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"We're ready!" Donghyuck chirped, running to where Jaemin was standing, Renjun and Jisung following suit

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"We're ready!" Donghyuck chirped, running to where Jaemin was standing, Renjun and Jisung following suit.

"Alright. Let's get going." Jaemin scooped Jisung up, and the four of them made their way towards the front door.

"Why can't Noona come with Hyuck?" Donghyuck stomped his feet, pouting.

After breakfast, Jia had left for her apartment while Jaemin and the kids got ready to go to Emart for shopping.

"Noona is always taking care of you three," Jaemin answered. "Let her rest today."

"But Hyuck wants Noona." Donghyuck huffed, crossing his tiny arms over his chest.

"Yes, we want Noona." Renjun firmly stated. "Nana, get Noona." He pointed his index finger towards her front door.

"Noona." Jisung nodded his head, agreeing with his brothers.

Jaemin groaned internally. Only a week and the kids are already jonesing on her presence.

"If you let her rest, I'll buy you lots of ice cream and candies." He tried to reason with the sulking kids.

Their eyes instantly lit up at the mention of ice cream and candy. Hurriedly putting on their shoes, they ran to the elevator, not complaining again. Jisung too wiggled out of his arms and ran after his older brothers.

"Ice cream and candies always seem to work." He mumbled, happy that he was able to reason with them.

Jaemin put Jisung in the car seat before helping the other two into the car. He secured them in and then drove off to their destination.


"Nana, Hyuck wants pocky," Donghyuck demanded. "Hyuck will only eat pocky."

Renjun and Donghyuck were both seated on the seat space in the cart while Jisung was sleeping peacefully on the baby carrier strapped to Jaemin.

"Alright, alright. But first, let's get the groceries."

The trio, along with the sleeping baby, moved through the aisles, putting the various items from their shopping list into the cart.

Is he a teen dad?

He looks so young.

Kids these days, I swear. Can't control themselves.

Where is the mother?

Poor boy.

Jaemin exhaled in short puffs and rolled his eyes at their criticism. 

"They don't even know anything." He muttered under his breath, clearly annoyed.

"Nana, put me down now. I want to walk." Renjun whined.

"No. Sit there."

"PUT ME DOWN. PUT ME DOWN." Renjun screamed and trashed around the cart, throwing a tantrum. The people around the store flinched at the loud screech before glaring at Jaemin.

Jaemin smiled sheepishly, bowing and mouthing sorry. He sighed harshly, rubbing his temples. "Okay. I'll put you down but don't go astray. Stay next to me."

Renjun nodded his head happily as Jaemin quickly unloaded him from the cart. "Hyuck, do you want to walk around too?"

Donghyuck just shook his head, not really wanting to walk around in the crowd.

"Okay, let's continue."


Checkout wasn't very eventful. Jisung was a little whiney after his peaceful slumber was cut short. The twins were also continuously bickering about anything and everything.

"No!" Donghyuck screeched. "Chocolate is obviously better."

Renjun scrunched his nose, his face laced with disgust. "No, vanilla is better."

Jaemin put Jisung down and started to unload the items from the cart and onto the belt while the salesperson scanned the items. "Don't fight, boys."

However, their argument only grew louder by the second. Jaemin wanted to intervene, but that would result in him holding the line, so he let them be.

"No, chocolate is best." Donghyuck's tiny face mottled red, and his eyes popped.

"Vanilla is better." Renjun snarled, his own face infused with anger.


"You don't know anything. You're stupid." Renjun spat, his tongue stuck out, taunting him.

"No, Jun is more stupid. That is why mama and papa left Jun." Donghyuck sniffled, tears welling up in his eyes for being called stupid.

Renjun's face turned red as beads of tears rolled down his angry eyes. Fury coursed through his tiny body, and he exploded with unrestrained rage. He yelled at the top of his lungs. "I HATE YOU!"

And with that, he dashed out of the store at full speed. 


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