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The sky held a soft blue glow, and the birds sang along on the branches, soaking in the warmth of the sun

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The sky held a soft blue glow, and the birds sang along on the branches, soaking in the warmth of the sun. Vibrant petals bloomed amidst the expanse of greens like a scene from a painting.

The dandelions danced as the slightly warmer air blew with elegance, golden amidst the green. Spring, the season where fresh buds bloom and animals awaken, the season where the earth seems to come to life again- the season of new beginnings.

Jaemin walked hand in hand with the person he was in love with, the person that had all of him- devoted and undivided. Their hands intertwined, he watched with a soft smile etched on his lips as they strolled around the park.

Renjun, Donghyuck, and Jisung walked a few steps ahead, admiring the spring flowers in all their glory. Their cheerful giggles and excited squeals warmed his heart- smiles widening with each step.

"Mommy! Mommy! What is that flower called?" Renjun asked, excitedly pulling his mother's hand. "That one!"

"Huh? Oh! That's a tulip." Jia smiled in delight, ruffling his hair.

"Pretty..." Renjun trailed off, completely mesmerized by the scenery. The envelope of reds, yellows, blues, and pinks left him in awe, his eyes sparkling with innocent fascination.

"Daddy, look! That's a ladybug." Donghyuck hopped up and down, his fingers pointing at a little red bug with black polka dots sitting comfortably on a leaf. The sudden movements startled the bug, and it flew away, beating its tiny wings rapidly.

"Oh, no..." Donghyuck sighed in disappointment, his lips protruding into a sulky pout.

"It'll come around," Jaemin reassured the sullen boy with a soft smile, and the latter bopped his head up and down, nodding in apprehension.

"Hyung!" Jisung excitedly pulled the somewhat glum boy, his index finger pointing at yet another ladybug sitting snugly on a petal, instantly cheering his brother up.

The little ones skittered through the flower garden, pointing at different flowers and insects. The green leaves, the delicate petals, the hovering insects, the dancing birds, the darting squirrels- everything held them spellbound, the song of nature captivating their hearts.

"Alright, kids. Don't go astray. We'll be here." Jaemin announced in a singsong voice as the two lovebirds took a spot beneath a canopy of trees, the shade protecting them from the sunlight. Jia flopped down on the picnic blanket, Jaemin following shortly after. The two sat slumped on the mat, hands sprawled open, their foots touching.

Jia rubbed the petals of the dandelion between her fingers and watched as her skin glistened with a yellow hue, making her smile. Every sense of nature blended into one single color, bringing her joy.

The swaying butterflies from flower to flower caught her attention, the winged insects dancing in a whirl of colors. One lone butterfly softly descended from the air and sat upon her fingertip, its yellow wings blending with her yellow fingertip.

"Jaemin, look!" Jia whispered, her eyes twinkling with much enchantment, excitement seeping through her hushed whisper.

"It's enticing." Jaemin smiled, watching her elevated emotions. If nature is the glue in the universe, bringing together separate elements, Jia is the glue in his life, uniting his fragmented world.

The butterfly beat its wings and moved high in the air, swirling in the wind. Jia turned her head to look at Jaemin, a bright smile plastered on her lips. "It is."

"But you're more."

Jia's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, and she bit her lips, trying to suppress a smile. Her ears, the same shade of pink, peeked through the messy curls of her hair, the blooming color highlighting her pale skin. She looked away, smiling subtly. "Stop!"

"What?" Jaemin leaned to her side, wiggling his brows. He cheekily pinched her red cheeks, his endearing gaze not dropping one bit. "I'm only stating facts here, Peaches."

"Stop it!" A hearty chuckle left her lips as she pushed him to the side, trying to hide from his endearing gaze. She fell back onto the mat with her hands pressed against her face, smiling shyly.

Jaemin fell back onto the mat beside her, guffawing at her shyness. He moved closer, lying on his side to face her. "You're so cute."

"Nana." She whined, flickering smiles decorating her face. She quickly turned to face him and snaked her hands around his torso, head pressed against his chest to shrink further into his arms. "Stop!"

Jaemin's gaze fell on the girl pressed against his chest. He slipped his hands around her shoulders and pulled her closer, resting his chin on the top of her head. She molded perfectly into his larger frame like puzzle pieces.

"Daddy! Look!" Jisung toddled over to Jaemin with tiny steps. He lightly pulled on the fabric of Jaemin's shirt and pointed at the duckling following its mother. "Baby!"

Jaemin sat up and pulled the toddler into his arms, smothering him with kisses. "Yes, just like you." He bopped his nose with his own before tickling him.

Jisung's giggles filled the air, Jia's heart warming at the scene. Jaemin's playful eyes held a thousand stars, glimmering nascent waves of early morning sunlight. Donghyuck and Renjun joined the three, their happy peals of laughter resonating through the place uproariously.

Jia basked in the warmth of the people around her, her heart swelling with happiness. A functional family is what she had longed for all her life. And she found them at last. 

Uni sucks

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Uni sucks. They gave us a two-day winter break on 24th and 25th. Bitch, that's Christmas!

Anyhow, a few more fluff chapters before I resume the story.  Enjoy 😉

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