Chapter 34: Missing.

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Yibo’s POV

I don’t know what happened to ge and Wanyin. They haven’t return from their honeymoon yet. Zhan is trying to contact them. But it seems they are on-board to flight.
Me and Zhan is on the way to his sister’s, she is pregnant so we are going to give them a surprise treat there.
“Baby, why they still didn’t call back?” Zhan ask. I can see he is too tensed.
“Baby, they might be busy with something. Ge’s tracker still shows in airport”  I said as I check brother’s tracker.
When we get to know about these issues I inform my from America to visit them and give them the chip to track them.
I know they are safe out of the country but still I have to make sure that they are safe.
We reach Jin’s home. They are already decorated with white balloons and blue flowers. Which is so attractive. Uncle Xio invited all our family as our surprise plan.

“Jiejie … we are here” Zhan run to his sister as I stop the car. He is so excited to open our gifts. We mostly choose all baby products that we both brought yesterday when we get the news about pregnancy.
“Zhan Zhan … baby, I am so happy to see you here.” Zhan’s sister hug him and kiss on his forehead.
“Jie we came to give you a surprise. Do you like our decoration out there on the backyard”
“of course baby, I was wonder from morning itself why they are decorating. Jin said that he have call all his friends. It turns out to be you all. I am so happy” Mrs.Jin reply.
“Congratulations Mrs.Jin” I said.
“Aww, Wang Yibo. I am your sister in law. You also want to call me jie as Zhan.” She said. I was actually so happy to call here sister. She was the one who helped me with ally home works when I use to come and play around with my Zhan. But this will the first time I calling her jie. I use to call her Ms.xiao to show her respect.
“Okay, jie”
“come in” she invited us in.
“How many weeks jie” Zhan ask with excitement.
“its already 12 weeks. I get to know about it yesterday after I started to get morning sickness” she said and we go to backyard and by then all family was there.
“Wow you did it well Zhan” ji li said as he admire the decorations.
“of course, this is for my jie. I want to make it special” Zhan replied.
“yea yea we can see that” xing chen said.
We all sit on a table and share some recent tops within ours.
“bowen, why you are tensed” I ask Bowen as I see him with a black aura.
“its nothing Yibo. I don’t know I feel like that meng yao is planning for something. Though we are well prepared for everything… still. I feel.” Bowen said.
“ There is nothing to tense. All our systems are on track and all are under tracking” I give him a confirmation.
“yea if you say so”
After that we celebrate by cutting a cake and all treat with gifts.
“jie jie open it. I want to see what you got” Zhan. Said.

“why are you.. so excited these are for me” jie replied.
“Still jie”
“okay, as you wish” jie said and open gifts one by one.
She first opened our gifts. We brought her so many dressing in her maternity and five to ten small dress for baby. We know we are doing it a little early but me and Zhan like kids a lot. Being a gay I can’t get a baby for my own. So I decided to treat them with all our love.
“yibo, thank you so much. I know you might be the one That choose to bus this” jie said and hug me.
“jie jie we both decided together” Zhan pouted.
“okay okay Zhan Zhan”.
Then she open gifts from her parents. They brought her some food items and neede stuffs in pregnancy.
And all others brought small small soft toys which are cute and different from each other.
Jie thank all of them and we started having our dinner.
Me and Zhan was sitting together. He started feeding me and I don’t know when will he became some matured. I don’t know he is acting so shamelessly. But still I love it when his attention is towards he. Yesterday we just argued on that. He was so busy in his videogame and I was too horny. I just try to make him on too but he refused and we argue. And I ignore him. That is something Zhan can’t Bare a little. And that is the only thing to claim what I need sometimes. Mostly these kind of things. Finally he came and we slept together.
“Ji li where is your brother? Why he didn’t come? Xing Chen ask.
“He went to hospital. Zoey is not feeling well. So they wen to a check up. She was not eating well after these problems in our company” ji li replied.
“ there nothing to worry about. We have already taken back our files from their system which was a confidential one. But still we lost a little amount that by these issues” I confirm them.
Suddenly Xue yang came and ask me to come out.
“what happened xue yang”
“ police is after meng ya Yibo. I filed our drug deal case with Chinese government and they order an arrest warrant on him”
“Wow, that is a great deal” I said.
“Yibo, I ….how can I tell you. We got a call in I our compour. And the caller says that they have Huan ge and Wanyin. They are blackmailing us with their life boss” xue yang said.
“yes, we need to go. I try to track them. But I think they lost their tracker in airport”
“oh shit, I was so moron these days. I have been checking their tracker all the day and which shows they at airport. I thought they have an issue with their luggage” I said.
“its okay Yibo. But how we go in between.”
“Go collect the cctv in airport and hurry to office. I will call all of them to help us. If we can track them we can choose a way. I will call Darren”

Author’s POV

Xue yang rush back to airport to collect cctv footage that that they needed. Yibo is so influenced in there so they might get footage easily.
Yibo called Darren.
Yibo: Darren, we need your help.

Darren:. Tell me Yi bo.

Yibo: I only need your and your subordinate’s help. So please make it confidential okay?

Darren : Shoot.

Yibo: Ge and Wanyin is missing from today morning. And we doubt on Meng Yao the head of Meng corporation.

Darren: what???

Yi bo: yes, he is now head of yauan corporation after failing to save his company. I will tell you from the beginning.
( Yibo explains all that have happened with wanyin and all all their issure sprout in their company and they tracked his new company and all).
Darren: I will help you Yibo. But I want the full details of everything.
Yibo: okay.

Yibo get back to his family who is having dinner happily.
“Zhan baby, we need to go” Yibo whisper on Zhan’s ear.
“baby, you can’t be horny in between a function” Zhan whisper back by winking
“baby, it’s not that it’s a little danger. I need you and all so that we can make it easy” Yibo whisper.
Zhan sense an unusual with his boyfriend. So he bid a farewell from there and they left to office.
“bobo, you didn’t tell me what happened?”
“Zhan baby, ge and Wanyin is missing after they reach our country”
“What the hell Yibo.??? How did that happened?”
“baby calm down. We will find them”

Xue yang bring all the cctv footage they needed. All of them check it together. Zhan call xing chen and ji li to monitor them. So that he can hack  meng yao’s system and check his plans.
Xing chen and ji li are good at computer. So it is easy for them to monitor the small cut.
Darren , Yibo, xue yang and Bowen is busy to search the proof that the missing was done my meng yao itself.
“Yibo, I think they destroy the cctv footage with the help of a stuff there in airport” Bowen said.
“I too think so, if he removed it he might have seen where they go” Xue yang said.
“If you are sure on that I will go and check on that. You all carry on” Darren said and left to find it.
“Yibo what was the last text you got from ge and from where?” Bowen ask.
“I think it was when they reach here in China”
“what was that.. text…” xue yang ask.
“it says that they reached here and they are safe” Yibo said.
“Did you said to them what is happening here” Bowen ask.
“Not precisely. “ Yibo said.
Suddenly Zhan shouted
“Baby come here, I got something from his computer”
“Show me baby” Yibo ask.
From his system he got that his video call recording with everyone recent.
“See in this call he mentioned about “my honey” repeatedly and he said that he is planning to make him his” Zhan spotted.
“But baby, that doesn’t means he planned to kidnap them” Yibo said.
“I am damn sure that it is all done by him” ji li said.
Suddenly a call came to Yibo’s phone.
Caller: hahahah… Wang Yibo, hope you are doing well and you are having fun with your friends to find me.
Yibo: who the hell is this?
Caller: Calm down. As you have guess Wang Huan and his Husband is Kidnapped by my boss.
Yibo: Hell with your boss. Release them right know or else you will not see sun rise the day after I found you.
Caller: Hahahaha.. Wang Yibo I am not a fool to give you my face. So not make your blood boil.
Yibo: shut the fuck up and tell me what you want?
Caller: I want my boss’s  case withdrawal.
Yibo: Why should we and who is your boss and what is our connection with your boss. Just release them or else I don’t know what I will do you shit.
Caller: Mr.Wang Yibo , I have already told you that you will not get anything when you boil your blood. I want Mr.Meng Yao’ s to be release.
Yibo: He is not yet capture. Then how can we help you on that.
Caller: I know he is with your brother and Brother in law. But he need his head to be safe after all these.
Yibo: And how can we trust you. You might not release them after get what to want.
Caller: hahaha. Do as I said.
“Shit, it is him. I have recorded the call and the call will be tracked by now” Yibo said .
“Yibo got it. Call is from Chile” Xue yang said.
“What the hell, they can’t be reach there.” Yibo shouted.
“Bobo, Calm down” Zhan cup yibo’s face.
“they might have using location changer” Zhan added.
“ Call Darren and ask about Cctv. I can’t wait any minute. I know Ge is safe in his hands but for Wanyin. I don’t know what will happen. He have already planned to kill him” Zhan added more.
“Baby, he will be fine. Let’s call Darren”
Darren have already reach their office.
“Wang Yibo, I got it. Is was moved by He Peng. One of the stuff and I get it back and there it is” Darren place a pen drive on table and Xing Chen quickly attach it and check it.
“Yibo , See they have gone to Exit in his camera. But when we look to the camera outside exit they are not” Xing Chen show it.
“See. Someone is dragging them…see” ji li shouted.
“That black mercedes. Trace that number plate and make locate it”
“got it. It belongs to one Mr.Su she” Bowen said.
“black, I need our men here. In this city. Protect all”
“Black…?? “ Darren was surprised.
“its not the time to explain Darren. I will tell you everything. It about the drug dealers. They are the one who kidnap them” Yibo said.

Meng Yao’s Garage Near China and Afghanistan border

“ Aw, my handsome husband to be. Why are you hugging this slut” Meng Yao came near to Huan and make him look to him.
“Meng yao, what do you want. Just leave us” Huan roar.
“How can I. You are the only one I love. And now you both are my hostage to get back my freedom. What have to thought I am an ordinary business man. I am not. I am one of the drug mafia. I build it with the help of blood of different people. Different poor people”
“Meng yao, I can help you but please, Wanyin is not recovered well. Please release him to my brother” Huan hug wanyin more tightly.
“Who is this husband” Wanyin ask lightly only huan to hear.
“No one baby, don’t forget that I love you okay, I will make you out from here” huan whishper back.
“I will not go out without you” wanyin said.
“now what are you talking hhheeeeh.. this is my world. My Mafia world. If your brother and his friend withdraw the case and I will give your husband alive to them. If not I will give them his dead body. In both the case you are going to be with me Huan” meng ya roar.
“ meng yao, don’t forget that I helped you in every point. Are you giving back by giving me tough time?” huan ask.
“Never baby, I love you. And I need you. We don’t need him” meng yao came and pull wanyin’s hair and make him out of Huan’s hand. Huan knee down and held wanyin’s waist and hug him.
“ if you still need him. Then I want to kill you. If you are not mine, then I don’t make you be with anyone else. So be good with me” meng yao whisper to Huan.
“kill me. I will not live with an animal like you. I only love my husband from the very first. “ Huan shouted for the first time.

I am  really sorry that I couldn't make it up yesterday.
I was reading a Yizhan fan fiction in which Yibo as a possessive husband and beating Zhan and all. Which all make me off to write. But by the end I drop reading it.

So here I am with another big chapter.
Hope I can update one more chapter today. Hopefully. I am not promising.

I hope you all will like this chapter.

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Take care ♥️✨

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