Chapter 36: Lucifer.

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Author’s POV

Zhan and xing Chen direct xue yang and Bowen inside the building and they reach near to the room. From where they can here some conversation.

“How can that happen. Lucifer might be died by now”

“No way, he is head of all underworld in America and Russia (is there is really? I don’t know 🤭😂) and he is the one who can capture anything”

“What you mean by anything?”

“He was the one who killed the underworld prince who betrayed their subordinate and the whole underworld give him the right to rule them. When he decided something he will not hesitate to think more”

“oh, but what is the real connection with this Lucifer and Wang Yibo? I don’t think they are friends or something”

“I too, he only have his recessive subordinate who only obey his words to my knowledge. I heard that he didn’t come in front of anyone yet. So no one really knows who is this man. But I am sure he will be a handsome man. His body structure is so perfect that we will just look at that for a while. I have seen his shade once. When our boss started acting as drug dealer his main issue was to face him. Though he kill people he is a kind man. I mean all the people he killed was not good to society in his sense. So in short he is a dangerously bad deed killer and I admire him”

“stop your blabbering. If someone hear you praising him we will be short dead”

Xue yang and Bowen just here it and chuckled.

“Seems our Lucifer is still staring in our underworld.” Xue yang said and laugh inaudiblely.

“Ahm seems so” Bowen said and they reach another room. They both peep into the room and see Huan is trying to help wanyin to dress up as he is paining with the wound he have.
“Bowen, take care of the security” xue yang order.
Bowen went near the securities and beat them down and cover their body under a cover. And he sign xue yang to come in.
“Ge..” Bowen called.
“bowen, …xue yang.. how did you reach here? And did someone see you”
“Ge relax, now that we are here we will take care of all. Let’s leave”  xue yang said.
Suddenly someone came and ask them to come down to Yibo. Xue yang and Bowen who is already covered their face was not recognized by meng yao’s men. They both just shake head and grab huan’s and wanyin’s hand.
“Ge, we can’t just go out. Yibo is here he will definitely have some plan” Bowen whisper.
“But wanyin is weak” huan said.
“Ge, we can’t do anything right now. Or else see they have revolvers and we have just 2. So it is not good to act bravely” xue yang said.
“We will take wanyin hospital as fast after this play” Bowen said. Huan nodded and they walk to the place where Yibo is.

“Don’t dare to wish so Meng yao. It will be hard for you” Yibo laugh at meng yao.
“I  am not weak now. Now I have my Kingdom with all subordinate like you” meng yao said.
“I think they all know about Lucifer” Yibo said and laugh.
At that time Yi bo change the side and see Xue yang and Bowen is bowing to him and he bow back.
“Seems all your subordinates are weak” Yibo laugh again.
Suddenly Meng yao’s two men run to him and said.
“Some one break into our building”
Xue yang take out the gun and grab Meng Yao and place the gun on his head.
“We finally met” Xue yang said.
“Somebody kill them” meng yao cride loud.
“Hahah, if anyone of you take a step I will shot him” xue yang roar as he see some men move to take out gun.
“hahaha, meng yao, I told you, they all are so weak” Yibo said.
Bowen take the phone and call Zhan and xing Chen in to take wanyin to hospital.
“No so easy Wang Yibo” meng yao said and throw xue yang and take out the gun of his socks and aim Yibo.
“You really think you can aim to me” Yibo said.
“shut the fuck up and you…… take huan and Wanyin back” xue yang command.
Bowen who is still not recognised by meng yao raise the gun to Meng yao.
“Don’t dare to give me command you bad deed”. Bowen said.
“seems you are playing with me…. Right Mr. Wang Yibo” meng yao said.
“You…. You are not qualified to talk to me.” Yibo said.
Xue yang take the gun from meng yao and take out the bullets and throw it, and give it back to him.
“Your gun rates high” xue yang make a comment.
“ah.. about Lucifer. He is here” Bowen added.
“WHAT” meng yao was unexpected that.
“you ask to see him. So I grand you your wish” Xue yang said.
He make meng yao kneel down and tie up his legs and arms together.
“I think now you are ready to see Lucifer”. Bowen come near meng yao and aim the gun.
“Boss” xue yang and Bowen said unison.
“I am granting you your wish Mr.Meng yao. I am Lucifer” Yibo said while dragging a chair and sit on it.
“Hell with your jokes Wang Yibo” meng yao roar.
“Don’t dare to talk back” Yibo said in a hustle and harshly.
Meng yao grap as he recognized the voice of Lucifer which was a unique one.
“Calm down. I am here to kill you. It’s just a matter of seconds for me” Yibo said as he grab Meng yao’s hair. “You dare to touch my blood” he added in a harsh tone. Which make meng yao’s fear to meet peak.
“Boss, here” Bowen gave Yibo a fully loaded gun to him.
“Yi Bo” huan call Yibo.
“Ge, you will not stop me to be as Lucifer, again”. Yibo said as he feel what his brother is going to tell.
“Yibo, you promise me” huan remind him.
“Ge, I tell you that I will break my promise when it comes to my close one” Yi bo said.
“We are not hurt Yibo. I don’t want you to kill a shit that doesn’t matters to us anymore. You know you have a life ahead. ….. I know you can burry this dead as you have done before but Yibo no. I don’t want all see you in this face as I have seen once” Yibo heard his brother’s begging like words.
“Ge,….. please. I don’t know I hands are shaking to kill him”
“No, just give him a life that he deserves” huan said and came near meng yao and lean to him and punch on his face. That force made him bleed like hell and be became unconscious.
All around him was dumbfounded and so surprised that they didn’t even expect that from him and after all what he said now. They all are hanged mouthed.
“Ge…” Zhan who come inside building as he got information from Bowen, run to his brother.
“Zhan,… why did you come here?” Wanyin was so concerned about his brother.
“Ge, stand up. I am here to take you to hospital.”xing chen come near him and said.
“Surrender all his men” Yibo roar and some men in black come from no where and take all those people who helped meng yao.
“Boss, I need to leave to America for something. So.
.” xue yang ask.
“you can’t leave china Black” Yibo chuckle as he remember his xue Yang’s boyfriend’s behavior.
“But boss, it’s about settlement of meng corporation” xue yang ask again.
“if you get permission from ji li. You can go” Yibo replied.
“Bobo,…” Zhan came near to his boyfriend after placing xing chen near his brother.
Yibo take his waist and make him close to him.
“What was that baby?” Zhan ask.
“It’s as you see baby.” Yibo said.
“you was the head of underworld before?” Zhan ask as he get surprised. Yibo nodded.
“Yibo, let’s take wanyin to hospital. We can’t just talk in this scenario” Bowen said. Yibo nodded and go near to wanyin. And ask his brother to carry him to structure.
As they all walk to outside meng yao gain consciousness and take out the gun he placed in his jacket and
On the other side Yibo see he was aiming to zha. And he hide him and pull him away.
And the bullet goes right into Yibo’s pectoral chest. Yibo slap down and knee due to the pain.
Huan who wasn’t expecting this take out the gun he have and shoot right into the heart of Meng yao.
Everyone come near to Yibo who was shaking due to pain.
Zhan knee down and cup yibo’s face.
“Bobo, …. Look at me.. “
“zha…..zh” Yibo try to talk still his pain was slightly killing.
“Please….bo…” Zhan who wasn’t expecting this to happen feel like darkness and he felt like sleeping.
“take them to hospital ….fast” Xue yang roar.
They all rush to hospital.
“Doctor, please” huan ask them.
They all rest there until they get any information about Yibo and Zhan’s health.
“Ge, it’s just a minor cut for him. Please be strong” Xue yang come near huan who is shaking due to tension. Huan nodded.
“Huan , wanyin is alright.” One doctor came near huan and said. “ I just tie him up. He can discharge anytime.” Doctor added.
“thank you doctor. How is…Yibo and Zhan”  huan ask.
“they both are stable. There is nothing to worry. The doctor who dealing Yibo said that bullet has been taken out and it wasn’t that deep.” Doctor tapped on huan’s shoulder.
“don’t worry, it’s like a thorn wound. He will be heal fast” doctor ensure and left.
“ge, go to home with wanyin. We will take care them.” Bowen said.
“No” huan said.
“Ge please, you know you are not healthy enough to take care of them. We don’t want to see you in this way” xing chen said and huan nodded and left with wanyin.
Suddenly someone doctor rush to Zhan’s ward and ask so many questions to each other. Seeing these Xing Chen and Bowen get tensed.
“Doctor, what happened. Care to tell us” Bowen ask.
“its nothing serious Mr.Bowen. we are just surprised” one doctor reply.
Another doctor came near them.
“Yibo is alright and asking for his boyfriend” and said.
“doctor, is Zhan awake. Please make them in a single ward” xing chen ask.
“as you say” doctor said.
And they place them both Yibo and Zhan in a ward.
A doctor came near Yibo.
“How are you feeling Yibo?”
“Doctor, how is my Zhan. I don’t know what happened to him suddenly”  Yibo ask without giving an answer to doctor.
“its just, he got fatigue due to his physical condition” doctor reply.
“What happened doctor? Please tell me” Yibo ask.
“Yibo, I wanted to ask you something.”
“yes, doctor”
“ does your relationship have taken the big step. I mean do you both have sex?” doctor ask.
“yes doctor” Yibo was so proud to say that. He was only bothered about Zhan.
“It’s just.. he ..Zhan is…. Pregnant” Doctor said

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