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Heat rushed up to her cheeks as she stared at the retreating figure of her neighbor, heart thumping expeditiously against her chest

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Heat rushed up to her cheeks as she stared at the retreating figure of her neighbor, heart thumping expeditiously against her chest. Her skin tingled, and her heart did a little flip. What the hell?

Jia took a deep breath, trying to calm her beating heart. Her mind reeled back to how he almost hugged her, causing the rosy blush to color her cheeks again.

The excited yells from the children sailed through her ears. She turned around to find the twins running up to her like a drove of stampeded animals. Jia crouched down to their level, the corners of her mouth upturning as she engulfed the two into a warm hug.

They hugged her back, their tiny hands barely wrapping around her shoulders. Eyes alight and smiles wide, they bounced up and down in her arms, all giggles and jokes.

"Noona, look! A too!" Donhyuck's eyes glimmered with excitement as he proudly showed Jia his brand new creation, a temporary tattoo drawn meticulously on his arms.

"Tattoo, idiot." Renjun rolled his eyes, waving his hands as if displeased.

"That is what Hyuck said." Donghyuck stomped his feet, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Wow! Is that a tattoo?" Jia quickly intervened, and Donghyuck immediately raised his arms up to show her his work.

"It is so pretty!" Jia exclaimed. "Will you make one for Noona too?"

Donghyuck enthusiastically nodded his head, flashing her a broad grin.
"Thank you, Hyuckie."

Jaemin's voice rang through her ears, and she looked up, eyes locking with his. She gave the twins a small smile as she stood up. "Kids, go inside."

The two happily waddled inside the apartment, hands intertwined.

Slowly, she made her way towards Jaemin. Extending her hands, she scooped the toddler in her arms.
"Hey, handsome."

She softly nuzzled his nose, and the latter laughed heartily. Jaemin cooed at the scene with a beaming smile.

"What's his name, though? You never told me." Jia questioned, her eyes still on the little boy in her arms.

"Jisung. And I'm Na Jaemin, by the way. I never got to introduce myself." He awkwardly chuckled, and Jia let out a giggle, her eyes forming crescents.

"I'm Jung Jia." She smiled brightly, somehow softening the nearby surrounding.

"We will wait for you here. Jisung, say bye-bye." She held his little hand, moving it side to side to wave Jaemin goodbye.

Jaemin felt it again- the peculiar emotion bubbling inside of him. An unfamiliar warmth spread against his chest, and his guts churned vigorously, but in a good way. Nervous, he just nodded his head and leaned forward to press a kiss to the toddler in her arms.

"I'll be back soon." He smiled at her before turning the corner and out of her sight.

Jia stood frozen, her heart erratically beating in her rib cage, wanting to come out. Heat rushed up to her cheeks, and her eyes widened in shock.
W-What the fuck?

A gentle slap on her face brought her out of her trance. Jia looked at the laughing baby in her arms, and a smile spontaneously made its way on her lips. Pulling him closer, she nuzzled his cheeks. "Let's head inside, shall we?"

 "Let's head inside, shall we?"

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LITTLE ONES || NA JAEMINWhere stories live. Discover now