Chapter 2:Engagement

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Author's POV

Xiao Zhan and his brothers came to attend their guests.

Lin family have already reached by 11.
They gather on stage with Xiao family.

Wen Ning came back to stage.
"Sorry for the delay. Over to you Mr.Xiao "

" I am really thankful to each an everyone who came here to attend this occasion which is really close to my heart. And I am really fascinating by seeing you all eagerly waiting for this event though it make you wait for like hours. I know and I really sorry."

"Uncle Xiao, I think Wang family is here." Wen Ning talk inaudibly to Mr.Xiao so that Mike can be hidden.

" What they are here......finally". Mr.Xiao respond to Wen Ning.

"Okay, let me invite my dearest daughter and my son-in-law" Mr.Xiao talks to Mike.

Li and Jin join their dad on stage and exchange the ring and announced their wedding date and inform them that it is hard for them to invite them Because it is family function.

Li and Jin join their dad on stage and exchange the ring and announced their wedding date and inform them that it is hard for them to invite them Because it is family function

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All begin to attend each other in the party.

Wang Yibo's POV

I wonder why I am here and why I can't find Wanyin. I am really getting bored.
Actually I had a match yesterday and I am really exhausted. But this happens all because of my mom.
My mom and Mrs.Xiao is best friends from their childhood itself. They are like best buddies who shares all choas and all secrets (not that much big girly secrets). She always insists me to attend all the functions held here at Xiao resident.

I am roaming around to find my buddy Wanyin who is Mr.Xiao's elder son. We both became friends in our University. Actually we are not in same department but my Cousin Mo was with him. So to attend him I use to ask help from him and he is really wonderful when it comes to responsibility.
We all know each other from childhood itself. I mean we already met each other when I was 7 or something, I can't remember the exact age. Then we go to America as part of dad's business there.
" Hey, Mr.Wang Yibo? Why you are here in my family function?" Wanyin ask as he saw me from the crowd.
"Finally I found you..... Want you mean by your family function.!? Actually today I get to know that we were childhood friends"
"Is that was a joke or something. I am kind of fed up with you."
"Hai, Wanyin. I really didn't expect you to be with my brother". My brother join us as he is also finding for something.
"Huan, you are also here.!?"
"Yes, I guess. As you can see me". Brother chuckle.
"Have you had you dinner. If not let me get you a seat over there" wanyin point to some where were is only few people.
"Is that for sure. I mean I am your friend and you are treating my brother with dinner and me with your stupid questions". I just hate when he behaves like this with my brother. He always try to me nice to him and harsh to me. I know it's a friends-thing but still.
"You join me". Wanyin said to me and went there.

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