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"They... are dead."

Jaemin's expression turned grim as waves of pain washed over him. Placing the cutlery down onto the plate, he let out a deep exhale.

"My sister and her husband died six months ago. My mother took them in after their parents' death. But I didn't wanted to burden her more since she was sick. So I took them in."

Jia sat by his side, listening to his words. She didn't say any word of comfort, neither did her eyes show any sign of pity. Instead, they held gentleness and warmth, as if welcoming him with open arms.

She placed her hands on top of his and gave it a light squeeze, a look telling him that she wasn't there to judge him as most people did. She was there to help.

Jaemin let out a dry chuckle, grief surging with every exhale. "Honestly, I don't know if I'm capable enough of taking care of them. I took them in, thinking I'll be able to provide them with a good life. But I don't know anymore. I mean, they deserve so much better."

To say that he was surprised would be an understatement. Jaemin was amazed at how easily he was able to pour out his deepest insecurities in front of her. Maybe, because she was a stranger. Or maybe, because for the first time, he didn't feel judged.

A lone tear escaped his eyes as it rolled down his cheek. Jia's heart sank at the sight of Jaemin's look of despair. He looked ragged under the gleaming light- distressed and lost.

She gave his hands a tight squeeze, her eyes probing into his soul as her lips upturned into a warm smile. "You're doing great, Jaemin. Don't doubt yourself. I may have known you only for a day, but I can clearly see the love you have for the boys. And I'm sure they love you too. Keep going forward because you're doing amazing."

Jaemin's eyes crinkled as the corners of his lips tugged upward slightly. His eyes glimmered, reflecting gentleness and pain at the same time.

Jia sat there silently, staring at him. She watched him as though he was the most precious and fragile person in the world. She swore she saw the whole universe swimming in his eyes. The vastness in his eyes captivated her as they pulled her towards him like a magnet.

"Noona!" A raspy voice pulled her from her trance and back to earth.

The two adults turned to find Donghyuck standing near the door, his eyes glossy as beads of tears rolled down his cheeks.

Jia's brows scrunched into a frown at the sight of a crying Hyuck. Hurriedly walking up to him, she carried him up in her arms. She cupped his face with her hand as she wiped his tears. "What happened, baby? Why are you crying?"

The boy immediately snuggled closer as his small hands wrapped around her neck.

Jaemin walked up to the two, his face displaying concern and worry. "What happened, Hyuck?"

"H-Hyuck had a b-bad d-dream," Donghyuck uttered, his voice barely a whisper.

"Oh, my poor baby." She rubbed his back up and down in an attempt to calm him down.

"Give him to me. I'll carry him." Jaemin reached out for his nephew, but the latter only shook his head, snuggling closer to the girl.

"Hyuck, you'll tire her out." Jaemin tried to reason with the child, but Donghyuck was a stubborn one. He made it clear that he only wanted his Noona.

Jia laughed at how adorable Donghyuck was. She internally squealed at his cuteness. "It's fine, Jaem. He's not tiring me. Not at all."

The nickname didn't go unnoticed, though. Jaemin's heart did a flip as his name gracefully rolled out of her lips, warming up his soul.

"But we need to go home." Jaemin furrowed his brows as he puffed his cheeks, trying to hide the smile that threatened to come out. "Hyuck, come here. We need to go home."

The little boy vigorously shook his head, clinging tightly to the girl. "No! Hyuck wants to stay with Noona."

"Jaemin, let the boys stay here. I'll look after them, don't worry. You should go back to your place and sleep." She gave him a reassuring smile.

"No, no. You've been taking care of the kids since evening. I'll take them back home so that you can sleep peacefully. You look tired." He apologetically shook his head, not wanting to give her any more trouble. "I'm so sorry I was gone for almost 4 hours."

"Hey, it's okay." She lightly patted his back.

"Look." She pointed at the sleeping child in her arms. "He's already asleep. The other two are peacefully sleeping upstairs too. I don't think it would be a good idea to wake them up."

She chuckled lightly, taking extra precautions to not wake the sleeping child. "Besides, you look way more tired than me. Go have a good sleep for the night."

She lightly pushed him towards the front door, gesturing him to go back to his apartment. "Go now. I'll take care of the kids. Don't worry."

Jaemin only nodded his head, making his way towards the front door. "If you need help, I-"

"I don't think that would be necessary." She quickly cut him off- an assuring smile plastered on her face. "Good night, Jaem."

"Good night, Jia." He smiled, walking out of her apartment.

Jia watched as he walked back to his apartment unit and hesitantly opened his front door. He turned around one last time to look at the two before stepping inside and closing his door.

When he left, she too locked her door. Looking at the boy sleeping in her arms, she smiled. "Let's head to bed, hmmm."

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