Chapter 17: He is my boyfriend.

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Wanyin POV

I stayed at Wang's yesterday. Huan was not allowing me to go home. So I stayed with him.
"Babe, are you awake?" Huan ask. I can feel he was just looking at me while cuddling. Ofcourse he can see when I open my eyes.

"You can't see it babe?" I mock him.

"I can still. Yibo just call me. Your sister is with Zhan and he went out for something urgent"

"I want to go there babe"

"You can ofcourse you can. Get up and get ready. I have taken out some dresses for you to wear. It will be little long but still"

"You leave me. So that I can get up" I shake him.
He smiled and get up.
I took a fast freshen up session and go down.

"Wanyin?? When did you came son?" Mrs. Wang ask.

"Aunty, I came yesterday. I came here from hospital"

"That's good. Come sit have breakfast. Where is huan"

"He is getting ready"
I really don't want to hide anything from huan's parents. But they seems doesn't care. Means they are just asking like we are already couple for like years.
"A-cheng... How are you son. Is my son taking care of you?" came to dinning table and sit near me.

"Uncle. Good morning. Yes, he is"

"Good. I have seen you yesterday. Hope you are well now"

"Yes uncle. It's just. I didn't expect to happen these all. I was little worried"

"It's alright son. You don't have to worried about Zhan. Yibo will take care of him. Like always"

Ting tong.
Some was at door. Aunty ask a helper to open it.
It was someone I not familiar with.
He seems good looking but still not pure I guess. He seems hiding something.
Qiren uncle was to staying here in Wang mansion yesterday. He went for a trip 2 days ago.

"Meng yao. Why are you here so early" uncle Wang ask.

" I was here to see Dr.Huan" he said.

"Oh. Come sit. Have breakfast with us"

Huan came down. He seems haven't seen that men over there. He came near me and tap on my shoulder and take a sit next me.

"Eat well" huan mumbled in my head which was tickling. I nodded.
He take my hands under table without anyone noticing. I try to withdraw it but he seems holding it hardly. I just leave him the way he wanted.

"Ahremm!! Dr. Huan"
"Yes" huan seems see meng yao now.

"Oh .. a-yao. When did you came"

"I came here 10 minutes before" he seems doesn't like he sit near me. He is giving me hard times with his eyes. How dare he. I just hated it.

"It's good... Oh.. I haven't introduce him. This is wanyin... Wanyin this is my friend meng yao. He is now the heir of meng companies. You might have heard about him" I just nodded.

"Hi, wanyin" he said while shaking his head. He is not that good to me. But why?
What ever.

"Meng yao. What was the matter.?" Huan ask.

"Dr.huan it's just nothing. We haven't spend time after my business trip. I m sorry that I can't help to inform you before. It was urgent meeting"

"It's okay a-yao. It's like.... I can't come out with you today. Actually I want to go with my boyfriend. He need me today. And I don't think I can be with you without him. Sorry a-yao"
Meng yao seems shocked to hear what huan said.

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