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"You've got this!""Ji can do it!"

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"You've got this!"
"Ji can do it!"

"Okay," Jisung nodded his head and stumbled into the master bedroom, where Jia and Jaemin were fast asleep. He slowly toddled towards Jaemin, his feet pattering against the carpeted floor softly.

"Daddy?" He whispered, lightly shaking the male. "Wake up!"

Upon receiving no response, he glanced at his brothers standing near the doorway and shook his head.

"You can do this!" Renjun mouthed, encouraging the toddler, the latter furrowing his brows in contemplation.

"Daddy?" Jisung tried again, but Jaemin refused to get up, swimming in the pool of his sweet slumber.

Sucking in a deep breath, he crawled into the bed and smacked Jaemin on the face, making him sit up with a jolt.

Disoriented and still under the clutches of his dreams, Jaemin trailed his eyes over the room. His half-open eyes fell over the toddler, his expressions morphing into one of confusion, and he sluggishly rubbed his eyes, trying to blow the sleep away.

"Jisung?" There was a trace of gruff in his voice, deep and hoarse, as he hopped between drowsy and awake. "What are you doing here?"

"I am hungry." Jisung purred, inflating his cheeks as his lips protruded into a pout.

"If you are hungry, there are cookies in the kitchen cabinet. Go eat those." Jaemin crooned with a smile, head drooping further with each passing second. Mind foggy and eyelids heavier than usual, he felt the gravity pull him back to the soft mattress.

"But I want to eat Baguette." The toddler firmly stated, crossing his arms against his chest as he stared at the male intently. "Daddy, I want Baguette."

Jaemin directed his gaze towards the alarm clock sitting diligently on the nightstand, his eyes opening a fraction wider at the displayed time.
"Jisung, it's 3 in the morning. No shops are open now."

"Make one for us then." Renjun voiced, sneaking behind Jisung. He leaned forward, his fingers firmly grasping the fabric of Jaemin's t-shirt and tugged on it, propping himself up onto the bed.

"Do I look like a baker to you?" Jaemin grumbled, lolling his head to face the other side as his eyes closed one more time to enjoy the peaceful night.

"You own a café!" Renjun shrieked, earning a tired eye roll from the sleepy male.
"So? I am the owner. Not the chef."

"But Hyuck is hungry. And Ji wants a Baguette. Give Hyuck, Ji, and Jun Baguette." Donghyuck whined, jumping over Jaemin, causing the latter to groan in pain.

"Hyuck, you'll wake mommy up!" Renjun whisper-yelled, pulling back his twin by the pajama collar.

"Sorry," Donghyuck mumbled, flaunting a tiny pout.

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