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"What is happening?" Even before her mind could register the scene unfolding, Donghyuck had already latched himself to her

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"What is happening?"
Even before her mind could register the scene unfolding, Donghyuck had already latched himself to her. With his tear-stained face pressed against her leg, he sobbed loudly. "Mommy!"

Jia glanced at the harried-looking Jaemin at the end of the hallway before directing her gaze to the crying boy. She was beyond confused. In a daze, she scooped the little one into her arms and mouthed a 'what happened' to Jaemin.

Jaemin gave her a half-hearted shrug as he approached the entryway- Renjun and Jisung following close behind.

"Hyuck, take deep breaths. Deep breaths." Jia instructed Donghyuck, who followed, taking deep breaths to cool himself down. Eventually, his gasps softened to snuffles. Jia cradled him in her arms, focusing her all on the boy nestled in her embrace. "Now, tell mommy what's wrong."

Fresh tears rolled down his cheeks again as he recalled Jaemin's angry rebukes. With quivering lips, he uttered. "Daddy-Daddy don't w-wub Hyuck anymoe!"

Jia's frown deepened, eyes shifting around questioningly. But Jaemin had already turned his head, his gaze fixed on the one nail poking irregularly out of the entryway table. He seemed to be appreciating its unfound beauty. Renjun, too, shook his head, unsure. Jisung mimicked his actions.

A sigh of distress left her lips. Nevertheless, she bobbed and swayed, trying to calm the child down.

Slowly, his harsh cries assuaged to sniffles as he clung to his mommy, softly sniveling her name in repeat. "Mommy! Mommy!"

His sorrowful whimpers made her heart ache. She tightened her arms around his tiny body and dropped the gentlest of kisses upon his head, the effect calming him further as her love melted away some of his supposed injustice.

Jia gazed down at her son with soft eyes. "Are you feeling better now?"

Donghyuck nodded with a lost expression. Relief washed over her.
"Will you tell mommy what happened?"

Donghyuck paused for a little, wondering if he should tell her. After a careful consideration, he decided against it. "No."

Jia sighed inwardly. Her gaze fell on the backpack lying on the floor and her brows shot up. She seemed to understand the situation better. Cautiously, she tried him. "Were you trying to run away from home?"

"Yes." Jia couldn't help smile. She was amused.

Donghyuck had tried to pull the same stunt a few months ago- the very spiderman backpack filled with a Minecraft sword, his Nintendo Switch, and a G.I. Joe action figure. Apparently, his brothers were the worst, and he didn't want to play with them.

"Should I run away with you then?" Her next question received an enthusiastic yes from the little one as his face lit up a little. She chuckled at his innocence. "Alright, let's go."

Their conversation perked the interest of Jisung, who slowly toddled up to her with his big expectant eyes and raised his hands, asking her to bring him along. Renjun had already retreated to the living room. He had much better things to do.

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