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Jaemin sat listlessly in one corner of his apartment, eyes fixed somewhere on the wall as his mind dawdled over copious scenarios

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Jaemin sat listlessly in one corner of his apartment, eyes fixed somewhere on the wall as his mind dawdled over copious scenarios. Hands tightly clasped around a disposable coffee cup, a languid sigh escaped his lips for the nth time.

The mechanical ticking of the clock and the gushing of the washing machine buzzed in the background, but he could barely perceive any as his mind bugged with desperation.

"Are you alright, Hyung?"

The concerned voice of Chenle sailed through his ears, knocking him out of his daze, and Jaemin hummed a reply, bringing his eyes to meet the younger's.

"Could be better," Jaemin mumbled, letting out another one of his languid sighs. He leaned back, resting his head on the couch headrest as he slumped further into the pile of throw pillows.

"How did Jia take the news? Is she alright?" Mark asked, leaning against the wall as he sipped on his grapefruit honey black tea. His eyes lingered over the distressed male, taking in his exhausted form.

Jaemin was a mess. His black hair was sticking in every direction possible, and dark eye-bags sported his pale skin, giving him a peaky look. Red strokes of random lines accessorized his iris like that of a zombie, and Mark knew he hadn't had an ounce of sleep.

"She..." Jaemin trailed off, and a worn-out breath escaped his lips as his mind reverted back to the scene of their confrontation the previous night. "She took it better than I expected."

Mark harshly sighed as he pushed himself off the wall and stumbled onto the couch, taking a seat beside the male. "It's going to be alright."

"Will it be, Hyung?" Jaemin muttered as he sat in the pit of despair that somehow became his world. He felt lost as if left alone to wander the dark tunnel all by himself.

"It will-"

The sudden thump of the door drew their attention, and the three turned their heads towards the front door, awaiting the new company.

Shoulders slumped and the edges of her lips curved downward, Jia dragged her feet against the cold floor, Jeno tailing behind.

Clothes matted to her body and liquid dripping off the strands of her tousled hair, she shivered under the oversized denim jacket that sat loosely over her shoulders. And as her eyes met with Jaemin's, tears welled up in her black orbs, making them appear glossy.

Jaemin hurriedly scrambled up on his feet, almost getting a whiplash from the sheer intensity. Taking long strides, he approached the drenched female.

"Are you alright? What happened?" Concern washed over him, and he cupped her face, eyes raking the girl up and down.

Jia merely leaned in, resting her head against his chest as quiet sobs escaped her lips. She pursed her lips into a thin line, forcefully trying to stop the whimpers that threatened to spill out of her throat.

"Choi Jinhee happened," Jeno scoffed as the words flew out of his mouth almost immediately. He crossed his arms against his chest, eyes hard rimmed as he glared aimlessly.

"Jeno, calm down." Mark gently placed his hand on Jeno's shoulder, trying to soothe his ragged nerves.

"How can I calm down? That bitch-"

"Jeno," Mark warned, eyes glaring as he nodded towards Jia, and the latter huffed in defeat and plopped himself onto the couch.

Jia tugged at the fabric of Jaemin's shirt and dragged out a rather harsh exhale with her quivering lips. Sniffling a sob, she nuzzled into the fabric of his cloth before pressing her cheeks against his chest.

Jaemin watched as her shoulders shook feebly in affliction, and he wanted nothing but to take all her pain away, to ease her mind.

His breathe hitched in his throat at her distraught form and his shoulders shot up in visible worry. Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, he pulled her closer and pressed a delicate kiss against the top of her head.

Jia's shoulders stopped trembling as she melted under his touch, all her troubles liquefying away. She took in a deep breath and cocooned herself in his warmth.

"Noona," The indistinct voice of Chenle resonated through the silent room, and Jia peered over Jaemin's shoulder to look at the male. "Are you okay?"

A small smile made its way on her lips, and she shook her head in assurance, "I'm okay."

"Chenle, can you please take Jia to her room?" Jaemin asked as he let go of her, and the latter hurriedly scurried with a nod to accompany the girl to her room.

As soon as they were out of ear's length, Jaemin's eyes darkened as he stared at the blue-haired male indignantly.

"What happened?"

"What happened?"

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[Choi Jinhee]

[Choi Jinhee]

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Age: 27

Na Jaemin's elder sister

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