Chapter 11: Bowen is tensed

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Author's POV

Mr. Xiao was confident that no one can hurt his son. Because he know that Zhan is not as simple as he see. He know how to escape from all obstacles. But still he is a dad who cares about his family more.
He don't want to take any risk.

Telephone conversation.
Mr.Wang: Chen, why you are calling in this time.!? Is everything thing alright.

Mr.Xiao: No Shen, that wens are back. what.!!!!!

Mr.xiao: this time he is not into power or properties. He need something that I didn't want to lose. you don't want to hide it from me right!!? Tell me. Don't give me adrenal rush.

Mr.xiao: this time I think we need our kids help too. He is into Zhan. His psycho son is into Zhan. You know he is the only one I can't control. He always choose his path by himself. That is why I am asking you and your son's help.

Mr.Wang: oh that wen chao!? ( Hahaha) I think he going to die. I am sure that he might have no idea who is Zhan's fiance.( Haha).

Mr.Xiao: Shen, you know Yibo and Zhan was kid at thay time. They might have played but for us they are engaged at their age 6. This doesn't make sense. But still.
Yibo and Zhan can't remember anything from past. But they are

Mr.Wang: yeah, you are right. We want to make them remind their past. Atleast for Yibo. Zhan is getting closer. Carmen told me that he get to know about fire incident. Now I know Zhan can't turn around over truth if he encounter it.
For that wen Chao. I think this simple things can be handle by Yibo. Yibo will protect Zhan. Like they were at 6.

Mr.Xiao: I too hope so. I have already put tracker on Zhan. And I want you to track Yibo. I know we can protect them but still.

Mr.Wang: as you wish Chen. Listen I am hanging.

Mr.xiao : okay take care.


Zhan was busy in his next project. His most of the day was spending in his bunnies room. That is room were his music studio is. But today it is hard for him to hide from his homies. Because his sister was not there at home. She was the one that divert the attention of their parents from Zhan's room.but today she went out with her fiance.
But still he is trying his best.


Zhan: yes, Zhan this side.

Yang: what about my tickets.!?

Zhan: oh Yang. It's ready. But when will you divert him.

Yang: that tickets is the only thing that can help you.

Zhan: what.!?

Yang: that tickets are also for your help. Me and Yibo are going for that racing program. So I can divert his attention. Plus I will give you scancode of Wang company. Else is in you hand. I can't guarantee you that I can make him away for 1 hour. But still I will try. But getting code is a task for me. I can ensure you mission on after I get that code.

Zhan: don't waste this tickets. please. It was not thy easy to get.

Yang: I know. I asked Yibo before. He have already told me it is impossible for him. Anddd.... I am wondering how did you get it.

Zhan: I get it from influence on social media. No one knows me. This was from my fans.

Yang(hahaha) you have fans. Don't tell me you get these from yibo's fans.

Zhan: yibo's fans will not give me you stupid. This is from mu fans. You don't have to know more about it. Get the scan code.

Yang: okay okay, you are not that soft as you see.

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