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Donghyuck jogged up to the doorway and tugged on the chrome handle, using all his weight to push the heavy door open

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Donghyuck jogged up to the doorway and tugged on the chrome handle, using all his weight to push the heavy door open. It opened with a slow squeak, the high-pitched sound making him scrunch his nose and close his eyes in fear of getting caught.

The situation was too nerve-wracking for the five-year-old boy, the apprehension making his heartbeat escalate as his ears perked up to detect even the most minute rustle.


Once sure of his safety, he released a breath and peeped through the half-open door- left, right.

The empty corridor made him grin like a Cheshire cat as he gingerly crossed over the threshold of the hallway, letting the door click softly behind him.
"All clear."

On tiptoes, he transversed through the dark corridor, jumping from shadow to shadow to keep himself from getting discovered. In the silence of the still afternoon, the echo of his footsteps felt stressful as the floorboard creaked beneath him.

He decided to crawl the rest of the way.

Stealthily, he descended the staircase and into the corridor separating the kitchen from the living room. Checking left and right, he headed towards the living room.

Fragments of light streamed from the semi-opened door, the initial muffled voices growing louder and louder as he neared the place. It sounded like Jaemin.

Donghyuck peeped through the door to find Jaemin on the couch, discussing something with someone over the phone in a hushed tone. Not too far from him, Renjun and Jisung played with legos and toys.

"Tsk," He clicked his tongue at his brothers in plain disapproval. "Amateurs."

Turning on his heels, he scurried towards the kitchen where his most prized possession sat- his Nintendo switch.

Donghyuck yanked on the kitchen handle, the door opening without any delay. He slid through the small opening and closed the door behind him. Slowly padding towards the cabinets, he climbed onto the kitchen isle.

Donghyuck was fully aware of the wrong he was going to commit, but he dismissed it for the sake of his mental well-being; the Nintendo switch was his lifeline.

With a wide grin, he reached for the device hidden behind an array of crockery and cutlery.

The feeling of the cold plastic against his warm skin felt ecstatic, the excitement making him giddy as he squirmed and hopped around over the marbled isle. As he did so, his elbow knocked into the cabinet, sending a few of the ceramic dishes smashing on the floor.


The expensive china shattered into the tiled floor, white mingling with white. His face fell.

He was in trouble, deep trouble.

A few seconds of silence rented the air before Jaemin's voice echoed from the corner. "Donghyuck, what did you do this time?"

Panic bubbled inside him, his eyes wide open in fear of getting scolded, or worse, getting punished. The trepidation was making him sweat profusely.

Explanation, he needed a valid explanation, or else-

Instantly, the gears in his head started spinning, looking for a safe way out of the situation he had created. But before he could complete his script, Jaemin was already by the door. Renjun and Jisung behind.

Donghyuck promptly raised his hands in defense- his eyes pressed shut as he claimed, "Hyuck didn't do anything. The plates fell by themselves. Hyuck swear."

But what panned out was completely different from what he had envisioned.

Jaemin's face was drilled with worry, his eyes scanning the little one up and down as he looked for any injury he might have sustained.
"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

Donghyuck hesitantly shook his head as he looked at his father with uncertain eyes. In a low, meek tone, he whispered, "No."

Relief washed over Jaemin and he exhaled deeply, his tensed muscles calming down gradually. Donghyuck, too, felt his panicked nerves settle down.

But the relief was short-lived as his eyes fell on the game console on Donghyuck's hands. He put two and two together.

The little troublemaker was going to get a good nagging. He would make sure of that.

"Hyuck, what have I told you about playing games?"
The anger inside Jaemin was evident on his face. Donghyuck recoiled in fear.

"Hyuck-Hyuck just wanted to- just-" His voice dropped to a whisper. "-wanted to play a little."

Jaemin could feel his anger boiling up. "I told you, didn't I? No games till you are done with your chores. Have you completed your work?"

"Did you do your homework?"

"You haven't completed any of your chores. You haven't done your homework. And yet you want to play games?"

Jaemin tried to sound as gentle as possible. But his words carried the anger he felt within as he added.
"No more games for a week."

Donghyuck couldn't believe his ears. No games for a week?

Immediately, tears formed in the corner of his eyes. Apparently, the punishment was worse than death.

His face buckled, and his nose scrunched up. A lone teardrop rolled down his cheeks before the floodgates opened. With loud sobs, he stomped back to his room.

Donghyuck slammed the door shut behind him and made his way towards the drawers. He pulled his spiderman backpack out and started packing his belongings- a Minecraft sword and a G.I. Joe action figure.

He was running away.

After he was done packing, he rushed down the stairs and into the living room, tears still flowing unceasingly. In a loud clear voice, he announced, "Daddy, Hyuck is leaving home," and began walking in the direction of the front door.

Jaemin ran after him. "Donghyuck, what are you doing?"

"You said you didn't love Hyuck anymore. So I'm leaving." Donghyuck answered in between his sobs. Confusion flashed over Jaemin. "What? When did I say that?"

"Just now!"
"No, I didn't."
"Yes! Yes, you did."
"I said no games for a week!"
"That's the same thing!"

"How is that the same thing?"
By the time Jaemin reached the corridor, Donghyuck had already slipped into his shoes.
"Hyuck, stop!"

But Donghyuck was adamant. He was leaving home for sure.

With short, quick steps, the little one made a beeline for the doorknob when the door clicked open, revealing a confused Jia.

"What is happening?"

I was supposed to update this on Jaemin's birthday

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I was supposed to update this on Jaemin's birthday. Look at me, updating it a month later. *shaking my head* I need to stop procrastinating. 

But, how are you guys? Long time no see. 😁

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