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Jaemin left the apartment building with a big smile etched on his lips

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Jaemin left the apartment building with a big smile etched on his lips. He felt content at the thought of returning back home to his family, to the boys, and not an empty apartment.

The car made a monotonous hum as it came to a stop at the car park. The parking space was stamped concrete, a shade of gold as the spring light descended over the dark grey slab. Green leaves adorned the ground, crunching under Jaemin's foot as he exited his car.

Awkwardly, he walked inside the store, his eyes scanning the large store nervously. 

What do I need again? He reeled, looking down at his list. The list was obnoxiously long, packed with names of baby supplies he swore were made up.

"Diapers. Let's get diapers first." He mumbled to himself as he walked towards the baby section with a trolley.

What the fuck? Why are there so many varieties? He ineptly stood in front of the aisle, scratching his head in confusion.

"Excuse me. Do you need any help?"

Jaemin snapped his head to the side and was met with a man, probably in his early forties. Sporting an embarrassed smile, he shook his head, politely declining the man's kind gesture. "No, it's fine."

"It's okay to ask for help, child." The man gave him a fatherly smile, briefly patting Jaemin's back before walking towards the aisle. "How old is your child? And what do you need?"

"He'll be turning two soon." He awkwardly stood beside the man with his cheeks stained pink. He showed the man his list, and the latter carefully scanned the items on it. "First time being a father? I'll help you get your supplies."

Jaemin felt thankful for the help. He was sure he would have brought the wrong stuff if he were to be alone. The two walked around the entire store, buying everything Jaemin needed- food, drinks, toiletries, toys, strollers, highchairs, and whatnot.

"I guess that's it." The man warily eyed the heap of supplies stacked carefully in the trolley. "That's going to cost a lot."

"Thank you so much for helping me out." Jaemin gave him a genuine smile as he dipped in a grateful bow.

"No problem, child. I hope everything goes well for you and your kids" The man smiled back and left Jaemin with his mountain of goods.

Jaemin unloaded the goods from the trolley and onto the checkout table. After scanning the items and almost passing out due to the numbers displayed in the receipt, he made his way towards the parking area to head back home.


Jia sat on her couch, watching the twins play around in the living room, as Jisung slept in her arms, all curled up. She tried to put him down on her bed, but the task was harder than trying to pull an octopus off its prey. Every time she made an attempt, he would wake up crying.

Finally, after a few unsuccessful trials, she was successful in tugging him into bed without waking. She then walked back to her living room to find Renjun and Donghyuck still running around.

"Boys." She cooed, a gentle smile plastered on her lips. "Are you not hungry? Do you want me to make you something?"

The two beamed her a toothy smile as they waddled towards her with sparkling eyes. "Yes, pwese."

"What do you want to eat?" 

She squealed at the sight of the two excitedly jumping up and down, repeatedly saying pasta-pasta like a chant. She almost screamed at how adorable they were but painfully refrained herself from pinching their cheeks.

"Alright. Why don't you two watch some cartoons while I cook, huh? I'll call you when the food is ready." She chuckled at their enthusiastic response, ruffling their hair. Renjun and Donghyuck eagerly nodded and instantly dispersed into the living room.

After dinner, the three made themselves comfortable in their pajamas as they settled themselves on the couch, watching 'Toy Story.' 

Soon, soft snores filled the room. Jia looked down to find the two sleeping, their heads on her arms as they clung to her. A puddle of warmth gushed inside of her, and a feeling of bliss invaded her mind. For the first time in her life, she felt like she was not alone.

 For the first time in her life, she felt like she was not alone

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