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Her peaceful slumber came to an abrupt stop when the sound of baby cries filled the air

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Her peaceful slumber came to an abrupt stop when the sound of baby cries filled the air. The wails were so primal, the intensity so raw that it hinted of urgency, of desperation, and Jia involuntarily shuddered in her half-awake state.

"What is that?" She mumbled, trying to focus her senses on the noise, but the only sound that sailed through her ears was the ticking of her wall clock.
I must be dreaming. Or worse, hallucinating!

Eyelids heavy, she tried to go back to sleep when the sound of baby cries filled the air again.
I didn't know my neighbors had a baby.

Dragging herself off her bed, she made her way towards the kitchen, muscles heavy from tiredness. "I need coffee."

The wailing grew louder every passing second, the shrill cries ricocheting through the supposedly soundproof walls of her house like a bullet.

Jia had a full range of emotions going on inside her brain, slowly rippling through her body. Concern washed over her as she contemplated whether to intervene, engulfing her whole until her mind stopped processing.
I'm just going to sneak a peek.

Tentatively walking out of her apartment, she made her way towards the unit next to hers. She slowly pushed the front door open, popping her head through the space between as she tried to take a sneak peek of the situation.

A frantic-looking male, probably in his early twenties, crossed her field of vision, him ineffectively trying to calm three crying children. He had a toddler in his arms with two more crying children on the floor, their hands intertwined as they balled their eyes out.
What the hell?

"Ummm, excuse me?"
Hearing a stranger's voice, he raised his head with a start, his eyes dark and brimming with tears. But he quickly looked away, bringing his focus back to the crying baby.
"Hush! Hush! It's okay. I am here. I am here."

Palms sweaty from nervousness, she gently uttered, "Mind if I ask what is happening?"

But only silence greeted her. And the loud wailing of the children.

The scene was pretty obvious- the male had no idea how to handle crying kids. On closer look, Jia could map the lines on his forehead as he looked totally worn-out and out of his wits. Lips pressed together in a grim line and hair a tousled mess, dark eyebags decorated his pale face as he sported a t-shirt inside out- he looked like he was about to pass out.

Frustrated, Jia took a step closer, offering her help. But silence greeted her once again, his lips sealed tight as if glued with cement.
"Excuse me?"

His nostrils flared as he yelled, and Jia flinched back at his choice of tone, her eyes wide from shock. She was speechless.

Averting her gaze from the male and onto the ground, she fiddled with her fingers, her words barely audible as she spoke. "I... I just wanted to help."

Jaemin's eyes met with her downcasted ones, and he felt awful, guilty. He knew his frustrations were getting to him, his sanity slipping right through his fingers as his feelings compacted. But he didn't want any sympathy or any judgemental eyes. So he lied.
"I don't need your help. Thank you."

A downhearted sigh fell from her lips as she took a step back to leave, but she couldn't. Deciding to act against his words, Jia moved towards the two crying kids slumped on the floor.

"Hey..." She cooed as she crouched down next to them. "What is wrong?"

Their cries softened to snuffles as they calmed down a little, looking lost and terrified. Jia sent them a smile, assuring them that everything was going to be okay. "Are you okay?"

The two kids bopped their heads up and down, their cheeks wobbling with the action, and Jia almost squealed at their cuteness, elated.
"What are your names?"


She smiled at the two boys- lips stretched from ear to ear. "My name is Jia. Do you want to have some candy?"

Their eyes lit up instantly at the mention of candy, happiness seeping from every fiber of their body as they stumbled on their feet, overjoyed.

"Really? Will you give Hyuck and Jun candy?" Donghyuck questioned, tilting his head to the side with a small pout.

"Yes. Yes, I will. I will bring you some. So why don't you both go and play in your room."

She smiled as she watched the two happily skip out of the living room, disappearing around the corner with hands still intertwined.

Jaemin stood frozen, his brain cogging in astonishment, refusing to function.
How the...? What the..? What is she? A WITCH?

Taking a deep breath, Jia hesitantly turned to look at Jaemin, a sheepish smile playing on her lips. Softly grabbing the toddler from his arms, she bobbed and swayed, humming a lullaby as she tried to calm him down.
"Hey there. It's okay. No need to be scared. You are not alone anymore."

Jaemin just watched, his eyes refusing to believe until the harsh cries softened to sniffles. He watched as she rocked the toddler a few more times before he fell asleep on her arms.

Jia smiled at Jaemin before holding the baby out, "Here."

His orbs widened a fraction as he hid his hands behind his back, shaking his head side to side. Jia rolled her eyes, leaning over to place the sleeping toddler in his arms. She began adjusting his hands, teaching him how to hold the little one properly.
"You need to support his head."

Jaemin reluctantly adjusted his arms, holding the toddler with care.
"And done." She backed away, smiling a little. "I guess I'll just get going now."

"Wait," He uttered, his voice a little shaky. "T-Thank You."


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LITTLE ONES || NA JAEMINWhere stories live. Discover now