Chapter 5:I think I love you.

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Huan's POV

We both reach the beach and start walking through the line.
I don't know why he is feeling awkwardness today. We use to spend time together before. But why he is behaving in this way.
"Are you alright now?" I ask him so that I can replace this awkward moment.
" Yea, why not. I am already fine. There is nothing that make me not fine." He said tumble. I catch him by his waist and look into his eyes. We stay there for few seconds. Is remind me the childhood we use to spend together. Hand in hand. That was cute.
" Ahermm.... I am alright. Leave me." He said and I loosen my grip on him. Again we remain silent.
I really want to know about his feelings. I know I love him. I realised it after I departed to America. I love to be with him.
I know he don't know about this feelings. Actually I am feeling it.

We both choose a place to sit.
I prefer to remain mute. Because I know he need that.
I think ...... I think this is the best time to confess. Atleast I want to make this clear. I love him. So keep up these feelings will make it more complicated.
If our parents are looking for someone to share my life. I want it to be him. I know these type of relationship is something not still acceptable in our country. But if it is for us being together, I will choose anything other country to stay and be with him forever.

 But if it is for us being together, I will choose anything other country to stay and be with him forever

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Wanyin's POV

I am feeling better now. He was not talking to me. That was his right decision. I need to be in my thoughts.
After some time cold engulf and I started shivering.

Huan stand from there and form some fire.
It's warm.
Feel like heaven.
He always know what is right for me at the right time.
I was so relax and close my leg towards chest and rest my head on my knees.
Suddenly someone grab my hands.
I turn to huan.
He was looking into my eyes.
I was shocked to see him so close to me.
He held my hands tightly.
" I know that I am not so perfect. And I might not someone who you choose when it comes to sharing."
He exhale.
I was surprised. He is one of the perfect guy I have ever seen.
And he continue.
"Seeing you in confused. I..... I don't know this is the right time to tell you anything. Or something like this important to me."
Wait what was that. Is he....... No... No way... Why....I mean really. He.... Is he going to confess something. Don't tell me.
" Are you listening to me"
" I was saying that, I want to make you clear that there is something I want to make you clear. Situation is really awkward. But I want to say it."
He kissed my hands.
"I love you. I don't know when it started. And I don't know if you feel same way as I feel....... Yes I know this same gender relationships are not that accepting in our place. But I feel that for you. And I haven't feel this kind of feelings for anyone else. That's..... I think I love you".
I was dumbfounded.
He loves me.
I stare to his eyes. I don't know what has happening.
" I know you are not comfortable to give me your reply right now. But I wanted to tell you this. And make you clear that I am not going to marry someone I don't love."
"But.... I ...."
" Don't need to reply. I will go back to home. You can think about it. But I can't see someone else in your place in my heart. You can decide anything that your heart says........ Come lets leave. Our partners might be looking for us. I want to go back. So.... Let's go".

Yibo's POV

I want to leave from here and ask about this trap door. No ... No..... its not the right thing to do. But I really want to know what he is hiding.

" Hey Mr.Wang. please wait."
"You. Why are you following me."
" I am the one who should be get anger. Why you are behaving in this way. I am here to take promise from you."
" Promise me that this will remains only between us"
"Say promise" he said annoyingly.
" Okay., You can go now."
What ever, he is so rude. Thinking about the fact he should be I just............ I am the one who misbehave.
Am I blaming myself..!?
He go towards the living room where all our parents are.
I follow him.

Author's POV

"Where is huan..!?" Mrs. Wang ask.
" I am here mom. We just went for a drive." Huan reply as he enter to house.
" But son. Is this is the time to go out and hangout...!? Thank god you are safe." Mrs.Xiao said.
" Mom. We are not kids anymore. So please." Wanyin reply.
" A- Cheng, but for us you are kids. Always"
" Zhan., I was asking for you. We are about to leave. Yibo.... Where were you." Mrs. Wang ask.
"Mom, I ... I .... Just .... I went for a walk."
"Yea, yea we went for a walk. Right Wang Yibo..!?" Xiao Zhan teases him.
"You both were together..!?". Mrs.Xiao ask.
" Not exactly mom. But kind of."
Yibo was too disturbed and with any glaze he went towards the car porch.
"Yibo..., Sorry for his manners Crystal. You know him right. He is always like this."
"Hey, Carmen. He is my son. It doesn't matter".
" But still. He need to respect. I will punish him for sure."
"Carmen, you punishment is so funny for me... I think he too doesn't bother." And she laugh.
" Okay fine, we are leaving".
" Don't forget to take you husband. Or else he might end up staying here." Mrs. xiao laugh and all join her.
"Mrs.Xiao this is too much. I was giving my regards to my best friend." Mr.Wang said.
" Yea yea we can see that"
" Okay, Chen we are leaving. For today. I want to talk to you about more on our business merging and about something else" mr. Wang wink to his friend.
"We will meet again." Mrs. Wang ask Xiao Zhan to talk.
" Zhan, what about the box"
"Ah.. Carmen mom I will go through it. If you don't mind. Will you tell me about that promise"
" You will get your answers from that dairies of yours"
Then she enters to her car. Yibo was already sitting in driver's seat. Due to some problems in their other cars they choose Yibo's car only to come to the function.

 Due to some problems in their other cars they choose Yibo's car only to come to the function

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*Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita

They leave from Xiao resident.

Zhan's POV

After they leave I rush to my room.
On my way I saw A-cheng. He seems so disturbed and happy. Thats strange. I put my hands around his shoulder and hung on him.
" Hey, my brothers... You seems happy. What happened...!?? Will you give me an opportunity to know the reason behind your cutie face." I mock him and he beat on my stomach with is elbow.
" It hurts"
"It should be. You are not qualified to the reason. So let me take a nap. Bye babie brother."
Strange.. today everything is strange.


What might be in that diary..!??

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