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Jaemin's heart palpitated against his chest, hammering wild beats, threatening to break out

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Jaemin's heart palpitated against his chest, hammering wild beats, threatening to break out. His heart twirled with euphoria, and his stomach sunk heavily.

His eyes stayed locked on her, taking in every facial feature, soaking in the warmth of her pupils. Jaemin felt the world disappear as if they were the only ones that existed, left alone to wander the earth together. He could run forever, but every path led back to her and only her.


Pin drop silence caressed his skin, but his mind was a jumbled mess, a typhoon raging inside his heart. He gnawed the inside of his cheeks, his stomach twisting with nervousness.

When they first met, Jaemin had already found himself lost in her world. There was something in those brown orbs that was so inviting, so kind, so beautiful, so safe. And when she smiled, he felt invisible hands wrap around him, engulfing him in warmth and security. Just one look, and he knew he was "home."

Jaemin expelled a small exhale as he swallowed down a lump, his breath shaky. He took a step forward, closing the distance between the two.

Jia stayed glued on her spot, a swirl of emotion engulfing her. She felt as if every ounce of breath was knocked out of her lungs, leaving her breathless. Her insides churned with a bizarre sensation, blurring her senses.

And when their gaze met, she felt as if time had stopped. Her heart swayed in her chest, slow dancing to some melodic beat. There was compassion in those black eyes, making her heart reach out. With every step Jaemin took towards her, her world lightened up a little, every movement forgiving and flowing.

Jaemin was handsome. Not one feature made him attractive, though. From the color of his eyes to the depth in his voice, from the kindness in his smile to the gentleness in his touch; he was beautiful inside out. Jia could see wind-stirred waves building in his eyes, pulling her into the abyss of his love.

Jaemin cupped her face with one hand as his thumb brushed against her cheeks, tracing every inch of her flushed skin. He gazed at each divot of her face so intently, as if he could sail through dangerous seas to map out every hidden treasure from ancient islands.

"You're so beautiful!" He revealed, his voice low and husky.

Jia felt her insides lit on fire, and the warmth spread through her body and soon reach her cheeks, coloring it rose pink. Her skin tingled with every touch, fireworks exploding inside her guts.

Jaemin's eyes twitched from her eyes to her lips, momentarily before bringing them back to her eyes. His stomach churned with nervousness, and his breath hitched on his throat, unable to think straight.

His fingers drifted towards her bottom lip, tracing the outlines lightly. With tinted cheeks, she glanced back up at his dark orbs. Her lips protruded into a small pout, and he had the urge to bite it. He moved closer, resting his forehead against hers.

"Jia." He whispered slowly, his voice dropping a few octaves. Jaemin gazed at her with unfathomable emotions; one moment, his eyes shimmered with love and tenderness before sparkling with something else.

"J-Jaemin." Her voice wavered, exhilarated from the tension bubbling between the two. She found herself trapped in the depth of his orbs, plunging into the pool of his love.

Jaemin leaned in, his warm breaths fanning her skin. His free hand found hers, fingers interlocking.

Jia closed her eyes in anticipation, her breaths shaking. His lips brush against hers, and she felt little sparks of static dance on her skin, sending her into overdrive.

Just centimeters apart, eyes closed, bodies pressed together, breaths mingling, hearts fluttering.......


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LITTLE ONES || NA JAEMINWhere stories live. Discover now