Chapter 13 : He is yours from the beginning.

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Zhan's POV

I can feel he was about to touch me. I feel like kick is ass out but I can't. Feeling of numbness. Feeling of emptiness.
Suddenly someone come by kicking the door of the room.
I try to open my eyes to look who is that.

It's Wang Yibo.
He save me as he said.
He is there to protect me as he said.
He hit on wen chao head. I feel relieved and satisfied.

My head started hurting not by the hit.
Seems I remember what have happened in our childhood.

Flash back-- Author's pov

"Come bobo, we can hide there" litte Zhan grab little Yibo's hand.

"Zhan Zhan, it's not safe there. It's a forest. We could hide some where else" little Yibo try to convince little Zhan.

"Please, so that we can away from here. We can be alone. You have told me we want to decide our passward bobo. Please. Let's discuss it"

"Zhan Zhan, it's just a book lock. You can make it anything. Why should it be comman. It's not big confidential files"

"Bobo, I know. Please bobo. As you always says. We can one. So I need to lock that book with our comman password."

"As your wish"

"Thank you bobo." Zhan Zhan kiss on bobo's cheeks.
They both run towards a forest and hide behind a tree. And started to discuss the password.

"Zhan Zhan."
"Aahmm, why don't we make a password that connects us. Like you as lion who saves me from all the bullies from school and me as little bunny who always likes to follow you"

"Zhan Zhan, your book lock doesn't have a lion and bunny"

"Oo...hmmmh!!!! I will make first letters of them. But later when we grow up make it that wise. Okay"

"Okay. Come lets go back. Something strange smell is coming"


"As you wish Zhan Zhan. Promise. I haven't break any promises I made to you"

"Then promise me you will be always with me. Like for ever"

"As you wish my little Zhan Zhan. Promise"

"You know right. I like you"

"I like you too. But Zhan. Come lets go"

"Bobo look. Fire" Zhan Zhan point to the forming fire from the center of forest"
Bobo grab Zhan Zhan's hand and start running. On the way zhan Zhan fell. And his knee starting bleeding.

"Bobo, blood. I feel dizzy"

"Don't be afraid okay. I am with you"

"Bobo but fire is here."

"Come. I will take you on my shoulders. Let's go for a piggy back ride."

Bobo knee down and take Zhan Zhan on his shoulders and start running.

Bobo knee down and take Zhan Zhan on his shoulders and start running

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