Chapter 35 : Track them

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Author’s POV

Yibo and Others was still tracing a drug dealer which was someone Yibo know. Yibo call him.
Yibo: it’s me.
Caller: How can I help you buddy?
Yibo: I need to get an information about the drug dealer Meng Yao.
Caller: He..he is not good Yibo. You know me I have stop these dirty business.
Yibo: I don’t have time on that Xian. Just sent me the information.
Caller: Specifically?
Yibo: properties in China. Mostly abandoned aloike.
Caller: You can always relay with me Yibo. I am alive only because of you.
Yibo: Li Xian, I want your help.
Li Xian: I have already sent it to Black.
Yibo: thank you. Meet you soon.
Lixian: I am waiting for you and your fiance.
Yibo: okay okay.
“Yibo, I got the place. But it’s not easy for us to deal it.  There are four door in the building that show as it entry. In there, there are guards too. But I wonder how did he make it this secured” Bowen said as he see the information.
“Boss, we need to go there. It’s near border of Afghanistan” Xue yang said.
“I can help you with my force” Darren said.
“I will go” Zhan shouted.
“Zhan, I can’t afford that” Yibo said.
“Why it’s about my brother too Mr.Wang Yibo” Zhan shouted again.
“calm down Zhan. It’s time to understand” Xing Cheng said to Zhan to make him relax.
“How can I. My brother” Zhan started crying.
Yibo came and hug him.
“Baby, please trust me. I will only give priority to your brother upon every thing. Please I want you too to monitor” Yibo said and tab on Zhan’s back.
“You promise me to take them back here” Zhan said
“I promise baby. Now come give me a kiss” Yibo said.
Zhan give him a peak
“how can you act like this in this situation” Ji li said.
“I want to make him calm to work our plan”
Xue Yang, Bowen and Yibo decided to go there and make them out. But they can’t just go there. So they wait for call.
Finally the call came.
Caller:  what do you decide?
Yibo: I will do anything. But I want both of them healthy.
Caller: hahahah. As you wish Mr.Wang Yibo.
Yibo: shut that your shouting tongue.
Caller: don’t act reckless Wang Yibo. Your brother and brother-in-law is still with us.
Yi bo: you….you stay way from them.
Caller: I am.
Yibo: I will only take back the case after I see them healthy.
Caller: that is not possible.
Yibo: I can’t act upon my words.
Caller: don’t act as brave. We can still head upon you. And you know that too.
Yibo: Hey you…Piece of Shit. Don’t make me an animal that I have forget about.
Caller: you shut up. I don’t care who the hell was you.
Yibo: Su She. You still disobey me.
Caller: How did you know my name.
Yibo: it’s a matter of seconds for me. Just give me what I ask.
Caller: or else.
Yibo: Lucifer will be decode all yours and your boss’s asset.
Caller: LuCiFEr….
Yibo: Yes.
Caller: You know him.!?
Yibo: cut the carp and tell me about your decision within 10seconds.
Caller: okay…okayy…fine
All others was so surprised to see yibo’s black and dark aura.
“Baby, who is that. I see right now” Zhan ask. Come near to Yibo a s touch on his cheeks.
“Baby, I will tell you everything. But now I want you to be safe sound here. And we are leaving. I will not make that meng yao free” Yibo said.

All get into a cab with fully monitors and device tat needed to track and hack the camera and devices near by.
Yibo, Zhan, Bowen, xue yang, and Xing Chen enter to the cab. Darren and his men was instructed to encircle the building so that they can’t escape from there.
Su she sent them to spot.
After they reach a distance. Yibo decided another Car so that they can’t keep an eye on the cab.
“baby, be careful okay?” Zhan said and kiss on Yibo’s forehead. Yibo smile and get into the car.
“Boss is not that fragile. You all don’t know our boss well” Xue Yang said.
“Still he is my baby. I want to be get afraid of him going into trouble” Zhan said.
They all reach near the building.
“Bowen and Xue yang, I will instruct xue yang their path to enter the building and xing Chen to you Bowen. So only listen the command we give. I only give information to xue yang and xing Chen to you Bowen. So be ready”
They have planned to get into the building at the time when their focus in on Yibo.
Yibo was so sure that they will not show him huan and Wanyin as he order. So he made this decision.
Zhan ans Xing Chen will monitor the cctv in that particular building and track that Device and collect the information in there.
“xue yang. As I get the track of cctv in West side I will instruct you to the way in” Zhan give command.
“Wen wen, please careful okay. I am really not feeling good right now”
“if you feel good that means you have some kind of problem with your brain. How can you relax in these kind of situation. Xing chen” Xue yang Cut of Bowen.
“I will baby” Bowen said and he hug xing chen.
“You both, stay apart okay. I am missing my boyfriend” Xue yang said
“you are right Xue yang, I was about to tell them” Zhan said.
“Zhan, get any information from Yibo” Bowen ask.
“Not yet. I am hoping within a minute” Zhan replied.
After couple of minutes he got a text.
“Okay guys, on work okay. And Xue yang. Please take care of my sweet heart in” Zhan whisper the last part to xue yang. He nodded and go to track.

Meng Yao’s Side.

“seems your brother is on the way. I wonder how the hell he knows about Lucifer and what is his connect with him?” Meng yao ask huan.
Huan just ignore him and Wanyin snuggle in to huan’s chest. Meng yao was not enjoying the scene infront of him.
“You, go away from my huan” Meng yao roar and come near them.
“NO” Wanyin shouted.
“Seems cute couples what to dead in my hands” meng yao said.
“I will die with my husband. I am happy for that. Stil I will not listen to you” huan said.
“Huan baby, I will not hurt you” meng yao knee down to huan and try to touch his hair. Wanyin slap that hand and hug huan.
“How dare you do that to me.” Meng yao roar.
He take out the grip of wanyin with huan and command a men near him to beat him. That man come and start beating him with a log.
“Meng yao, I warn you to don’t touch him” huan roar.
Meng yao continue the view and ask his men to beat more. Huan come in-between the log and cover wanyin.
Meng yao suddenly command to stop.
“Baby, are you alright?” meng yao knee to hugging huan.
“Don’t date to touch me. You bitch” huan roar. This might be the first time huan to use bad words.
Meng yao was not expecting these kind of reactions from huan for sure.
“Take them back to change their dress. Yibo is on the way” Su she come and ask his men to do so.
Two men come and take couples to another room.
As for description of room. It was not a kind of rrom as garage or anything. It’s actually look like a small living room with a small dinning table in black and brown theme.
“Is he here?” meng yao ask.
“On the way” su she said.
“did you search about where was the last time Lucifer show?” meng yao ask.
“yes, it was near America. I think Lucifer more resembles Yibo” su she suggests.
“No way, I am sure he used the name to make us follow his command” meng yao.
“Ask him to wait” meng yao command.

Yibo enter to the building. He see as well maintained room.
“Mr.Wang Yibo,  wait here for my boss” Su she said. As he come outside.
“I am here to see my brother and in-law”
“ listen what I said” su she frustrated.
“I am not listening a shit like you” Yibo said.
“Wang Yibo don’t make me kill you” su she said.
Yibo laughed loud. By then Meng Yao come to yibo and sushe.
“Wang Yibo, you are still here”. He said
“Cut the crap and lead me to my brother and in-law” Yibo said coldly.
“I am not a fool to believe your word that you know Lucifer” meng yao laugh.
“Hahahahaaaa.. when did I said that I know Lucifer” Yibo laugh again more.
“you trick me” su she roar.
“ I said I can make him come back” Yi bo said coldly.
“hahhaaa, how could you” meng ya laugh and command a men near him to bring huan and Wanyin.
They both came near them.
“ge..Wanyin” Yibo try to get ther but a men stop them. When he see the blood stain in wanyin which make him more angry.
“let me see the Lucifer. I want him to come here and save them. This is my kingdom. No one dare to do anything here” meng yao.laugh again.


I hope to see you all soon as I stop without a full stop. Hope you will like it.

•what might be Yibo's relation with Lucifer?
• how can they friends help huan and Wanyin out of danger?

Hope I can answer these by another chapter.
See you all tommorow.

I am really thankful for each reader here.

I start writing this chapter to finish this chaos

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I start writing this chapter to finish this chaos. But seems it's hard to convey with a chapter.
I hope I can complete this by a chapter.

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