Chapter 44

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A big Chapter ahead.
I am not naming this chapter. You all can suggest one after reading it. I will edit it later.❤️✨

Happy reading.

Yibo’s POV.

I was still waiting for the doctor.
“WangJi, stay calm. You are shivering” ge said. That was when I get to know that I was shivering like hell.
“Ge, why they are making late”
“WangJi, it’s only ten minutes after doctors left from operation theatre”
“So what, I want to see my husband”
“Yibo, he is fine. You are behaving like he is in stress” jie said.
“Jie, I can’t keep calm. I want to see him.”
“You don’t want to see you sons?” Ge ask.
“Ge, I want to but firstly I want to see Zhan. He was too tired when I left”
“he is fine Yibo. You have to keep calm” jie said.
I don’t know why I want to see Zhan and make sure he is fine.
Ge give me some tea and we have it together. By that all came back.
“Yibo, one exactly look like you”  xing chen said.
“yeah, he is so cute and smiling like Zhan” bowen added. I was so happy to know that our baby have Zhan’s smile. I want to see them too with our any rush with Zhan.
They all started describing babies features. After some time doctor came.
“Mr. Wang. We transfer your husband to the VIP ward. You can see him now. I have already instructed a nurse to bring twins. And I request you not make a rush in there. Only one can stay with Zhan. And not more than two visitors are allowed. So please co-operate with us”
“thank you so much doctor” I was so excited.
“Guys, you all can come later. I want to some time alone with my family” I said without minding their emotions.
“Its okay Yibo, we understand. We will come later” Bowen said and they all left.
I was still figuring out to what to do and what present should I give him.
I called Bowen.
Yibo: Bowen,
Bowen: yes Yibo, is there anything urgent? We just left.
Yibo: get me a flower bouquet.
Bowen: okay. Just a minute.
I waited for Bowen for two minutes that feels like eternity. By now twins also might have reach there.
Bowen came with a flower bouquet I take it and run to ward.
I was about to open the door I heard one of the baby is crying inside.
I rush inside.
I saw my two sons are there near to Zhan in a separate small crib like soft metal small bed. They both are placed in a bed.
I take one who is crying.
“Aww, my baby, dad is here so please stop crying” I said and likely wave him in my hands.
I don’t know if he can understand me but he stop crying after sometime and started smiling.
“Aw, my baby boo, you stop crying. Why your brother is still sleeping” I place one on my left and lightly rub another’s small cute little face.
I place him back to bed.
I choose to sit on the bed near so that I can see my Zhan and my twins at same time.
Zhan was still sleeping like baby. I take him and make zhan snuggle into my arms.
I was waiting for Zhan to open his eyes.
“baby, wake up. You were sleeping for hours. You don’t want to see our twins baby.!? They are like you baby” I talk like he is awake.
But I don’t know I feel like both my twins are like zhan. May be because I needed that way.
After some time Zhan slightly move.
I make him sit properly in between my legs.
“mmmhhm” I heard Zhan’s humming.
“Baby” I kiss him on his head.
“Yes baby, I am here”
“Where is our twins?!”
Zhan was still trying to open his eyes.
“there. I will take them for you”

 I will take them for you”

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