Chapter 21: BoBo and Bunny 2

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Zhan's POV

"Yibo, I want you to take care of my son" dad said. That was the moment I realise my sweaty hands was shaking like hell and i was not in this moment. I was so happy to know that dad want me to marry Yibo. I can feel my tear are almost that the brim of my eyes.
I was so excited that I didn't notice that I unconsciously hold bobo's hand. I can feel his hands were also as sweaty as mine. Does that mean he too was tensed to know that he want to get married. I was so confused after our first kiss. His reaction was not as I expected. I thought he might propose to me on that moment itself. But that doesn't matters now. I am already his.

"You can decide, when you need to get engaged...... Keep in your mind that we want you two to get engaged as fast as possible" Uncle Wang added to dad.

"Dad,... We are still young to get married." Yibo said. I was not happy with that reply. I look bobo with my teary eyes. He seems so happy. Does that means he don't want this marriage.
He winked at me and smile. Yes. Now I am surprise and confused. He is so suspicious when is comes to show his emotions.
He garb the hand that I withdraw when I heard his reply. The hold it hard.

"Zhan, whar about you.?" Mom ask.

"It's up to you all." I said and take out the hands from bobo. I am not happy at the moment.

"Okay, then we will plan your engagement after your sister's marriage." Dad said. And we all continue our dinner.
I can see bobo trying to look in my eyes. I divert from him and talk to xing Chen and ji li.
After dinner Uncle Wang and Aunty left with huan. Bobo was still there. He was talking to dad and mom.

I don't want him to deny this proposal. So I try to stick with them. But bobo take them from my vision.
He is such a suspension. I am half fed up.

Bobo comes to me.
"Zhan Zhan, what happened? Why you are not looking at me?" He ask me.
I remain silent.
He gently grab my waist and make me so close to him. I try to take his grip. But he didn't allow me. He came close to my ears.
"Don't put stupid things in your mind. I don't want to see you upset" he kissed on my forehead.
"I am leaving okayy. I will wait for your call and texts. Don't make me down. And don't forget that you are mine" he said and tap on my checks and wink at me and left to take his car.

He is so handsome when he is so close to me. The way he holds me makes me feel like I'm cloud nine. Am I so in love with this bobo. Why he suddenly became so sweet talker. Such a suspicious fiánce of mine.

"Ji li , yaar talk to him. He just did it for a fun" I heard xing chen talking to ji li. I go there to join my friends.

"Yea, xing Chen is right. Xue yang is not as annoying as you said" I pouted to ji li. Who is now not happy with my words.

"If you like him that much then you give him company" ji li said in anger.

"How is that possible. He already have a fiànce" xing Chen said and wink at me.

"You both stop and get back to sleep. Jili. You.... Stay here today." I said and left to sleep.
Why I am so embarrassing.

I am feeling a mixed emotions. Bobo is happy but why did he said so to pir parents.

Ring.. ring.
I took the phone. It was bobo.

"Hello Zhan Zhan. You haven't sleep yet?" He ask.

"Bobo, it's only 10. And I am what makes you feel I will sleep early?" I ask him. He can easily sense I am so annoyed.

"Zhan Zhan, why you are so anger to your fiance?" He ask.

"You are not even my boyfriend. How can you be my fiànce?" Does that is right. He haven't ask me out not even said he feels for me.

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