Chapter 33: I love you Bunny

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WangXian Mansion:

Yibo and Zhan is in their home and trying to track that system. But all they got was an unknown IP address which is hard to decode. Zhan and Yibo try their best to make decode but still it is hard for them to do that.
“bobo, how about we try together?” Zhan asked.
“If you want to do that then we will try our best”
Then they both try their best to decode it and they got some information about how to decode it.
Initially they god and unknown musical string code which they decode within seconds with help of Zhan’s skill in music. Which was one step that meng Yao make it sure it is hard for Yibo. Though he can do that but with Zhan he did it within seconds.
“bobo, we did it.” Zhan jump to his boyfriend and sat on his lap and kiss on his cheeks.
“baby, it’s only a single code which is easy for you” zhan was not happy with yibo’s reply
“you know baby, we did something together for the first time. I feel like we are still kids. Do you remember when you came to my home to help me on an homework which turns out to so funny” zhan feel so excited to talk about their childhood so as Yibo.
“I do remember it, you was so embarrassed that I kiss on your cheeks in between” Zhan blush and yibo kiss on that blushed cheeks.
“Bobo, I really didn’t get that point when you kiss me suddenly from nowhere that’s why I react so” zhan said
“oh really, then why did you kiss me back?” zhan wasn’t expecting to remember that.
“you still remember that baby?”
“Ofcourse I do. That was my first kiss and yours too”
“yeah, yeah. Hey bobo we get next code”
Zhan and yibo turn back to their monitor. Which shows and kind of painting. They both try  their best to decode it but still it was hard for  them to do.
“how is this possible. We have check whole art and still it is hard for us to do this” yibo get so frustrated.
“baby, calm down. I got something” Zhan see a word which was hidden in the art form which is upside down. He turns the picture to its negative form and which turns out a password for that system
They both rush and track whole system and installed all the data and all that they needed.
They both transfer it to their system and make it safe guarded.
“Baby, I feel so bored” zhan said as he turns around and hug his boyfriend.
“baby, what do you want to eat. Let us make it together.” Yibo suggest.
They both go to Kitchen to make something. Zhan decided to make some Korean dishes. They both search in internet what they want to make
Finally they decided to make Sweet syrupy pancakes and Bibimbap. Yibo went to make pancakes and zhan decide to make rice.
Zhan have already made rice before but for yibo it was the first time to cook.”baby, you wan to clean nonstick pan firstly. I have already made batter for you. Its in the refrigerator.” Zhan give some directions to yibo as he see yibo is still trying to wear apron correctly.
“but baby. Its so hard” yibo said.
Zhan come to yibo and make the apron correctly and give him the batter and give him the direction to make rest by making one pan cakes. The he left to make the rice. On the half way to rice cooking yibo already over cooked two pancakes.
“bobo, you are not kid any more. What is this? You are wasting the batter which i store.”
“but baby see, its not coming out” yibo said showing the pancakes that is undercooked.
Zhan go near him and help him.
Yibo put his hands over zhan’s waist and blow air to zhan’s ears.
“baby, stop it. Let me make it. I am hungry now” Zhan stop Yibo.
“why are you stopping me baby. I can make you pleasure .” Yibo said and Zhan started to laugh.
“you can’t even make a pancakes how will you make me……..” zhan got cut of my yibo’s kiss.
“stop it bobo” zhan said and started to make cakes.
Yibo side on the kitchen seat and irritate zhan by giving him kisses and make him tickle.
Finally Zhan made whaole meal and yibo help to set dinning table and they eat dinner and went out to watch star filled night view from their backyard.
“do you remember bobo, we use to count stars together?”
“yes, and you were too slow “ yibo came and back hug Zhan.
“whatever still we reach ten thousand, right?”
“ah I remember it.” Yibo turn zhan around and give him a passionate kiss that he erg to give him when they were young.
“are we going to makeout out here” zhan ask as he cut off kiss.
“you want that?”
“no, lets go in. its too cold here”
Yibo take Zhan in the bridal style and go to their bedroom.
Yibo place zhan on their bed carefully and smash his lips to him and started kissing him and their tongue started playing with each other.
“you taste like strawberry” yibo said in between their kiss.
He started to take off zhan’s pj’s without breaking the kiss. And he undress himself too.
He started caressing Zhan’s lips to chin. And circle his finger on zhan”s nipple.
“aa..aaah” zhan slightly moaned which make yibo aroused.
“let me explore”  yibo
Yibo take take zhan’s nipples in his mouth and start sucking it like there is not tommrrow. With his hand pinch other nipple and play with it. After sucking both nipples he started caressing zhan from his stomach to all over the body. He placed his hand on Zhan’s waist and take him and make him sit on his lap and started sucking his lips.
“aa..aaaah…bobo” zhan moaned
Yibo cupped zhan’s butt and lay on him.
“your skin is so soft” yibo whisper. And explore him with his hands.
Zhan notice that yibo’s manhood is touching him and it feel so hard.
“why your’s is too big?” zhan ask.
“and why your’s is small” yibo mock and grab on it and went to suck it.
“aaa…aaaaaah” zhan slightly moaned as he grab yibo’s head and push him forward to feel the warmness.
“please don’t stop” zhan moaned more as he feel he is about to reach out.
Yibo continue and zhan release on yibo’s mouth.
“wwwooohh” yibo moaned as he drinks it.
Zhan bend and lean to yibo’s length and put it in his mouth and started suuking it hard.
“aaa..aah… so good baby”
Zhan continue it till yibo reach his mouth.
They continue it again and again.
Yibo take zhan and put his finger on his hole and make him moan load.
Yibo put it in and out again and put second and third finger too.
“aa…aaahhh….baby. I want to feel you in” zhan said in between moan.
“Yes baby… I am coming” yibo take his length and rub in on the entry on zhzn’s hole.
“baby please”
“yes baby” yibo again rub it and enter in.
“do you feel it baby?” yibo ask and smash his lips on zhan’s.
‘”aa…aahh” zhan moan in between.
Yibo take it in and out again and again and released it in zhan.
“aaa..aah.. baby you come in me”
“how is feel baby?”
“so warm. Do it aaagaaain….babbbbyy” zhan manage to say in between pleasure.
Yibo do it again and again and they until they both release on same it. All the time yibo release it into zhan due to their pleasure.
They complete like five to six round until zhan feel weak.
Yibo take zhan on his hand and cuddle him.
“baby, you look so beautiful when I see my semen drip out from you” yibo whisper on zhan’s hears which make him blush more.
“stop it baby”
“I know you feel more good than before as I release into you, is it baby?”
“hhmm..ammmm” zhan reply and slip in to sleep.
Yibo kiss on his forehead.

“I love you so much my bunny” yibo said and cuddle zhan and they slept

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“I love you so much my bunny” yibo said and cuddle zhan and they slept.

Bowen’s House

Bowen was recently busy as they get the information of hacking and all. He always stay in home so that to avoid any kind of chaos as being in office.
Bowen called yibo to ask any lead

Bowen: Boss, where are you. Did you get any lead?

Yibo: mmm..hh bowen, why are you calling so early? Do you have any problem?

Bowen: how can you sleep well when we still didn’t have any information about those hacker and stop moaning.

Yibo: calm down wen wen. I have figure it out and I am planning something with xue yang. He will inform you. I need your help too as well. And all in all don’t disturb my sleep.

Zhan: yea bowen, my baby is so sleepy.

Bowen: you both lovey dovely couple stop that moaning sound. My xing chen is still sleeping.

Zhan: xing is not awake yet?

Bowen: no.

Zhan: which means you make out with my xingchen yesterday night, right?

Bowen: no zhan, I didn’t sleep yesterday. And he is sleeping still like a baby.

Yibo:  you go and let us sleep.

Bowen:  okay what ever.

Bowen cut the call and inform xue yang and he gives details about their lead and their plan to trap them

Ji li and xue yang was at their brother’s house as they decide to close to them

“baby, don’t worry all will be fine by a couple of days and your brother will not lost his job in behalf of xiao company. He understand it. Mr. xiao is not a rude man”

“I know” they both cuddle and sleep again.


It's a short chapter again.
Hope you will like it.
I write it in windows words so you might feel some differences.

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