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The keys jiggled in her palms as she clumsily fumbled with the lock to open the front door

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The keys jiggled in her palms as she clumsily fumbled with the lock to open the front door. The doorway opened to the dark house, and a gush of chill air hit her frame, cooling her parching nerves.

"I'm home," Jia announced, slowly entering the barely lit apartment. The darkness peered in on her, and she rapidly fluttered her eyes to adjust to the lighting arrangement.

"Jaemin?" She called, staggering on her feet. In the pitch-black darkness, she watched as the silhouettes of the objects glowed in monochrome. The darkness covered the room like a thick velvet curtain, even her own form disappearing.

"Boys?" Arms stretched out to feel any incoming barrier- she walked towards the switchboard with slow, careful steps.

The clap of the light switch resounded through the silent house, splashing colors to the monochrome world. And Jia instantly moved her head to the side, pressing her eyes shut to protect herself from the blinding light.

As she adjusted to the new brightness, the absolute stillness made her heart gallop. "Where are they?" She mumbled to herself, furrowing her brows.

Craning her neck left, right, and center, she called out for the boys again, but absolute silence greeted her in return. Tension grew in her limbs, and she found herself skittering through the house, looking for the four.

A giggle rolled out from one corner of the house, drawing her attention. Jia furrowed her brows as she cautiously made her way towards the sound.


Silence engulfed her, and she wondered if she was going crazy due to the incoming anxiety in her chest. As she turned around to leave, more giggles burst forth in fits- delicate yet chaotic.

"Surprise!" "Mommy!"

Words crashed into one another as voices and giggles rented the air. Renjun, Donghyuck, and Jisung stood by the end of the kitchen counter, a wide grin plastered on their faces.

"Oh my god!" Jia exclaimed as her eyes landed on their cake-mix smeared faces. Thick layers of white batter coated their arms, cheeks, and forehead while various edible sparkles decorated most of their body.

Clothes covered in dried cake mixture and hair a tangled mess, she cooed at how adorable they looked.

"What happened to you guys?" A hearty chuckle escaped her lips, and she crouched down next to the three, wiping the batter off their faces with her shirt sleeves.

"Hyuck, Jun, and Ji baked a cake for you." Donghyuck huffed, a hand on his chest and a proud smile plastered on his face.

"For me?" Jia gasped. Her lips upturned into an endearing smile mixed with pride and a soft sense of happiness. "Really?"

"Yes," Jisung nodded. His eyes glimmered with a sense of achievement as he shyly fumbled with the end of his t-shirt.

"Let's go," Renjun tugged on her hand, pulling her with him. They wound their way through the dark hallway, turning off the stairs to reach the master bedroom.

"We are here," He announced and pushed her towards the room before running off to where his brothers were.

Jia sucked in a breath as she jiggled the doorknob before stepping inside the room. A surprised gasp escaped her lips as her slightly wide eyes landed on the male waiting for her.

Upon his skin was dried cake batter, colorful edible sparkles, cookie crumbles, and rainbow sprinkles. And he sheepishly smiled at her, rubbing his nape shyly. "Hey!"

Jaemin awkwardly glanced around the room, unable to meet her eyes as he nervously fumbled with his fingers. "You're early today."

"No. I was supposed to be home by 8. It's 8:30 now. I'm late." Her eyebrows perked up, and she looked at him with a slightly amused smirk.

"Okay, what is wrong? Did you do something?" Jia mumbled, crossing her arms as her squinted eyes raked the male up and down suspiciously. "Why are you so nervous?"

"I...." Jaemin trailed off. A deep exhale escaped his lips, and he straightened his back, staring right into her eyes. "I have to tell you something."

"Okay..." Jia dropped her hands to her sides as she stiffened up a little at his unusual earnest tone. Eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed together into a thin line, she stared at him with confused eyes.

"I love you." 


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