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I hope you remember the chapter where Jaemin talked about his family- his sister specifically.

"They are gone," Jaemin whispered, his eyes undeviatingly fixed at the ground

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"They are gone," Jaemin whispered, his eyes undeviatingly fixed at the ground. Each letter held untold emotions as they prepared themselves to let loose.

"They," He croaked and glanced back up at Jia. "N-Noona. She took them back. She took the kids back."

Pain washed over him, his mind conceding to the emotional torment. The hurricane of grief chilled his skin and clipped at his soul like a leach, sucking on his rationality.

Jia's black orbs streaked flashes of horror as her brain buffered for a moment, thoughts catching up. Her face as white as chalk and mouth agape at the revelation, she stared at the male in disbelief.

"What?" She shrieked, and her face fell further with gravity. "What?"

"Noona came looking for me one day. She begged me to let her meet the kids. She told me that she was sorry for abandoning them and that it was her biggest mistake. She wanted them back." Jaemin managed to speak as he struggled to breathe.

"And you let them leave with her?" She howled with her narrowed eyes. "Just like that?"

"Do you think I wanted to?" Jaemin growled as he looked at her with his red-laced eye. He curled his fingers tightly and huffed through his gritted teeth, rage in his expression. But the anger was nothing but a shield to protect his fragile heart.

He wanted to scream his frustrations out as the emotional hurricane ran wild and free like a caged animal finally let loose. Instead, he sighed harshly, chugging down all the ragged feelings like a burning vodka shot.

A stagnant breath escaped his lips, and Jaemin fought back the tears with all his willpower, wanting nothing but the emotional torment to subside.

Jia's heart clenched at his red lachrymose orbs, urging her to hold him in her arms, soothe his treacherous nerves. Yet she refrained herself because she needed her own storm to settle down first, stop her own head from spinning first.

"Then why did you let them leave?" She whispered in agony, her senses blurring as her mind jumped through different scenarios.

"I-I..." Jaemin choked on his words as he stared at her, his mind jumbled like puzzle pieces. Nausea bubbled inside his guts, and he held onto the kitchen counter for support, only for his legs to give away.

Jaemin dropped to his knees- his head hung low as he clutched onto his pants so tightly, his palms felt sore. Chest rising and falling at an unsteady pace, he felt his insides churn with a sickening feeling.

Jia traipsed on her feet and gently slumped down beside him. Slowly, she placed her hand on his shoulder, giving him a sense of comfort, telling him that she was there and that he was not alone.

Jaemin glanced back up with his dark brown orbs, raw emotions rippling in his iris like a series of waves on a still water surface.

And Jia could see it all, the frustrations, the guilt, the pain, the rage, the hatred- all of it. His emotional hurricane was raging with full force, ready to let loose any minute. She knew where he was heading, one more blow away from breaking apart.

Jaemin could feel all the jagged emotions fill his insides, and he knew he could no longer hold them in. And so he let it all out, all of the weeks-old over-brewed sentiments.

"Jaemin," Jia breathed, unable to look away as quiet sobs escaped his trembling lips as he gave in to the enormity of his emotions. Fire of guilt and sadness burned right underneath his skin, slowly seeping through his cells like oxygen.

"She came with a court order," He whispered as his shoulders shook slightly. "I had no other choice but to let go of them."

"Oh, baby." She cooed softly, pulling the male into a hug. She gently pushed his head on her shoulder, letting him vent all his emotions through his tears. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"S-She, I-I... c-couldn't" He choked on his words, raw emotions cracking his voice. "I-I don't know. I just didn't want to trouble you with my matters. I thought it would be better for you to not get involved with my family."

"But I couldn't even do that," A wry chuckle escaped his lips, and he scoffed, unwilling to believe his ludicrous situation. "I couldn't stay away from you."

"I'm sorry for hurting you, Jia. I won't give you any excuse for my behavior. I was wrong, and I know that very well. But I hope that you know I didn't mean a thing I said. I'm so sorry."

Silence hung on the air like poison as it seeped through his skin, unwillingly bending him to his already filled-to-the-brim guilt. But he knew that he was only trying to cover a deep stab wound with a band-aid through his apology. Still and all Jaemin knew he had to be patient, just like how she was with him. That was the price he was willing to pay for all his wrongs.

As the silence thickened, Jaemin's mind drifted back to his circumstances, crumbling further under the emotions.

"But what if she hurts them again?" His voice came more muffled as tears obturated his words. "I'm so stupid. I should have fought harder. I shouldn't have let them go. I should have... I should have..."

"Sushh!" Jia crooned, rubbing her hands against his back as she conciliated him to wear down his overthinking mind. She held him tight in her embrace, shielding him away from all his sufferings as she hummed a promise she intended to keep. "We'll bring them back. We will. I promise." 

Ugghhh, so much drama

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Ugghhh, so much drama... But don't question my brain. It runs on a fuel called k-drama.

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