Chapter 7:Dairy

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Zhan's POV

I want to find out what it is. By the way that Wang Yibo is so rude. What ever.
I want to focus.
I go to my bunnies room and lock the whole room from there.

I take out the first dairy.

I take out the first dairy

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I was literally surprise. It's just a book that hide smal stuffs in it. I am sure there is something that bothers me in it.
In those compartment. There was small stuffs like an heart shaped button, a candle that is half burned and a pendrive.
These are not the stuffs that bother me. There was a picture. I childhood picture of me with a boy. That boy looks kind of familiar to me.
And that picture are holding by a sticker named "BoBo"

 And that picture are holding by a sticker named "BoBo"

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*I don't know who edited this picture. I got it from one of the yizhan ff called "I hate you". If you haven't read it go and read. I use to read it all days because I love it like hell.
- author.

I take the picture. That was me ofcourse. Who is that. I have seen that picture before..but where.
I look to my table where I framed a childhood picture of me.

I look to my table where I framed a childhood picture of me

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That was me and A-cheng. Mom click this picture so that we stop fighting.

I know that yellow jacket baby is me.
Yes. I got it. I have seen this picture in my mom's room.
I rush to my parents room.

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