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Jia woke up to someone lightly tugging on her hair

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Jia woke up to someone lightly tugging on her hair. She slowly opened her eyes, groaning as she rapidly blinked them to try and adjust to the blinding light seeping through the open curtains.
Why the fuck did I leave those curtains wide open?

A tiny laugh caught her attention, and she averted her gaze to the laughing baby. Jisung sat next to Jia's head, playing with her hair. His arms move as if they were on hinges as he clasped a few strands of her hair and pulled them gently. The strands slip through his fingers, making him giggle and clap his hands.

Jia chuckled at his little game as she sat up on her bed, leaning her head against the headboard. Jisung let out a tiny pout, inflating his cheeks, unhappy as the hair he was playing with was gone.

She poked his cheeks, endearingly smiling as she carried him up and placed him on her lap. "Why are you up so early?"

Jisung smiled, clapping his hands as his dark brown eyes found hers. He laughed as his little hands grasped her fingers, holding them tightly.

"Where are your brothers, baby?"
She scanned the room, finding the twins gone. "Stay here, okay? I'll go look for your brothers."

Jia hurriedly walked out of her room towards the living room, looking for the two. Her breath hitched at the sight of the empty living room.
Maybe they are in the kitchen.

She looked at every nook and corner of her house but found no one. Where are they?

Fear crept in as she felt the blood leave her skin. Jia broke out in a cold sweat, her heart rapidly thumping against her chest. She repeatedly called out for Renjun and Donghyuck but was only met with the sound of her own pulse throbbing in her ears.
Maybe Jaemin took them back to his apartment while I was asleep.

Yea, I'm sure.
She vigorously rubbed her sweaty palms against her pajama shorts, thoughts accelerating inside her head at the speed of light.

But what if they are not with him?
Jia felt the panic begin in her abdomen like a cluster of fireworks.

She sprinted towards her room, her legs twitching with every step she took. She hastily picked Jisung up and ran towards the front door.

Her hands trembled as she reached for the doorknob. Tightly gripping the knob, she twisted it, opening the front door wide. Her breath quickened with every move she made towards Jaemin's apartment unit, unpleasant scenarios clouding her mind making her more and more terrified.

With quivering hands, she knocked on his door. The wait felt like hours as she paced back and forth like a caged tiger. She was scared. Her brain had shut down as anxiety took over her senses.

Soon, the doorknob turned, and Jaemin greeted her with a bright smile. "Good morning."

Jia hurriedly placed Jisung in his arms and rushed inside his apartment. Her eyes trailed over the living room and soon fell on the two kids playing with their toys.

Her legs gave up shortly, and she fell on her knees with a loud thump. Minutes later, she broke into quiet sobs as she felt the anxiety bubbled inside her rib cage let loose, making her sick to the stomach.

And oh! she hated it. She hated every part of it- her palpitating heart, her sweaty palms and dry mouth, her shaky hands, and racing pulse. But what she hated the most was how her mind would overthink everything, her thought process going from 0 to 100 real quick.

"Noona!" Renjun and Donghyuck screamed, running up to her. Jia hurriedly wiped her tears, flaunting a small smile as she pulled them for a hug.

Renjun leaned back and tilted his head to the side, his brows furrowed as he attentively observed Jia. "Noona, are you okay?"

Jia's breathing softened, and she nodded her head. "I'm fine. Thank you."

Renjun and Donghyuck both flash her a wide grin and run off to play with their toys once again. 

I'm finally done listening to the whole album and boy I'm shaking

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I'm finally done listening to the whole album and boy I'm shaking. I love all the songs. The album's a real bop!

But From Home hit me real hard. I've been listening to it non-stop.

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