Chapter 6:FRIENDS

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Zhan's POV

My head is now fine. I feel calm. I don't want my family to be worry about me. So I decided to go to eat dinner.

"Babe, how are you now?" Mom seems so tensed.
"Mom, I am perfectly alright. And I am not that fragile child any more. So mom you take care of yourself" I chuckled.
" Are you laughing on me babe. I am happy that you are fine now. Go and call your brother and ask him come to have dinner."
"Okay, mom"

I was going to garden.
I see my brother was not alone at the garden. I don't want him to know I am watching him. So I hide behind a bush.

What... That man hold my brother's hand. What was that. He haven't allow me to touch him to make him calm. And he seems calm. Who is that behind the darkness.
I take a close look to find that man.

OMG!! That is Huan Ge.
Why he is alone with my brother.
They doesn't sounds like friendly talkies. They seems!!!!!!!!! Lovers. Don't tell me I missed out something this important.

"Ahremmm!!! Am I disturbing you!???" I can out of bush and giggle.
What am I seeing. Brother is blushing. Oh shit I need to record that. But I forget to take my phone from my room.

"Ahmmm... Zhan. When did you came?!"

" Huan ge. Am I missed out something"

Why wanyin is still quite. Strange. Extremely strange.

"Zhan, actually I came for you. Your brother told me that you were crying. So I thought to talk to you."

"But Ge. You are talking to brother instead of me. Have you lost in his face or something else" I laughed my lung out.

Wanyin stand up and beat me hard.
" A-cheng you are hurting a hurted man you now"

" Are you?!!"

He step forward and I run around the table in the garden. He chase behind me.

"Wanyin. Stop it. You might fall" I heard huan ge's words.

"Ge, you still forget about me"

I ways like to talk to huan ge. Actually I use to talk to him in phone. So that I could know about A-cheng in America. He was actually likey own brother. He always care for me though I was not with him. I bonded with him after A-cheng introduce him as his friend and I get to know we were childhood friends. So I like him as a big brother.

" Zhan.. it's just. I saw you brother was alone here. So...I... Think.."

" Oh!!? Like that. ... Okay okay... I am not making you feel awkward. Mom is calling you to dinner. Ge please join us."

"Yes yes"

We come back to dinning hall.

We come back to dinning hall

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"Huan .... Come. Come. Please take you seat. Why didn't inform me before to come.!?"

"Aunty, I was not planning to come. But when I get to know that Zhan is not feeling well form Wanyin I think I should visit him"

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