Chapter 15: I am in love with him.

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*Chapter contain harmful situations. Which is only written to define character. Please don't consider it as good deed.

Yibo's POV

I ways ask to myself. Why i didn't fell for anyone till now!?. Now I know why. HE. He is the reason why I can't fell for anyone.
In my heart, he was always there. Without my knowledge.
I remember all when I see him with someone. I was the one who made for him. Not anyone else.
When that wen Chao was about to touch him, I was burning inside. I was hurting inside.
I hate myself that I let him go there.
Now I know why my password and his are alike and now I know why I came back to here.
The only reason I call Xue Yang was to put off the fire in my heart. He dare to touch my Zhan Zhan. He must die.
I have a past which no one can ever imagine. Which is all hidden with my power there and here. Xue Yang is the only one who knows exactly what I did in my past. I feel pity for that wen.

I called an officer to release wen Chao.

"Wang Yibo this side"

"Yes sir, why did you call. How can I help you"

"Release Wen Chao. Today itself. I mean by 4 am"

"Yes sir, but sir. There is some procedures. What should I do"

"I don't want to know anything. I need him here in my godown by 4am"
I hanged up.
I wasn't planning to come back to be a murder again. But what should I do. He did something that he shouldn't.
I come to Zhan ward.
He is sleeping like a baby. Ji li is also there near to his bed. I change the bed to sleeping posture. And place a blanket over him.
He take my hand ang hug it. I was shocked. I thought he is awake. But is was sleeping. He heard he is mumbling something. I lean to him.

"BoBo, please don't go. I am afraid" he mumbled.

My cute little bunny. I am not going to leave you after I get to know all our past. But I will not let you know that I remember all. I want to give you a big proposal after you get back to home.
I take my hand and caress his hair and place a kiss on his forehead.
I is always cute when he irritate me. I like to look at him all the time.


"Yes, Yibo this side"

"Boss, it's done"

"Lock him in the room and give him shock."

I hanged up. And I call xue yang.

"Black, where are you. I need you in my godown by 5"

"Boss, I am on my way to China. I will reach there by 4:30 am."


"Boss, who is this man. What did he do!?"

"Black it's personal. I don't want to tell you through phone. You get back there"

"Okay boss, as you wish."

Black is a code name i use to call when we are about to go on an operation. We didn't use name on phone.
Bowen still have no idea what exactly my role in their group. He knows that I too involved in it. But he didn't know exactly what it is. I really want to keep it low. Dad is always against to hurt anyone. But for me, who all are against me and my wish are not capable to live their life. I hate illegality. I hate those who do it.
I make Xue yang and all my other friends to know each other. Because rather than our duty there is something called love and life. I want xue yang to be in a life that he wishes without any gunshot sounds.
He is an orphan. I turn him to what he is now. I always need him by my side when I am about to do something is not acceptable by others but him. He also have these kind or urges as me.

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