Chapter 27: Hardest day.

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Yibo's POV.

I don't know where should I go and what should I do. I am standing in the middle of the corridor. From here I can see all those people who are waiting for their loved from to recover, all those who are rushing to see someone, all those who are like me - out of mind.
Zhan is still in the ward. His energy drop down and that makes him weak and unconscious. I can't see him in that way. I sent all my and his family to check both my boyfriend and my friend.

Wanyin is still in dangerous situation. Brother is no where to see. I am really tensed about him. He was about to propose on him tommorow. He have already prepare everything. I feel like surrounded by a cold surface. I can't see anything. Filled with a smoky place.

I call brother for like fifty time. He is still unreachable. I ask Bowen to track him. He is also disconnected from him.

Suddenly a call came.

Xue yang: Boss it's me. I have found ge. He is there near the accident spot.

Yi bo: okay, I will take care of him. You please ask ji li and xing Chen to look after zhan. He is weak right now. I want him to back and look after his brother.

Xue yang: as you wish boss.

Yibo(cracked words): Take care of him.

I hang up the call and rush to accident spot. I forgot that I also share wanyin's track to brother. He might be there after us.

Huan's POV.

When I see the car. I get weak. More and more weak. I search for him with a shivering head. I was out of mind when I see the driving side of the car. It was like crash like hell.
When I see the blood I can't help. I cry aloud.

Suddenly I heard a sound of horn. I really can't see who it is. My tears make my eyes blurred.

"Ge"... It was Yibo. " Ge, what are you doing here. Come" Yibo take me and place he in the side seat of his car. I was really weak that I can't really breathe.

"Ge, please be awake. Wanyin needs you" Yibo said.
When I heard that I became alert.
"Wanji, take me to him. I want to see him ... Hug him... Kiss him..." I was so sobbing that I am unsure that Yibo understand what I said.

"Ge, please be strong. I will make sure everything will be alright" Yibo said and stop the car.
We reach hospital already.
"Ge, come with me." Yibo support me by placing my arms around his shoulder.


When i see the board I can't manage. I drop out of yibo's control. Yibo suddenly take be back to his hand and show wanyin through the window ( I don't know if in China there is a window or not. 🙄 Does they). I can see wanyin's head was wrapped with a kind of cloth. I still can't see clearly anything.
"Ge, we can wait him there" Yibo show me a seats near icu. He place me there and give me some water.
"Ge please drink it. I promise you if it is done my someone I will catch him and kill him infront of you. Please be strong. Atleast infront of me. I have only seen my happy brother. I don't want to see you in this form." He huge tightly. Now I don't know what to tell him.

"Mom, take care of ge. I will be back" Yibo ask mom.

"Yibo, where is Zhan. I can't see him any where." Mr. Xiao ask.

"Uncle, he is a little weak. I just ask doctor to check him up. He is now fine. I will take care of him. Please wait here for wanyin recovery".
Yibo left.

Suddenly the door of icu open.
I jumped to doctor and ask.

"Doctor how is he. Is he alright?"

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