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Their bond was written in their eyes the first day they met, not a thing of human kind nor laws. Yet, it existed as if the universe had brought together two souls that were already betrothed.

-Angela Caroline Abraham

The last hues of orange and gold cosseted behind the grey clouds, the daylight dwindling into a barely perceptible lightening of gloom

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The last hues of orange and gold cosseted behind the grey clouds, the daylight dwindling into a barely perceptible lightening of gloom. Each concrete block was identical to the next without any identifying mark. Not that he needed any- the pathway to his home clearly imprinted in his head.

The streets took on the look of an old photograph, each building cast in the familiar shades of grey. Slowly the view faded to blackness, and the streetlamps lit up in agreement, embracing the night.

Jaemin parked his car into the apartment surface parking lot and slipped into the entrance of the building with big bags of sweet delicacies for Jia and the kids. A smile graced his lips as he pictured their reaction, his heart filling with tenderness and eagerness- he couldn't wait to get home.

The elevator was empty, the corridors almost vacant. Jaemin's footsteps echoed loudly in the silence before coming to a stop in front of his unit. Even the sound of the keypad rang loudly as he punched in the password, but he didn't care. He was home.

A sudden draft of cold wind hit his face as soon as he opened the door. The house was quiet and dark, afflicted with the blackness outside, oblivious to the existence of the ones living beneath.

Jaemin's brows scrunched into confusion as he scurried towards the living room. Immediately as he stepped into the space, the candlelights sparked, bringing a natural hallow glow to the walls. The yellow flickering illuminated the dark room, throwing light to the silhouettes as each one of them suddenly roared out at once, "Happy Birthday!"

There was a fleeting moment where Jaemin's face washed blank with confusion, as if his brain gears couldn't turn fast enough to take in the information before his eyes. Every muscle in his body had frozen in surprise before a grin crept onto his face, soon stretching from ear to ear.

"Happy Birthday, man!" Mark greeted first with a high-five and a handshake, which Jaemin accepted with a sincere 'thank you.' He then grabbed the bag full of delicacies from Jaemin's hands before making way for Chenle, "Wow, you are old now. How does it feel to be 23?"

Jeno pushed him aside with a nudge and a roll of his eyes before proceeding to hug his best friend. "Happy Birthday!" Jaemin nodded and smiled, "Thanks."

"Na Jaem, you're 23 already?" Jaehyun smiled and went for a hug. "Happy Birthday!"

Jaemin took the chance to place a kiss on his cheek, but Jaehyun moved back just in time, their cheeks colliding instead. "Hyung!" Jaemin complained. "You told me I could kiss you till I was 24!"

Jaehyun laughed at his whining and stepped back to make way for the others. One by one, the rest of the crowd gave their birthday wishes. Jaemin thanked them gratefully.

LITTLE ONES || NA JAEMINWhere stories live. Discover now