Chapter 42 : Beach side date

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Yibo’s POV

Zhan was sleeping peacefully in my hands when I wake up. I know he was super excited.
When we were young he always ask me many things which I remember now. We use to go to beach at that time. He always runs when he see a beach and is so in to sea. And I always like to see his excitement to waves. He collected shells and stones and use to store it. I don’t know if it is there with him.
I lightly blow to his eyes. He is move his eyes and rub it.
“Do you want to see sun rise?”
“Bobo, yes…. But I am sleepy” Zhan replies with a sleepy tone.
“lets watch it and come back fast”
I take him in my hands and go out to the extension in our room.( That picture is there in the previous chapter)
I place him in one on of the couch. He still didn’t open his eyes.
I slightly tap on his cheeks.
“Baby see, it’s about to rise”
“bobo. Sit with me. I want to cuddle”
“baby, then wake up. Sit on my lap”
I raise him and make him sit on my lap and I back hug him.
Sky is in a peachy orange colour. He turn around and sleep soundly on my chest.

I make I Koala look up on the sky

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I make I Koala look up on the sky. We enjoyed watching sun rise and I make Zhan make him sleep more.
I have noticed that recently Baby stop eating his some of favorite food items and started being so sleepy. He was sleepy than others but recently I can see him sleeping on any where I see. May be because of pregnancy.
Recently I have been calling doctor frequently. I don’t know why I am starting to be more conscious about him. I was though.. still more now. Doctor always feel annoying with that but I don’t care if it for my baby.
Doctor ask me to make him stop eating some food items he ask me to bring. But I always trick him to eat something healthier.
After making Zhan sleep I went out to take some breeze. Then I get back and take a wash.
When I open to door to my room I see Zhan is awake.
“Baby, you are awake?”
I didn’t get any reply. I go near him and make him look up to me.
“why my baby I not talking to me?” I ask as I feel his slightly about to sadness and anger in his pouting face.
He slapped my hand and cover him fully with the duvet. He seems not talking to me but I feel like funny when ever he hide himself from me.
“Baby, c’mon tell me” I remove the duvet and go near him and make him sit in front of me and I back hug him.
“nothing??? But I can see you baby” I ask and he nodded.
I go and capture his lips and kiss him.
“C’mon tell me. Don’t pout in front of me. I might have loss my control”
“that is what I am sad off”
“bobo, why you haven’t sleep with me for two days.!? Am I not handsome for you anymore?” he pouted. I am kind of losing my control and I laughed out.
“baby”… he slap me.
“baby stop laughing. I am missing you okay. And you left me in the morning” he pouted again and compliant like a kid.
“oh which means, my cute little husband miss me even I am this close?”
“Ask me directly that you want to make out” I said and started laughing. He is so cute when he hid his wishes.
“bobo, please. I don’t know what I am feeling. Even see you make me on. I feel I am addicted to it”
“no baby, it’s a kind of craving. That is usual in pregnancy.”
“Really, oh.. I thought I might be ill of something”
I tease him by grabbing his nose.
“bobo.. then why are you not satisfying me?” he pouted.
“how can I know baby that my baby is craving for my dick” I tease him again and gain a slap in my face.
“come get ready. We will do all that you needed at night. But it’s time to get ready. We will have a brunch and to a walk” I make him wake up and sent him to washroom.
After he get ready I hope him hands.
“Baby, don’t hide anything from me okay. Don’t think that baby is your only responsibility. It our baby Zhan Zhan, we both have to be there for him. And I am always happy to take to out, to buy you anything you want and to do what ever you like”  all the time he was looking into my eyes. I can see he is tearing up.
“how can you always get my feelings.!? I was really tensed when I didn’t see you after I wake up. I thought you are enjoying time alone rather than with me”
“I just went out to breeze and I am so tempted to your lips that I thought when I stay longer I might disturb your sleep. If that hurt you. I am sorry and I promise that I will not leave you alone. I will only leave you if it is that important. Okay?”
“Okay, I love you” he kiss on my cheeks.
“I love you more my bunny” I peak on his forehead and headed to one of the café.

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