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I don't think you guys know this but Jaemin is my bias in NCT. Who's yours?

Edit: This new album is testing my loyalty towards Jaemin. Dream is bias wrecking me hard. And 127. And WayV.



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"T-Thank You." Jaemin stuttered as he trailed his eyes over the room before finally locking his gaze with her, a sheepish smile etched on his lips.

Jia's eyes lighten, and she smiled back. Her smile was so genuine, Jaemin could see how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him, an unexpected warmth rushing through his heart.

"You're welcome. And if you need any help, I live next door."

"It's alright. I won't need any help?" It was more of a question than a statement- the inner battle of confident Jaemin v.s uncertain Jaemin shaking his foundation.

Jia tilted her head to the side, her brows furrowed and lips pursed. "Are you sure?"

The question hit him like a freight train, guts churning with panic as he questioned his capabilities.
Will I be able to take care of them? What if they don't like me? What if I fail them? What if I fail to provide the kind of life they deserve?

No. No. No. Now is not the time to have second thoughts.
Jaemin sucked in a deep breath, uncertainty vanishing into thin air as his eyes gleamed with determination and his expressions morphed into one that relayed confidence. "I've got this."

Jia's lips stretched into a smile, and she nodded her head, firmly trusting his words.
"Alright. I'll get going the-."

A high-pitched screech cut her off, followed by cries of distress. Jia shuddered at the primal shrikes, the desperation behind the screams momentarily stopping all her senses.

"What the..." Jaemin trailed off, turning on his heels as he glanced at the room where the twins had disappeared moments ago. Dumping the sound asleep Jisung in Jia's arms, he dashed towards the brawl, climbing two threads of stairs at a time.

Fragments of morning light fluctuated over his feet as he reached the top, a confused Jia following suit. Jaemin yanked the door open, stumbling into the room.

Shock registered his face as he caught sight of the twins, eyes wide open in pure horror. His body failed to move, mind refusing to respond to the scene unraveling.

"What is it?" 
Jia questioned, confused as Jaemin blocked most of her vision. She patiently waited for a few seconds before shoving the tall male to the side and stepping into the room.

Jia gawked at the scene- Renjun and Donghyuck wrestling on the floor, pulling each other's hair as tears streamed down their rosy cheeks endlessly.

Taking in a deep breath, she handed Jisung to Jaemin and scurried towards the twins, pulling them apart.

"What happened? Why are you two fighting?" Her voice stern, she crouched down next to them as she held them in each arm.

"Hyuck said mom and dad are never coming back to get us back because b-because they hate us." Renjun blurted out, fingers pointing at his brother in acquisition. His face was red, eyes pink-rimmed with anger as beads of tears fell from them.

"Hyuck is telling the truth. If not, why would mom and dad leave Hyuck and Jun a-and and Ji here?" Donghyuck puffed his cheeks, his arms crossed and eyes glossy.

"No! They don't hate us," Renjun whispered softly, his voice barely audible.

"Yes! They do," Donhyuck stated, stomping his feet adamantly.

"Don't say that!"

"Hyuck is telling the truth!"



"I HATE YOU!" Renjun exclaimed, bawling his eyes out as he cried in Jia's arms. Donghyck soon burst into tears, sad because his brother was crying.

Jia pulled the two boys into a warm embrace, burying their heads in her shoulders as she rubbed circles of vague assurance on their backs. Clueless and a little flustered, she pressed kisses on their heads to comfort them.

Shortly after, the harsh cries softened to sniffles and soft snores. Jia peered down at the sleeping children, sadness enclosing her heart in a cage.

 "You poor thing." She whispered underneath her breath, tightening her grip as she hugged them.

Jaemin loomed near Jia, his gravity-drawn shoulders telling tales of his heart. He looked helpless.

He scooped Renjun up in his arms, leaving Donghyuck in hers as he slowly approached the bed. Tucking Renjun next to Jisung, he instructed Jia to follow his actions.

After the kids were properly secured in the bed, he gestured her to follow him out of the room. The two exited silently, tiptoeing as they tried not to wake them up. Stumbling into the living room, Jaemin and Jia found themselves seated on the couch. 


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Did you like the new album? Which songs stood out for you? The whole album is a bop, though

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Did you like the new album? Which songs stood out for you? The whole album is a bop, though. NCT DREAM breaking records after records. Monster group, yall.

I love love love Hot Sauce, Rainbow, My youth and Dive into you.

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