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Jia stood at the edge of the lobby, watching the rain cascading down the sky

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Jia stood at the edge of the lobby, watching the rain cascading down the sky. The crying clouds and tapping of the rain created a rhythmic melody, like an invisible string of symphony.

The soft droplets splattered on her outstretched hand, hugging her fingers momentarily before trickling down to the ground. She smiled to herself as she watched the drops of water play on her skin. She tilted her fingers upward and watched the remainder of the droplets run down her bare arms, creating tiny tributaries.

Jia loved the rain. The chaotic pitter-patter was like a melodious song to her, alluringly sweet yet laced with sadness and grief. She pulled the umbrella over her head as she strolled in the rain to the bus stop, each drop a rhythmic beat against the pink fabric.

Through the rain, she saw the bus approaching the stop, shimmering its golden light. The rain briefly kissed her skin as she closed her umbrella and stepped inside the bus. Taking a seat, she watched the raindrops race down the windows as it drove onward.


Emart was no different than any other shopping mall. People walked around the perfumed, air-conditioned mart, pawing over various items displayed on the aisle. While the perky seasonal music played in the background, taking the shopper's care far away.

Jia weaved through the sea of people, bumping here and there and mouthing inaudible sorries with a sheepish smile. Soon, she found herself standing in front of her favorite corner- the art and supplies corner. This part of the mart was mostly empty, and she loved it.

She ran her fingers over the rack, carefully reading the labels. Pausing after a while, her hands dropped to her side. Her lips upturned into a smile as her eyes landed on the supplies. She extended her arms, reaching out for the desired item when she heard sniffles coming from somewhere around the corner.

Jia hesitantly followed the sound, and her eyes caught a small boy, sitting down beside an aisle with closed eyes and quivering jaws. His head hung low as he sniffled audibly, hugging his knees to his chest. The huge racks almost hide his tiny frame, creating a shield around him.

She squinted her eyes, trying to identify the oddly familiar figure when reality hit her. She squatted low to the dirty floor in front of the crying child and placed her hand on his back, "Renjun?"

Renjun startled like a newborn baby; his eyes shut tightly as he subconsciously backed away. Fresh tears welled up in his eyes as he glanced up, locking his gaze with the familiar brown orbs. He staggered to his feet, looking up sorrowfully as his arms stretched out wide.

Jia pulled the frightened boy into a tight embrace, giving him a sense of security and warmth. "What are you doing here alone? Where is Jaemin?"

Renjun opened his mouth to speak, but the words came out muffled, the sound halfway swallowed by sobbing noises. Jia tried to pull herself away from him, but he only snuggled closer. "Junnie. Look at me, baby."

He reluctantly detached himself, sniffling and occasionally wiping his tears. Jia cupped his small face, wiping the stray tears with her thumb. "It's okay now. I'm here. You are not alone."

She hugged him tightly and placed a bunch of kisses on his face to calm him down. She wanted to question him more but decided against it. The little boy was shaken to the core.

She scooped him up, and Renjun immediately curled up in her arms, his head resting on the crook of her neck. "Let's go find Nana."


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LITTLE ONES || NA JAEMINWhere stories live. Discover now