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Jia anxiously parked her car near the daycare as she hastily unbuckled the seatbelt and dashed out of the vehicle

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Jia anxiously parked her car near the daycare as she hastily unbuckled the seatbelt and dashed out of the vehicle. She was having lunch with her new friends at the university when she received a call from the child care center, asking for her to pick up 'her' kids as quickly as possible.

Her whole body shook feebly as her heart pounded hard against her chest. Her breathing irregular as she tried to gain control, but nothing was working.

She hurriedly walked towards the entrance and saw two figures sitting silently on a bench placed outside the daycare center. Her heart sank at the sight of their hunched over form. They looked devastating. Their neatly brushed hair was long gone- now disheveled and poking in every direction. Their clothes were slightly torn and dirty.

"Jun! Hyuck!" Jia yelled their names, catching their attention. She ran towards the two with arms stretched open.

Renjun and Donghyuck ran towards her with their struggling little feet. "Mommy!"

Jia had an incredulous expression on her face, her eyes wide open in shock as she stopped abruptly on her tracks. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it moments later like a goldfish, with no sound coming.

Renjun and Donghyuck waddled up to her and hugged her legs, their eyes brimming with tears as they looked up at her with sorrowful eyes. "Mommy?"

Jia blinked rapidly, unable to comprehend what just happened. She shook her head, gathering all her senses before looking down at the two boys. She crouched down and pulled them into a tight hug as they continued to cry in her shoulders. Them crying so sadly made her own eyes teary. She placed a bunch of kisses to calm them down.

"Are you their mother?" The teacher asked her, sheepishly smiling as she stood a few feet away from the three.

"Yes." She replied in an instant. "What happened?"

"They got into a fight with other kids. Some of the children were being harsh on them, saying they were orphans and calling them names as they beat them up. We tended to their wounds, though. You don't have to worry about that." The teacher answered apologetically.

Jia only nodded her head, not knowing what else to do or say. Sadness swirled through her veins the more she watched them cry.

"We have already talked to their parents. We're so sorry, Mrs. Na. We will make sure this won't happen again." The teacher bowed, giving her a regretful smile.

"Thank you." She bowed before walking away with the kids.

She helped the two in the car and buckled them up in their seats. The twins didn't utter a single word as they sat with their tear-stained face, head hung low. Jia's heart clenched at the sight of their lack of spirit. The kids were unfailingly so full of life, always laughing and playing around. They were her little ball of sunshine, her bundle of joy. But right now, they looked so disheartened.

"Should we go get some ice cream? Hmmm?" She chirped, trying to lift up their moods. But the two shook their heads silently.

Jia felt a hole open up in her chest as affliction and pity infused her heart. She heaved a sigh before turning a little on her seat to face the two. "Talk to me."

Renjun and Donghyuck both glanced at each other before looking at her with a sorrowful gaze. "W-We're sorry." The two croaked, their lips quivering as they sniffled. "We caused you trouble."

"My God! No. Why would you even think that?" Jia felt extreme sadness build up in her chest, poisoning her spirit. Her heart twisted and shrank at their distorted state.

Not a single word escaped their lips as they wept with so much despair, their gazes cast down.

"Look at me," Jia quietly uttered as she took their hands in hers, pressing soft kisses. "Look at mommy."

Her eyes shook as those words rolled out of her lips, her guts crunching at the foreign feeling. She was amazed at how easily the term 'mommy' escaped her mouth, but she shrugged it off.

Renjun and Donghyuck's surprised eyes met hers as she smiled at the two endearingly. "You two did not cause me any trouble. And whatever happened at the daycare today, it wasn't because of you two, okay."

The two glanced at each other before slowly moving their heads up and down, conflicted but still smiling a little.

"Now. Should we go get some ice cream?" Her smile never faltering as she averted her attention towards the road.

"Yes!" The two squealed happily, their eyes shimmering.

"Alright, let's go!" She exclaimed, driving towards the ice cream parlor. 

I'll be off the radar for a while because of exams

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I'll be off the radar for a while because of exams. Hope to meet you guys soon. :)

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