies to be with them today” Zhan try to escape as he want to irritate his husband.
“ I don’t want your permission to take you. You are mine. ..  only mine. I can take to anything. May be now” Yibo said and take Zhan in bridal style and go outside. Zhan circle his hands around his husband’s neck. When he see the direction where Yibo is going he started panic. There was securities and Their sons also.
“bobo, not there. Please… go to bed room” Zhan said.
“What are you thinking my naughty husband. I am taking you to our sons. They are alone in garden. And about that….. I will take you fully tonight. Not now” Yibo said and went for their boys.
They four play for hours and come back to have their early dinner.
“Baby, you said xing chen is pregnant? When did that happened?” Yibo ask when he remember his Zhan’s words.
“I was too surprised to know that he have same symptoms as mine. That’s why I ask him to consult some doctors. It’s turns out like this”
“That’s good. Bowen always use to tell me that he always want a baby” Yibo said.
“dada Zhan, did our baby come before that baby?” yizhan who was curious to know ask.
“Ask your papa” Zhan said and sit near Yibo.
Yibo hold Zhan’s hand under table and kiss them.
“Your Zhan dada may take some time to give us baby. So xing chen uncle will have baby first” Yibo said.
“It’s okay dada. You take time.” A-yuan said.
“Okay… finish the milk yizhan. I don’t want any excuses.” Yibo said.
“but papa.. it’s tasteless.” Yizhan starts pouting.
“yizhan baby, come one. Drink it. Zhan dada will not scold you.” Zhan try to convince and finally they drink it and went to sleep.
They both make them sleep and went back to their bed room.
“bobo, I don’t know. I feel so lonely when you are not with me” Zhan said.
“I give you two angels still you feel lonely my baby” Yibo come and back hug his husband.
“Bobo.. stop making fun okay. I .. always want you not anyone else. I want you. Our babies is the reason I need you. They always reminds me of you.” Zhan said and turn around and hug his husband.
“Come on don’t give me your sad face. You know I don’t like that right. Tommorow we want to go to your home. Mom xiao called us. I don’t know why. So let’s start”
“Start what?”
“I want to give my babies a baby” Yibo said and take Zhan in bridal style and place him on their bed.
They made out for like five rounds.
“Aah… you are still so beautiful my love” Yibo said and place Zhan’s head on to his chest.
“ stop flirting okay” Zhan said and slap slightly on his checks.
“You were the one who flirt with me more. Now what happened to you .hu?” Yibo mock Zhan.
“ that’s when we were not even boyfriends. And you stop and clean me okay. I feel so sticky” Zhan said.
Yibo take him to washroom and clean him well. And they went back to bed and sleep.

Next day

Zhan was still sleeping soundly in his husband’s hand. Yibo wake up and see his husband sleeping on top of him.
He tenderly cares his husband. And let him sleep as much as he want.

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