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The sound of fingers tapping on the keypad of the door lock filled the silent hallway, followed by a clicking sound

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The sound of fingers tapping on the keypad of the door lock filled the silent hallway, followed by a clicking sound. The door swung open and stood Jaemin, his breathing suspended, with Jisung in his arms. A blast of sterile, air-conditioned air hit parts of his exposed skin, freezing his sweat instantly.

The living room was a mess as if a cyclone had erupted, scattering the contents haphazardly. Bricks of legos, an array of colored pencils, pieces of crumpled papers, and many children's toys lay on the floor, waiting to be picked up by their owner. Jaemin tiptoed around the mess, trying not to step on any of the articles.

"Jun! Hyuck!" He called out, placing Jisung on the unimpeded ground, the latter immediately dispersing into some corner of the room.

"DADDY!" The twins exclaimed, waddling up to Jaemin from a room out of sight. The two clung onto each of his legs, giving him gummy smiles.

"THE FUCK?" He shrieked, his mouth agape and eyes wide open. Jaemin stood still like a statue, unblinkingly staring at the twins in bewilderment. Daddy?

"Fuck?" Donghyuck tilted his head to the side in confusion, his curious eyes locked onto Jaemin's.

"Fuck." Renjun repeated, adding the newly learned word to his vocabulary.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! Don't say that." Jaemin cried out, blood draining from his face. "Shit!"


Jisung's small voice traveled across the room, causing Jaemin to cry in panic. He snapped his head in the direction of the toddler, his face now as white as chalk. "No! Don't say that, Jisung."

"You're back."

Jaemin averted his attention towards the direction of the voice and came across a smiling Jia standing near the stairs.

"Oh! Y-Yea, I'm back." He chuckled awkwardly, trying to calm his panicking heart.

"Fuck." "Shet."

Jia's smile died faster than a Buggati Chiron accelerating to 60 miles per hour. She stood gormless with wide eyes, her body rigid as if paralyzed. Her lips twitched into a faint curve as she glared at Jaemin.

"Boys, go play in your room. Your daddy and I need to talk about something." Jia sweetly instructed the three with a smile.

"Yes, ma'am!" The three chirped before running off to their room.


Jia's glare gave away the message she wanted to convey. Her death stare sucked the soul out of Jaemin, leaving him lifeless, literally. He puffed out a breath; his lips pushed forward into a pout. "Oops!"

Jia sighed languidly, her fingers rubbing lines against her temples. "Be careful, will you?"

"Yes, ma'am!" His fingers curled up into a fist against his chest as he stood up straight, almost stiff.

She rolled her eyes, biting her lips as she fought back a smile, but failed miserably. The corner of her lips upturned, and she smiled mirthfully like the first summer rain drizzling down the sky, soaking him gleefully. "You're such a dork."

Seeing her smile made his heart twirl. Jaemin's own lips contorted into a big smile, his eyes glimmering under the faint light. And when their gaze met, he felt the world slow down a little. His stomach churned, and his heart thumped against his chest so hard, he swore it was audible from miles away.

Jia felt her mouth go dry the moment their eyes met. Heat rose up to her cheeks, coloring it pink, and her heart fluttered. The way his lips curved, the way his eyes shimmered, the way his nose crinkled- he was perfect.

She felt a bizarre sensation fill her heart, lighting her guts on fire. Right there and then, she finally admitted to herself what she had known all along. That she was in love with the beautiful being standing in front of her, and all she wanted was to be with him. 

Exams over~

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Exams over~

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