Chapter 37: Pregnant

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Yibo’s POV

I don’t know if I should be happy… or not.
My Zhan Zhan is pregnant.
But ….wait… is he is a male like me….
“Doctor, I hope you know, he is a male” I ask doctor who is as surprising as me.
“I am also as surprised as you Mr. Wang Yibo. I haven’t heard about this too. I think it might be caused due to some hormonal fluctuations and what should I say …… might be a blessing” doctor said.
“But doctor, is he able to do that. I mean he is not physically capable to carry a child.”
“We hope to give you maximum medical support for his entire pregnancy” doctor replied.
“Doctor…. Is he awake… I mean did he know that?” I don’t know what should be his reaction.
“No, we just give him an anesthesia to rest and he is in observation as he is pregnant and now his blood pressure is normal. So you don’t have to worry about him more. You need rest now.” Doctor said.
“Doctor, I want to tell him that we are pregnant” I insist and doctor left.
Me and Zhan was in a ward as xing chen ask for.
We are just a curtain apart. I just move the curtain and lie back to by bed. I don’t know what I am feeling right now.
I am a father now. Wow. … I can’t describe my feelings ( I too can’t🤭) I am just looking at My Zhan who is peacefully sleeping. I look more handsome now. It might my thought but still I love to watch him.
Why I didn’t notice any symptoms till today. I want to ask doctor how long is he pregnant.
I am damn sure that he didn’t show any symptoms. I don’t know how should I tell all.
Doctor only said it to me.
Bowen and xing Chen come inside our ward.
“Yibo, how are you now?” Bowen ask.
“as you can see. I am perfectly alright. I can’t feel anything pain in my body”
“What, doctor just said that it might be little pain and it will heal fast and all” xing chen said.
Is it really paining. Then I don’t feel it yet. I am only feeling some snowfall in my stomach. That started after I get to know that we are pregnant.
“It might be anesthesia’s effect” Bowen said and sit near me and xing Chen went near to Zhan.
“Is there anything that makes you happy Yibo?” Bowen ask from no where. I wonder how he get that. Actually he can’t read me as well as my brother.
“Your eyes is shining” Bowen said.
“is it?” am I started showing my emotions.
“Zhan might be awake anytime. Doctor told. It’s just a drop of blood pressure” Bowen said.
“okay, I am to talk to my bunny alone. You both go and freshen up. And don’t bother to tell everyone that I am injured okay..!? They might get tensed” I ask and Bowen nodded and went near xing che. And take him with him and left.
I wake up from my bed and went near my Zhan . I take him hands and rub it.
I can see he is slightly moving his limps and eye lord.
“” Zhan reply with a hmm sound.
“Baby, wake up.” I was excited to tell me.
“Baby.. look I am perfectly alright” I ask him Again.
My baby slightly open his eyes and see me staring at him with excitement.
“Bobo” he called me.
“Yes baby”
He try it wake up. I went near him and adjust the bed and make him sit.
He cup my face and kiss on my eyes, then cheeks and then on my lips.
“baby, you scared me” he said and hug me tightly.
“baby, I can’t breath” I said as his he tighten the grip.
“Bobo, let me see..” he break the hug and check up wound which is well tied up but still there is a light blood stain. He see that and it makes him sad.

“Baby, it’s nothing” I try to make him convenience that I am perfectly alright.
“shut up” he shouted which I didn’t expected.
“okay…okay..calm down. I will call doctor and he himself will tell you that I am alright” I said and press the bell icon to call doctor.
I hug him as I see he is sulking without any reason
“Mr. Wang,”
“doctor, tell my zhan Zhan that I am alright” I ask.To doctor as u see him coming to us.
“Mrs.Wang your husband is perfectly alright. He just need some rest of a week. That too you can chose to be hear or opt your Home” doctor said.
Zhan started to smile from his sulking face.
“Thank you doctor” he said.
Doctor was about to left I make him stop and go to him.
“doctor, when did he get pregnant?” I whisper to him.
“its only 2 weeks or a week.” Doctor said and tap on my shoulder and left.
I come near my baby.
“Baby, what are you feeling right now. Do you want something” I ask as I see him searching for something.
“no bobo, I just wonder why I am here. “. He ask.
“Nothing baby, it’s just you drop.blood pressure” I said.
I was trembling inwards as I don’t know how my bunny will react over his pregnancy.
I go near him and near on the bed near to his head and take his hand.
“Bunny, I want to tell you something. Something that is more important than anything” I said looking into his eyes. He might have sense something.

Zhan’s POV.

What is that important which is making me trembling inside. Is he going to break up with me as I can’t protect him. I can see my hands started shaking. Bobo take both my hands and kiss on it.
“Baby, Don’t break up with me” I cried loudly.
I started beating in his stomach.
“Baby stop,.. you know I can’t live without you” bobo said and he grab me completely..
“ then why are you scaring me while looking at me” I ask.
“Baby, I said it’s important to us. Please listen” I nodded.
He come near me and kiss on my forehead.
“Baby, it’s .. like…. We are pregnant” he said.
I was losing my control. He sent his sperm to make kids with someone else. I feel so sad I sob like hell which make my bobo confused. He agaiy forcefully cup my face and kiss on my lips. Which was a passionate one and I kiss him back.
“Zhan. Zhannn.. baby, don’t be scared I am here” he hug me even closer and I cuddle inside his chest as I smell his scent which is too calming for me.
“Baby, don’t give anyone your sperm” I said lightly.
“WHAT” he was surprised.
“I want our kid to look like me also. Let’s adopt one after our marriage” I said.
“Baby, what are you talking about. I said.. you are caring my baby, that we are pregnant” he said.
What did he said now….
How can I..
How can I be pregnant.
“Bobo” I called him lightly.
“Yes, Jaan(means life- it’s an Indian language-hindi)”
I unconsciously touch my stomach and look my boyfriend who’s eyes was bright as sun.
I was silent for a while that I can’t digest the news that I am pregnant. How can it happen. I have a dick as my boyfriend.
“Baby, you don’t want a baby” Yibo ask with a concern.
“Now baby, it’s not that. But how can i be pregnant. I am a man” I ask.
“when I was surprised jaan. But doctor said that it might be caused due to hormonal fluctuations” Yibo said.
Does that mean I really am.
“Which mean we will have a baby as our own. We don’t want a surrogate mother” I was excited and I hug my baby' daddy.
“Are you ready to take care my little version baby?” Yibo ask me. I know he is making me blush. And he did it.
“Stop you”… I slightly tap on his chest which I slightly touch on his wound and he growled a little.
“Sorry baby,… I am really sorry ….does that hurt” I almost cried when my baby cup my face.
“ don’t drop it. I don’t want to see you crying baby. It’s not hurt..I Just said to mock you … okay” bobo said and kiss me on my forehead.
“Lets call doctor now’ so that we can ask more about how to take care of my little bobo” I said as baby wipe my tears.
“Now….!?? Now my baby need some sleep. We will see them after you eat something okay??” bobo said.
I slipped into sleep as I feel so weak.
After sometime I feel a warm hands on my face. I slightly open and look. It was a-cheng.
“a-cheng, how are you?” I ask while trying to sit straight.
“I am alright. It’s just a wound that can heal fast” he said.
“But a-cheng why are you being so soft to me. You should scold me to come near you on there when meng yao catch you” I ask.
“I am not in a mood to play around” he said and tap lightly on my head.
“ really, is this is my brother or someone else” I ask to mock him.
“its nothing Zhan, he is a little jealous of you being pregnant” huan ge come and hug a-cheng’s waist.
“No, I am not, I am…little worried about him” a-cheng said.
“You … stop showing caring side of you. I am sure your are just acting” though I see he cares me a lot in his eyes I just want to see him gritting teeth.
“You… I will not talk to you” a-cheng said and tie his hands between his chest and sat near to seat near Zhan.
“how are you brother in law?” huan ge ask.
“I am perfectly alright ge. Where is my bobo.?” I ask as I can’t see my Baby anywhere near me.
“doctor just make him sleep as he roaming around you and cleaning you and kissing you and all” ge said.
He make me embarrass. I blush on ge’s word.
“where is mom, dad, aunty, xue yang and all. Are they all busy” I ask.
“ We didn’t inform them. Yibo said that they might get worry” ge said.
“what about xue yang… he is not here yet?” I ask.
“he went to his boyfriend.” Ge said.
“Zhan…. Dad was asking about your wedding” ge ask from no where.
I blushed.
“But ge, I am not the one to decide. I am happy with any time” I said.
“oh… I will ask Yibo and enquiries about his time . Now we have plan it earlier. So that you can your husband can have a Happy moment” ge mock me.
“Why are you making me shy ge” I said.
“Ge… Yibo said he is fine. But I know he might be feeling some pain” I ask.
“ahm, I ask to thae doctor about his condition. They said that he will be okay.” Ge said.
“how can he be okay with you..” a-cheng said after his dumbfounded facing time ended.
“shut up… okay… he love me.. so no need” I said.
“Yeah yeah, that might be his big mistake” a-cheng take the pillow out and beat me with it.
“A-cheng.  Don’t hurt a patient”
“Shut up” he said.
“Zhan, take the medicine and take some sleep. I can see you are still no energetic as you are. So take it and rest. We will be leaving. Bowen and xing Chen will be here after their work in office” huan ge said.
“Ge, as you said” I close my eyes after having the medicine assigned.
I can hear the disappearing footsteps.

Yibo’s POV.

I wake after taking a nap of a couple of hour. I look around to see if there anyone in our room. I catch no one is there. I get up and take a glass of water near me a drink a little from it.
I move the curtain to check Zhan.
I see he is sweating in his dream.
“Bobo,,,,,,, don’t leave me…” he shouted.
I quickly wake up and go near him and hug him
“baby, I am here. I have told you I am alright” I said.
He open the eyes as he hear me.
“BoBo, ….”. He hug me.
I give him a glass of water and make him sit comfortably.
“What happened baby… !?” I ask.
“Baby, I see someone pointing gun to you in my dreams” he said. He was breathing fastly.
I just hug him and make him calm.
“see baby, no one is here. And I am here in front of you will a minor injury” I said.
“is he dead?” zhan ask.
“who baby?”
“meng yao”
“I have enquired about it. He is in observation. And in critical condition. He may skip his breath any time”
“its that we take him to hospital. They are trying but the doctor said that he want to be emotionally strong or else he will be in coma for years” I said.
“Baby, who is this Lucifer… is that really you. And what make you be like that” Zhan ask. I know I want to explain him every thing from the beginning.
I seat on his bed and place him in between my lega and back hug him.
“Baby, after leaving China you know I was so cold and I haven’t talk much. When I was in my higher educations I met a men called li Xian. He was one of the kindest person I have seen. He helped me with all my studies and make him bold. Slowly I started to talk a little much but only to him and his friends.
One day they take me to a place where all those poor people are betrayed by big companies with there fake agreement and all.
I got too emotional and I started search about each and everyone against legal act and those who make other struggle. I them form a group of people with help of lixian. When people started to agree with our deed to kill those useless people they all support us. Like we form a big gang with people only know to help through violence.
After few months I have heard about drug smuggling and all. I enquired about everything on that and I get to know that to stop it is hard for us. Then I started to buy drug from the drug dealers and with the help of government we destroy all the drug dealer give us. But in the eyes of all other drug dealers we are the most big one to buy the big amount.
After that the usage of drug decrease certain amount in America and other near by countries”
I said. Zhan listen Fully carefully.
“but baby, then how do you met meng yao and why they didn’t recognise you as Wang Yibo?” Zhan ask.
“Baby as Lucifer I haven’t talk to much more people. I only talk to Lixian whose code name is dark and to our black- xue yang. And I also use to wear a black jacket which covers we well.” I said.

“baby, then why did you come back. You said you forgot about us being together in our childhood right?” Zhan ask.again. I don’t know when will he Stop.
“baby, after a struggle happened there we lost some of our men in our gang. I got temper and killed all the people in the group who have killed our men. Which turns out to be a big news and brother get to know about everything… so I am forced to come back” I said. Zhan nodded.
I make him turn and I look it him eyes and kiss on it.
“Baby, you don’t have to be bother about anything. I can control everything. Just take care of our little one. Now that we are pregnant. We should take care of it well” I said. He kiss me back.
“Its me that is pregnant. And you are telling that you too carrying out baby” Zhan said and laugh.
“yea, it is you who is carrying our baby but it’s not just yours and, I always want to take care of you and our baby so it’s equal rights” I said.
He started to crying like a baby.
I just hug him and slowly slip into sleep.
He is so cute when he is sleeping and lightly snoring.


I am really sorry that I didn't update yesterday.
I was so lazy.. I don't know why I feel so lazy to write ahead. I started writing but I feel so bored.

( This cute bunnies are the bunnies in my friend's home. She said that she want to share this picture. So I am sharing this with you guys 😊♥️)

I heard the rumours that Tang San is coming soon(feb4). But I also heard that it is not official update and all. I can't access to any Chinese app I got this information from facebook and other social media which is access in my country (IND).
I have following a Chinese YouTuber calle Marcus. His updates are updates I get.
In his recent video he said that it is not official and they will update before premiere.
Hope will meet Tang San soon.

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