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"I love you,"

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"I love you,"

Jia's mind stuttered for a moment before coming to a pause as the words bounced off inside her brain, processing the enormity of each letter. As her brain made new connections, her thoughts caught up, and she stared at him with wide-open eyes.

"I think this was long overdue," He chuckled awkwardly.

Jaemin took a few steps towards her and took her hand in between his larger ones, lightly playing with her fingers. "Before I met you, I never thought I could cherish someone as much as I cherish you. You have always been there for me- through the good and the bad, the happy and the sad. You care for me, trust me, listen to my rants, defend me, guide me, love me- unconditionally. You understand me and all my worries and triggers, the demons that haunt me."

Jaemin brought her hands to his cheek and leaned against it, basking in her warmth. "You are my happy place, my safe haven. You are my driving force, the courage I thought long extinguished from the world. You are the light to my dark, the spark that rekindles my soul, my home."

He laced their fingers and snaked one arm around her waist, pulling her closer. His eyes held a certain softness to it as he stared at her with love, affection, adoration, respect. "Jung Jia, I love you. I love you with all my being and so much more. And I promise to be there for you- to love you, to understand you, to guide you, to cherish you till death do us apart."

Taking a deep breath, he added. "Please be mine."

Jia's lips curved upward into a huge smile as she lovingly gazed at him. On tiptoes, she reached for his face and pressed her lips against his, conveying all her pent-up feelings. Her kiss was gentle, a promise of togetherness through thick and thin.

"I love you." She whispered, pulling away from the kiss. Happiness coursed through her body, heart beating in content.

A soft giggle rolled out of her lips, and she cupped his face, fingers brushing against his skin, wiping off the dried cake batter. "You look so cute. It's hard to take you seriously when you look like a baby."

"I'm not cute," Jaemin puffed his chest up, and his lips protruded into a small pout. "And I am definitely not a baby."

"Sure," Jia squealed in delight, bopping his nose. "You are not cute. You are the cutest."

"I am not," He furrowed his brows, face scrunching in disgust. His loving look changed into one of disdain, and he gawped her distastefully.

"You big baby-" Her words were cut short as Jaemin pulled her into his chest, bodies colliding as he smashed his lips into hers once again. This time, the kiss was laced with a range of emotions- love, desperation, need, vulnerability.

Jia's body went up in flames, burning her whole in a pit full of stifled passion. She snaked her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, crushing herself against his muscular body.

The kiss was deep and messy, bold and needy, and the two melted away in each other's embrace, washed away with the current of their emotions.

Pulling away, they both gasped for air as their ragged breaths fanned against each other. Eyes locked into each other and foreheads pressed together, they felt happy smiles tug on the corners of their lips.

"Mommy?" "Daddy?"

Jaemin and Jia turned around to find Renjun, Donghyuck, and Jisung by the doorway. Eyes glimmering with curiosity, they peeped through the half-open door with wide grins.

"My babies," Jia crouched down with arms wide open. The little ones ran up to her, and she engulfed them in her embrace, hugging them tightly.

"Hey?" Jaemin whined, crouching down next to the four. "What about me?"

Donghyuck broke free from the hug and jumped at Jaemin, wrapping his little arms around the latter's neck. "Daddy, come here, you old bucket of bones."

"Hey!" He exclaimed, wrapping his arms around the devil child. "Be thankful I love you. Otherwise, I would have smacked you to China."

Laughter rented the air as the five of them basked in each other's warmth. Happiness swirled in the room, engulfing them in its clutches. Nothing mattered as long as they were together, together and happy.

 Nothing mattered as long as they were together, together and happy

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