Chapter 28: it's impossible.

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Yibo's POV

Zhan is so excited to see his brother even I am.

Ring ring

Xue yang: boss, I can't block him.

Yi Bo: black take help of our men in America.

Xue yang: but boss, why we should rush. We can make him come to our way know?

Yi Bo: yea, you are right. I will bring him here. In front of my brother.
Make him cry.

Xue yang: boss, it's not the time to show anger. It's time to initiate our steps.

Yibo: okay, you decide what should we do. My head is not working. I want to meet wanyin. You takecare okay.

Xue yang: Yibo you know I can take care of my self. You look after all out there. And..

Yibo; yes..

Xue yang: tell ji li that I will be busy these days.

Yibo: I know you are workaholic but you have to look after both equally.

Xue yang: I am trying. But I can't. Is he is in my mind I can't make it up.

Yi bo: black, please be xue yang for an hour. Talk to him. I can't play in between. He is a soft guy. Okay I am hanging okay.

Xue yang: okay Yibo.

After I hang up. I go to hospital.
Zhan was calling me back to back. But I didn't take it because I am on the way.

I get to wanyin's ward.
Zhan was there near wanyin.

"Wanyin, how are you" I ask

"I am fine" he said in a low voice.

"Yibo, I want to talk to you" Zhan said and pull me out of the ward.

"What happened baby, why you are looking so pale and where is brother"

"Baby" he said and hug me.
I break hug and ask.

"Zhan Zhan, tell me. Is there any problem?"

"Yibo, a-cheng have amnesia"

"What,!? But"

"Doctor said that he need some time recover all his memory. It's not like whole memory lost. It's just ...he forget some fragments of memories"

"Zhan.. he must need time. Don't be tensed okay. I will talk to doctor"
Zhan stop me and hold my hand.

"Bobo, A-cheng forgot Huan ge"

"What!?" I was so shocked that at that factor of seconds I feel how my brother might be feeling right now.

"Yes, when I reach him. He was with ge. But he wasn't even looking to him. He was talking to me. But ge was holding his hands all the time.
When I ask him about his boyfriend. He said he don't have boyfriend. Ge ask him if he knows him or not. He said he don't. Ge left from the ward after that"

"What .. where is ge!?"

"I don't know Yibo. I can't follow him. Wanyin was alone"

"Okay, I will go for him. Don't worry okay. " I cup Zhan's face and give him a peak.

"Baby, take care of him." He said and I left him.

I don't know where should I search ge. But I was sure that if wanyin is here ge will not go far away from hospital.
I ask stuffs in hospital and ask them if they have seen my brother. All know our family because we own this hospital.
One stuff said that she see him on the way to balcony.
I rush to there and look him all over there.

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