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Renjun cowered on the ground, the blazing red eyes of Jinhee sending shivers down his spine

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Renjun cowered on the ground, the blazing red eyes of Jinhee sending shivers down his spine. Hot tears trickled down his face, and he squeezed his eyes tightly, afraid of her sinister aura. Pressing his palms against his ears, he tried to block the sound of her menacing laugh.

A loud bang echoed through the house, and he curled up on the tiled floor, trembling in fear. A primal scream rolled out of his lips, his mind lost in absolute horror. His brain broke into a spasm of desperation until his senses cut off, the inevitable shut down response.

Suddenly, he felt two arms protectively wrap around his small frame as he was lifted off the cold ground. Familiar voices sailed through his ears, and he slowly opened his eyes to look at his rescuer, to find Jia looking at him with worried eyes.

The sight of her made fresh tears roll down his cheeks. Renjun cried in her embrace, eyes pressed together as raw emotions seeped through every fiber of his being. He wrapped his tiny arms around her shoulders, tightly holding onto her.

"It's okay. Everything is fine now." Jia ran her hands up and down his back, trying to rub some warmth into his freezing body. Worry coated her voice, and she hugged him tightly to calm him down.

Gasping for air, Renjun slowly opened his red, puffy eyes. His eyes stung with stinging pain, and his lungs burned from the lack of oxygen.

"Mommy," He whispered through his quivering lips as his shoulders wrack with every pant for breath.

"My baby, I am sorry. I am so sorry." Her own tears fell thick at the sight of his hysteria. She pulled him closer, burying kisses after kisses to soothe him. "It's okay now. Mommy and Daddy are here."

From the corner of his eyes, he watched a berserk Jinhee struggling on the ground as Jaemin held her on the floor. She kicked and squirmed around violently, limbs moving like a puppet. Strands of disheveled hair fell over her eyes, hiding half her profile, but her sickening smile remained as if glued to her face.

Adrenaline flooded Renjun's body at the sight of Jinhee's crazed eyes, the fear escalating into an all-out panic. Another blood-curdling scream escaped his throat, and he clutched onto Jia for dear life.

"Jun, don't look at her. Just look at me, hmm." Jia lightly stroked his face, the pad of her thumb rubbing against his cheeks. "It's okay, now. It's okay."

"Jaemin, let me go." Jinhee kept shouting and thrashing around, her voice growing louder by the second. But Jaemin refused to let go.

The scene of Renjun's helpless state kept flashing before his eyes, and he tightened his grip against her writs, almost breaking it.

"I will kill you." Jaemin let go of her wrist and held her by her throat instead. A muscle twitched in his face, and he wrapped both his hands around her neck, squeezing it.

Two uniformed men came rushing to their side and held Jaemin back, forcefully separating him from Jinhee. "Mr. Na, calm down. You're going to kill her."

Jaemin reluctantly let go of her throat and dropped his hands to his side. Anger swirled through his nerves, the fire-seed sitting on his chest like a brick wall. He curled his palms into a fist, her face making him sick. 

Jinhee coughed violently as she gasped for air the instant Jaemin's hands unwrapped around her neck. Vision blurry and face cladded with mascara strained tear trails, she tightly clutched onto the sofa for support.

A cold and sharp metal dug into her skin, and Jinhee jerked upright, but her wrists refused to move. She trailed her eyes downward and saw handcuffs holding her hands. Panic swirled her body, and she tried to break free from the hold but failed miserably.

"What are you doing? Let me go." She hissed at the officer holding her down, but the person didn't even flinch.

"Mrs. Choi Jinhee, you and your husband are under arrest on suspicion of the murder of Mr. Lee Hangyeol."

Lee Hangyeol is Jinhee's ex-husband

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Lee Hangyeol is Jinhee's ex-husband.

This chapter is okayish, I guess. I was kinda confused about whether to start where I left last chapter or give a POV of Renjun. I decided to go with Renjun but IDK, man. I'm always so confuse.

God give me strength. And some brain too. That would be very much helpful. Thank you.  😶

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