Chapter 43: Birthday and Hospital

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After 8 months.

Zhan is in his ninth months. As promised Yibo make him learn all he wanted. Each day they fall for each other more and more.
Zhan use to spend his time alone in his room as he don’t want others to see him with his baby bump.
It’s not that he is embarrass of. It’s because he know this pregnancy is complicated and he wanted to be alert.
They already get to know that they are expecting a twins.
It’s two boys.
Yibo was so busy these days that now he is abroad for some business deal.
After the merging of both their companies they are now facing a large deals and that make Yibo stay with his husband fifteen days with and without him.
Zhan was really sad about that but he know that it is for them.
After their honeymoon and company merging all other couples also married as they don’t want to make their boyfriends feel numb.
The growth of company have effect all of them.
All are busy but still they have time for their husbands.

Zhan’s POV.

My due date is here.
I really want bobo to be here. I know he is busy. But still he try to text me every minute.
Here he go.
Bobo: baby, you okay right?
Zhan: I am bobo, you please focus on your meeting.
Bobo: you know I am only physically here. My mind is with my husband and my babies.
Zhan: bobo, come you will be back day after tomorrow right?
Bobo: yes, but still I want to kiss you now. Here. And this moment I want to run out of this office.
Zhan: bobo, me and babies and happy. The nanny you kept for me is so friendly and she gives me lots of advice on how to take care of baby.
Bobo: really baby? Teach me too okay. I try to get all books to read on how to become a good dad. But it’s not fun to read it alone. I want to read it with you as we do.
Zhan: bobo, I love you.
Bobo: I love you too baby. Is our little Zhans making my baby annoying.
Zhan: no daddy. But we miss you.( Pretending as babies).
Bobo: my cuties don’t make my Zhan Zhan mad. I will be back soon
Zhan: bobo did you forget something?
Bobo: no I’ don’t.
Zhan: you know about tomorrow right? Don’t hide it okay.
Bobo: BABY, I don’t know. Is that important? I am really sorry baby. Don’t be mad. Tell me what is tomorrow?
Zhan: leave it. Come fast. I really want at least you be here with me tommorow. It’s okay fine. You don’t remember it. Leave it.
Bobo: I am really sorry to forget it. But I will try to come day after tomorrow morning itself baby.
I am going baby, take rest. Something came up.

I didn’t reply to bobo.
It’s my birthday tomorrow. And he is not here.
“ Babies, I only have you both tommorow. We can relax and chill with each other”
Recently I really share all my feelings with them.
I started to learn everything little things for them.
Xing chen and ji li use to come to me if bo bo is not around. But seems they too forget my birthday.
I really want to cuddle bobo.
Next week will be hard for me. I want to enjoy this week to full. But all are gone.
“Young master, lunch is ready” nanny come and said.
“Okay, I will be there in a minute”
I clean my face and comb my hair.
I go to eat. Nanny is a good cook.
She cook almost everything I love. I think bobo make her to learn it. Nanny once said me that while selecting a nanny bobo ask each and every little thing. Which makes me laugh. I know my husband is little concerned over me and babies.
Sometimes I. Feel annoying on his behaviour but it’s fine. That his love to me.
“Young master, master Yibo called us and ask you to sleep after lunch” nanny said
“why?” is that husband of mine mad.
“He said you seems week.”
“Ah he said you didn’t reply him and he thought you are weak”
“Okay..okay..I will. Tell him I will be sleeping in noon”
I eat all my food and went to sleep.
“babies, what do you feel. Daddy is behaving like a baby right?” I ask to my belly.
They give me a kick as reply.
I am actually not liking this.
When I talk about bobo they give me a sign and when I am the one who simply talking to them they will pretend as sleeping.
But I love it when I see them through my belly.
“daddy forget you papa’s birthday. Is it that fair? Do we want to punish daddy?”
They give me a kick again.
I take that sign as yes. As I want that. How can he just forget that so easily. I am his husband right.
Babies might have ask me to don’t but I will.
I sleep for four hours and wake up.

When I study all those business I use to make bobo irritate with my doubts.
Actually I like martial arts more. Bobo is really something on it. Within seconds he defend everyone around him.
“baby, daddy tell me he will each early but I really miss your daddy.”
I started talking to babies for hours.
In short I have nothing to do rather than this.

Author’s POV.

Yibo was on his way to give his husband surprise on his birthday.
“xue yang please. I want to be alone with my baby. After all he want only me” Yi bo said.
“but we are also his friends” xue yang replied.
“okay fine. I have arrange a party afternoon. You all are invited”
“wait wait , which means we are like outsiders*” yang yang said.
“Ofcourse. I want you all only there. Not around my husband” Yibo said and left to airport.
It’s only a four hours flight to China.
These days is so hard for Yibo to make up to his husband but he was always the world’s best husband to Zhan.
Yi bo call Zhan.
Yibo: baby, you awake?
Zhan: yes bobo.
Yibo: don’t sleep alone okay.
Zhan: what??.
Yi bo: I mean don’t forget to place your pushies.
Zhan: I won’t.
Yibo: I am sending you a tons of kisses baby.
Zhan: I want the real one not virtual.
Yibo: baby… please don’t pout.
Zhan:  you always know me best.
Yibo: baby….
Zhan: yes bobo.
Yibo: I love you and I missing you and it is killing me.
Zhan: aw my cute little husband. I love you too amd missing you too.
Yibo: kisses for my Zhan Zhan. I need to go.
Zhan: love you. Take care okay.
Yi bo: you want to take care of your self first.
Yibo boarded and he will reached their home wuthin five hours.
The set up a little outdoor date and a birthday cake for his husband.
“Nanny, don’t tell Zhan Zhan.”
Nanny nodded.
Yibo set up everything thing and waiting for the time to strike twelve.

Zhan’s POV.

Why bobo didn’t text me. It’s already six hours. I try to call him but his phone is switched off. I call all his friends and all said be left from meeting and he is tired.
I know he might be. But still he will call me in all situations.
I can’t sleep in thought of that.
“Babies, I am tensed. Don’t be scared okay. It’s just papa feels uncomfortable” I try to talk to them.
Suddenly I heard a knock from the balcony door in my room.
I am so scared to open it.
Still I want to know who is that irritating me.
I am already tensed.
When I slide the curtain of the balcony door. I am.shocked it’s bobo.
“Baby” I open the door as fast as I can and jump to his waist.
I hug him tightly and kiss on all over his face and stay there like that.
“zhan Zhan, you gain weight” he giggle.
“then leave me. You ungrateful husband” I pouted and try to loose his grip on my butt.
He is so strong and I failed as usual.
“I am just joking.  You gained weight but a little. You are not that heavy that I can’t lift.” He said and kiss on my forehead.
He take me to the bed and give me a comforting hug and kiss on my baby bump.
“Daddy is back babies” when they hear their daddy they both react with a kick.
Bobo please his ears on my belly.
“did you both take care of papa.?”
“I will be sad if you both don’t”
I just look at them chit chating.
“Bobo, I love you” I kiss on his hair.
“Zhan Zhan, my baby. Come” he. Hug.
We cuddle there for an hour.

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