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"Jaemin, I'm scared

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"Jaemin, I'm scared."

Jaemin's eyes pulled towards the girl as his shoulders shot up, tensing at her sudden vulnerable state. Interlocking his fingers with Jia's, his static orbs peered at the girl with a concerned gaze. "Is it because of what happened today?"

"No," Jia mumbled, sniffling in a deep breath. Lips pursed together into a thin line, she closed her eyes shut as if wanting to block out every little memory that flashed before her like a movie.

"I..." She trailed off- words stuck, refusing to get out. The lump sat on her throat like a wall, blocking the letters from letting loose.

She felt the fear swirl underneath her skin, ready to crawl out any moment. Sweat drenched her skin as the ringing screams vibrated in her ears, painful memories slowly resurfacing. Her arms tightened around his body as if afraid that she would lose herself to the nightmare that was her childhood.

"Hey! Hey!" Jaemin whispered as he hoisted himself up to look at her, his elbow supporting his weight. He gently cupped her face and pressed his forehead against hers- his black orbs pooled into her closed ones. "It's okay, Peaches. I'm here, hmmm."

Jia sucked in a deep breath before opening her eyes to look at the male, his presence always calming her hammering heart and ragged breaths. "I..."

"Hey, it's okay." Jaemin smiled, his eyes glimmering with gentleness. "You don't have to force yourself."

She nodded her head, nestling her face on his neck. "I saw Hyuck today."

Jaemin's heart stood still in his chest, his mind racking over the fact if he heard her right. Every muscle felt tight as if frozen, his thoughts a jumbled mess as thousands of questions ran wild and free.

"With Jinhee," Jia muttered, pure venom dripping off her voice. As her mind recalled the events of their first official meeting, her heart ached with sadness and anger.

Jia sat cross-legged on the chair, her fingers busy scrolling through her phone as she waited for Jeno at the cafe. The two had decided to meet up after classes to grab coffee and snacks for the hungry boys back home.

The loud clattering of glasses drew her attention, and Jia peered from her phone to look at the jangle of voices that dominated the entire place.

"Are you stupid? Do you know how expensive this dress is? And you ruined it."

A high-pitched shrill echoed through her ears, and Jia furrowed her brows at the sheer discontentment of the lady's tone.

"How hard is it for you to hold a tray properly? Are you dumb?"

A crowd soon enclosed the scene, blocking her vision, but the voices remained.

"Ma'am, please calm down. He is just a child."

"Shut up," Her shriek resonated through the murmurs as she yelled at the intruder in her irritating high-pitched voice. "Who are you to intervene between me and my son?"

LITTLE ONES || NA JAEMINWhere stories live. Discover now