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Yibo’s POV.

After our dinner A-yuan and Yizhan left with ge as they was so excited to play with them. They was still there. It’s already a week. I wonder why they don’t miss us.
I and Zhan was busy with our business and everything. Zhan always seems busy that he forget to make a call. But we always find our time together and make It super romantic. Actually its me actually.
When we are together we call our sons who just show us their face and run with their sisters and play around. Like I said that time is so being us together.
I mean we use to make out recently. Frankly saying I am not that one who take initiative. It’s my playful husband.
Today we decide to take back our sons.
Zhan was still in office. I plan to give him a surprise with our son. Not that much just showing our twins are back.
I went to brother’s house and place them on my car and we left to our house.
“Papa , why Zhan dada didn’t come to receive us?” A-yuan ask.
“Yeah, I was about to ask” yizhan added.
“dada said you don’t love him that’s why you didn’t come back and stay there. And he is so upset over that” I make my twins pout equally.
“but papa, we miss you two a lots. But our sisters are so cute that we were caring them. I want to see dada..wuwuwuwu” yizhan said and started crying.
When yizhan starts crying A-yuan give company to his twin brother and started crying.
“Aw my babies. I just want to give your Zhan dada a surprise. That’s why I didn’t said to dada that I am going to bring back you” I said.
“wuwuwuuw… I want to see dada”
“I too want to see dada”
“Babaies stop crying. I…I will call dada. But promise me that you will be quiet. So that we can give him a surprise” I said and two nodded.
I dial to Zhan and connect it with car.
Yibo: baby, I am on the way. Did you reach.
Zhan: where were you. I am here for like hours now. Are you cheating around me.
Yibo: baby…. I am on my way. Where did you get the word cheating. I am the most loyal husband.
Zhan: I hope so. I called your office and they said you leave two hours ago.
Yi bo: yes baby, I have a surprise for you.
Zhan: really baby,…. I am waiting. Come fast. I don’t know why. … I…I.. am feeling like see you.
Yibo: aw baby don’t be so clingy. I will be there within fifteen minutes.
Zhan: I said.. I … nothing. Come fast.
Zhan disconnected..
“papa, he didn’t ask about us. ?” yizhan pointed.
“dada is so tired recently. So don’t make him upset okay” I said. Twins nodded and take a nap.
I reach home. I was about to take twins, Zhan run to me and back hug me. Actually what was he doing. He turn me around and started kissing me aggressively. As obvious I reciprocate.
Thank god my kids are sleeping or else they will be like I too want that kind of kiss.
“baby, what make you this late.” Zhan said. I think I didn’t see our twins.
“baby, look. I went to bring them back. Take them to bed room. They seems so tired.” I said.
“I hope they won’t wake up fast” Zhan murmur audibly.
He seems strange. I wonder.. I was hoping to see a scream out after seeing twins. But he seems more clingy.
What ever.
I take yizhan and Zhan go with A-yuan. We place them and make them comfortable.
I went back to room and take a bath. Zhan was already freshen up.
Suddenly I feel hands around my waist. I know it’s Zhan. But he haven’t done like this before. It was always me who will be clingy and make out in bathroom. I mean take initiative.
I turn around and tight him tightly so that he also get wet.
( Actually I am not feeling like writing a making out session- I know I am not good at it. So you guys iimagine
And we ended up in bed. Zhan is sleeping soundly. I cares his hair and give him a kiss. I really like to see him lying on my chest.

After sometime I hear a knock. I know it can only be our twins.
“Come in babies” I said.
“dada…..” “zhan dada” both run to bed.
Zhan started to wake up.
“babies.. you are back to dada. Dada really miss you both” Zhan said and start to kiss them.
Actually I like to see that view. When u was seeing this I feel like I am the happiest man the world.
We all play around in that bed itself. I made dinner for all four of us and we eat it in our room.

Zhan’s POV.

After a month.
Recently bobo is so busy. So I feel so impatient to see him in evening. He is the best. He always bring be flowers and due to our schedules he will pick me up from my office.
Today I decided to see him there in his office.
I reach there and enter to the ceo’s lift.
As all staffs know me well they all show me to BoBo’s office.
I knocked and enter to his office.
There was a female stuff in there. She is wearing kind of creepy dress. I wonder he is so poor to buy a well hiding cloths.
Bobo is not looking at her. He was busy with a file.
I come near him and make his file throw around and sit on his lap and hug him.
Yibo didn’t said anything. I think he understand it is me.
“ Ms. Yin, you can go now. Ask Mian mian to cancel the meeting with that client today. I am busy” bobo said.
“but sir. This meeting is important than anything” she remind bobo.
“Nothing is more important than my husband” bobo said and ask her to go.
He break the hug and look into my eyes.
“What happened baby? Why you look so tired” bobo ask.
“I want to sleep. Let me please” I ask.
“Baby, you can sleep as much as you want. I will open the office bed for you.”
“no.. I want to sleep like this” I hug him.
“okay as you wish….. you need something? Did you eat lunch? Don’t tell me you skip it to come here”
“I am sorry. I skipped. I only wanted you near me. I…I.. am sorry bobo.”
Actually I come here to tell him that I feel so annoying recently. I feel like throwing up. And I feel like sleep.
But how can I tell him. He might think I catch sick and he always will take a break from office. It’s not good for our business. He is inevitable for our company’s success.
“Baby, what are you thinking. .?”
“Okay,.. I will come with you to bed. I find want to sleep like this. “
Bobo carry me on his waist and we got to bed.
I sleep on his chest for some hours.
“baby, look what I brought for you?” bobo try to wake me up.
“ Come on wake up.” He make me sit up and fed me some scrabbled eggs and Toasted bread.
And he give me some juice.
I don’t know what is happening. I feel like throwing up. I run to washroom. Bobo who see me rushing to washroom runs behind me.
“baby, what happened. I am seeing you recently. You are always making a these kinds of…”
“Nothing bobo. I am fine”
“Yea .. I am seeing it”
He wash my face and take we out from bed room and give me some water.
“bobo put me down”
“please bobo. The office door is not locked. Someone will come”
“I don’t mind to show anyone my affection to you my gorgeous husband” that make me blush for sure.
The thing that surprise me is he take me outside to office. Seriously… I am still on his waist.
I hide my face from embarrassment.
He place me to his car and started to go somewhere.
I don’t know I feel like sleeping.
When I open my eyes I am still in my husband’s hand.
“bobo, put me down. I feel shy”
“I don’t. So stay baby. We reached”
He said and open the door to some doctor.
Actually I didn’t see the board.  Some one came and take my blood sample.
And doctor ask me to collect my urine.
I was so lazy to think why are they asking these kind of stuffs.
I signed and waited patiently.

Doctor ask me to Come to scanning room.
I ask bobo also to come.
“Mr.wang, the signs shows clearly that your doubts are correct”. Doctor said to bobo.
“What doubt?” I ask. Bobo tap on my hand and show me something on the screen.
I still remember first time I seeing my Yizhan and A-yuan. They were also like this. A tiny thing.
“yes Mr. Wang your husband is pregnant. Congratulations” doctor shake hands with bobo.
I don’t know what I am feeling. I feel so blessed. We can make our babies wish come true. I am pregnant. I feel like crying.
My tears where coming out. I know it’s my second time. But… I feel so emotional. I don’t know why. I am … I am out of control I started sobbing.
Bobo hug me and kiss on my forehead.
“ congratulations baby, I love you so much” bobo said and capture my lips.
“same to you hubby” I cut the kiss and added.

We go back to home. I am excited to tell my babies this happy news.
Bobo brought a gifts for them signing they are having a baby soon.
I feel so emotional.
They were so happy.
On they day we all sleep together on our bed room.

Author’s POV.

Due day for Zhan.

Zhan is already in labour and Yibo is so tensed at the moment.
“Papa.. why are sweating?” yizhan ask.
“papa is tensed. You can’t see yiyi” A-yuan said.
Yizhan nodded.
After one hour doctor came out of hospital.
“You have a baby boy” doctor said.
Yibo thank doctor and take his twins and get in to room.
“Dada…” “dada..” kid try to see their dada. And some how manage to see his face.
Yibo show baby to twins and ask them to wait with their uncles and grandparents.
“Baby, … I .. am sorry that I can’t come to give support to you. You know twins are so naughty these days. But it’s turns ..out..they were taking care of me” Yibo said and kiss on Zhan’s forehead.

“he have your eyes Zhan Zhan” Yibo showed

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“he have your eyes Zhan Zhan” Yibo showed.
Zhan giggle and take him to his hand.
After sometime they place Zhan to a ward.
Yibo’s POV.
I ask Zhan to sleep. I know he is so tired. I force him. He was still trying to see our new born baby. I some how convince him to take rest.
“papa look, he have my eyes right?” A-yuan said.
“yes yuyu, and my nose. Is it papa?” yizhan added.
I nodded to them.
They were trying to make baby look at them. I mean they started it for like hours but my baby is still looking to his sleeping baby.
Actually I am so happy right know. Zhan already name him.
Wang Xiao Wuxian.
I kind of like it a loads.
We all play around after Zhan is awake.

Xing chen and Bowen was blessed with a baby girl a month before. Ge and Wanyin is also happy with their daughters. Ji li and black is like…. They are settled in America. As xue yang said when they both get matured they will adopt one. I guess they might not have a baby. Hhhaahaha.. they are still fighting over small things.
As we all are happy our parents are all happy.
Coming to my life. I still wonder if there is anyone who will forget their love. I might the only one. But the sweetest part is that when we realize that love is someone who is unknowingly waiting for me.
Actually this was something that make us connected. Everytime.
Be with your loved ones. Make them happy.

Hope you all like this story.
If so please let me know.
I updated this chapter as fast as I can.
Hope you all will enjoy it. I know I kind of rush with it.
Feel free to comment and votes.

Meet you all soon.

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I am reading " The Jealous Partner" by FatumaHabuya
Go and check her out. She is one of my favorite author.

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