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This chapter is bleh! I couldn't really describe the scene properly. Kinda disappointed.

But, I promise the kids are gonna call the two mommy and daddy soon. Please bear with me. <3


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Renjun stirred slightly in her arms before snuggling closer. His tiny hands were wrapped loosely around her neck, completely melting in her embrace. He felt safe within the walls of her arms, protected.

Jia stroked his hair and hummed in response. She tried to get him to lie down on the bed with his brothers, but he wouldn't budge. Trying to get him off her arms was like trying to pull an octopus off its prey, hopeless.

Jaemin was lying on the bed next to Donghyuck, trying hard to get the latter to sleep. The little boy clung onto his Nana, his head on Jaemin's arm and his fingers tightly gripped onto his t-shirt. Every time the older twitched, the little one's grip on his t-shirt only got tighter.

"Why did mom and dad leave us?"

Jia's brain stuttered at the question a little before every part of her went on a pause. Her mind had stopped working like the emergency shut down system.

Jaemin too froze on his spot, his lips slightly parted and eyes wide open. His brain had stopped operating, and there was zero thinking going on in his head.

"Is it because Hyuck, and Jun, and Ji are bad boys?" Donghyuck questioned, his big doe eyes staring straight into Jaemin's.

"No, of course not." Jaemin silently panicked, his heart racing and brain on fire with nothing but negative thoughts. He knew that one day, the boys would question. But he had no idea that the one day would come sooner than expected. He was not at all prepared to answer them.

"Then why would they leave us?" Renjun asked, leaning back slightly to look at Jia with questioning eyes.

"I-I don't know." 

Renjun furrowed his brows as he shivered in her arms, tears forming in his eyes.

Jia let out a harsh exhale as she let her thoughts catch up. "I'm so sorry, baby. I don't know why they left." She cupped his face with her hand as her lips upturned into a warm smile. "What I know is that I won't leave you. And I know for sure that your Nana won't leave you."

She put Renjun on his side of the bed and pressed a soft kiss on his forehead. She then kissed Donghyuck on his cheeks as she lovingly stroked his hair. "Because we love you. Your Nana and your Noona love you so much that we could never leave you."

Donghyuck raised his small index finger up to the two adults as he looked at them with glossy eyes. "Promise?"

Jia and Jaemin chuckled, poking the tip of his finger with theirs. "Promise."

Jaemin tugged the twins in their blankets and gave them both little kisses on their cheeks and forehead. "Night night, boys."

"Night night." The two chirped in unison before letting out a cute yawn.

Jia let out a small giggle as she turned on the night lamp. "Sleep tight, boys."  


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