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Another Friday evening, yet an entirely different story

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Another Friday evening, yet an entirely different story. 

Jia's fingers moved over the canvas, her mind directing her hands as they danced over the white sheet of coarse, unbleached cloth gracefully. Her hands moved instinctively, as if already familiar with the unseen picture her subconscious brain had created.

Art to her was transformation- a representation of her untamed imaginations, bold and fierce. And colors gave her free reign to picturesque inspirations, unorthodox yet creative. It guided her emotions and stirred her soul as it let her wander in its world, wild and free.

Her hands glided over the canvas as extravagant strokes and bold colors slowly decorated the surface, igniting a fire inside her heart. Her paintings were not born but carefully molded, not showing itself for what it was but instead for what she wanted it to be.

Jaemin snaked his arms around her waist, placing his chin over her shoulder as he watched her pour her imaginations onto the blank canvas. "What are you painting?"

Lately, the male had found himself mostly, if not always, glued to her side. Jia was like a magnet to him, pulling him towards her more and more with great attraction. His body moved subconsciously in her direction like a puppet controlled by a puppet master.

Jaemin was a tactile person. He often craved for her attention, her touches, her hugs. Holding her in his arms gave him a sense of security, his worries disappearing in thin air. He never voiced out the words, but his actions showed that he was absolutely in love with her and was only falling deeper.

"It's a surprise," Jia mumbled under her breath as a small smile made its way, but her focus solely on the work at hand. The brush drifted slowly but steadily over the canvas as the picture came to life with every flash of color, the features noticeable with each stroke.

"Come on. Tell me." Jaemin whined, stomping his feet like a little child. He pulled her closer as he looked at her side profile with his lips pursed together into a small pout.

Jia let out a burst of joyful laughter, throwing him an amused glance over her shoulder. Her hearty laugh reverberated through the room, the vibration causing ripples inside his chest. "Soon."

"That's not fair." He complained as he whined a little more, snuggling closer as he hid his head on the crook of her neck, nuzzling his nose against her soft skin. The smell of her cherry-filled shampoo infiltrated his nose, bringing an all too familiar emotion swelling in his chest.

Jia tilted her head a little, a soft smile etched on her lips. She placed her hands above his that laid wrapped around her waist, interlacing their fingers. "Patience, babe. Patience."

Jaemin held her in his arms tightly, his heart racing a little faster than usual. He was happy, a smile stained on his lips as he dived into the warmth of her love.

The words were unspoken, but they both knew what they felt for each other. Love, they say, is elusive. Yet, he wondered how he got so lucky to have her in his life.

"Mommy! Daddy! Look!" The three kids yelled, staggering on their feet every now and then as they wobbled up to the two with sparkling eyes. Donghyuck raised his arms a little for the two to see, both his hands pressed together to form a small cage between his palms.

"What is it?" Jia and Jaemin both kneeled down, peering at Donghyuck's closed palms carefully.

"It's a light fly!" Renjun shrieked, excitedly jumping up and down with a huge grin.

"Wow!" Jaemin exclaimed, ruffling Renjun's hair as he smiled down at the trio. "Did you guys catch the firefly?"

A chorus of 'yes' filled the room, making, Jaemin and Jia smile widely. This moment, right there, was pure bliss, a paradise, the beauty of life.

"Can Hyuck, Jun, and Ji keep it? Please?" Donghyuck begged as he stared at the two adults with wide, hopeful eyes.

"Pleaseeeee," Renjun and Jisung both implored, equally full of hope.

"Sorry, boys. You cannot keep it." Jaemin announced, an undertone of sadness in his refusal.

"Why not?" Donghyuck screeched, unable to accept the refusal. He trashed his arms around but his palms remained intact in its position, furious at the rejection.

"Why not?" Renjun mumbled, huffing as he crossed his little arms, glaring at Jaemin.

"Please, let us keep it," Jisung sniffled, tears almost welling up in his eyes.

Jia pulled Renjun and Jisung in her arms while Jaemin picked the trashing Donghyuck in his. "Because the little light fly needs to go back home," Jia replied, smiling softly, as she glanced at the trio. "His mommy and daddy are waiting for him to come back home. Do you guys want him to stay away from his mommy and daddy?"

"If you keep him with you, he'll be sad. He'll keep crying for his mommy and daddy. Do you want him to cry?" Jaemin added, looking at Donghyuck specifically.

"And his mommy and daddy will cry too if he doesn't come back home. I know that because me and your daddy will be sad if someone takes you three away from us." Jia continued, hugging the two kids in her arms. "Can you let it go?"

Renjun and Jisung both nodded, not wanting the little firefly to be upset. Donghyuck looked at his palms skeptically. He didn't wish for the firefly to miss his mommy and daddy, but he did hope to keep it with him at the same time. Donghyuck let out a puff of air before nodding as his lips protruded into a sulky pout. "Hyuck doesn't want it to be sad. Hyuck will let him go."

"Good boy." Jaemin ruffled his hair, smiling contently.

Donghyuck opened his palms, and the firefly flew away, flickering its yellow light. The kids watched in awe as the lightning bug danced around the room with graceful movements.

Jaemin smiled to himself as he looked at their happy faces, his heart warming up with joy. People say that happiness is hard to find and even harder to keep. But to Jaemin, it was the mornings filled with chaos at the breakfast table and the somewhat peaceful conversations shared at dinner. It was the loud wailing at a small bruise and the silly jokes followed by peals of laughter the five of them shared. Happiness was in the trustful company and warm embrace of his loved ones, and Jaemin could never trade any of it, not ever.

 Happiness was in the trustful company and warm embrace of his loved ones, and Jaemin could never trade any of it, not ever

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