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"Pancakes!" Jia exclaimed the moment she entered the kitchen

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"Pancakes!" Jia exclaimed the moment she entered the kitchen. She had a huge grin plastered on her face as she slid down on one of the chairs to sit. "I love pancakes!"

Renjun climbed onto the high chair and helped Donghyuck up onto his. "Pancakes!" The two exclaimed, their eyes sparkling as they drooled over the food.

Jaemin shook his head disapprovingly while Jia laughed at their silliness. The two twins were so similar, and yet they had many dissimilarities.

Jisung toddled up to her and raised his hands up, demanding an upsy. She lovingly picked him up and he quickly snuggled against her, beyond happy in her arms.

Jaemin passed the plates filled with pancakes and syrups to the twins, and they immediately attacked the food in front. He smiled, handing Jia her plate before walking towards the youngest in her arms.

"Jisung, come here. I'll feed you." Jaemin reached both his hands out to hold him, but the toddler vigorously shook his head, snuggling closer to her. "No!"

It was the first time Jia had heard his voice, and she was astonished. Being two, he could speak in two to three phrases or sentences. But Jisung was a shy kid, so he barely talked unless absolutely necessary.

"Come here, baby. Let Noona eat her breakfast in peace." He reached out to him again but failed.

"Awww! I'll feed him. Don't worry." She cooed, bopping his nose. "Right, baby? Right?"

Jisung let out a giggle, vibrant and heartwarming. He soon began laughing heartily in happiness as she tickled him.

"Alright, let's eat now." She put him on his high chair and ruffled his hair. She then helped him eat his food.

"Noona, will you play with Hyuck after breakfast?" Donghyuck asked her, his voice muffled as his mouth was full of food.

"Donghyuck, what did I tell you about talking with mouth full?" Jaemin sternly looked at the young boy while the latter sulked in his seat. "Sorry."

"Of course, I'll play with you." Jia smiled. Donghyuck's face instantly lit up, his eyes glimmering with happiness. "Yay!"

She laughed at his adorable self. She wanted to pinch his cheeks so bad but refrained from doing so.

Renjun and Donghyuck hopped off their chairs after eating and ran to the living room to play. Jisung was also able to complete his food in no time, thanks to his Noona, and joined his brothers.

"Here, let me help you." Jia made her way towards the sink to help Jaemin with the dishes.

"No, no." He vigorously shook his head, rejecting her offer. "You go play with them. I'll do it."

"You cooked, so at least let me help you with the dishes." She lightly pushed him towards the living room where the kids were. "Go play with them. I'll join you guys soon."

She turned around and started doing the dishes, not giving him the time to deny her. A smile crept up to his lips as he stared at the girl.

 A smile crept up to his lips as he stared at the girl

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Did you watch their performance in M Countdown?

I was kinda busy all day so I just watched and damn I'm shooked. Everyone did really well. It was a 10/10.

Jaemin just killed it. Damn that boy! Stfu and let me just shower you with love and affection you absolutely beautiful being.

Also Shotaro and Xiaojun? I can't really get over their entire existence this comeback.

Lucas, Taeyong, and Jaehyun fucking look like Greek gods.

Doyoung! Oh, Doyoung! He looks fucking gorgeous and his voice...
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