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The bright rays seeped through the cracks in the blinds, coloring the room a bright yellow

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The bright rays seeped through the cracks in the blinds, coloring the room a bright yellow. The silhouettes of the paraphernalia slowly took turns, casting vague contorted shadows against the dark brown floor.

Jia's eyes twitched from underneath the lashes, and she stirred her body, mind still in the clutches of her dreams. As her senses returned, the overwhelming sensations came running in all over again, afresh. Her mind bounced between low and lower, mind clouded with grey.

As she slowly trailed her half-open eyes upward, the pale face of Jaemin invaded her vision. Almost instantly, her lips upturned into a smile- all her worries seeping away. In that fleeting moment, she felt whole again- the truth distorted and far away from her consciousness.

But even in that twisted reality, she knew it was only momentary. As the dream fades away, so will her sanity. So she decided to embrace that passing jiff, to live in the moment.

Jia's eyes trailed over Jaemin's face, taking in his tranquil countenance. Under the golden rays of the morning halo, he looked like an old polaroid photograph attached to the refrigerator- one of nostalgia, reminiscence, and remembrance. The golden glimmer added an orange glow, and his skin glistened under the new light.

Jaemin's arm rested over the girl's waist, holding her in his embrace. And Jia pulled herself closer to his body, the sound of his heartbeat luring her back to sleep.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer." Eyes still closed, the words came in croaky, a hint of mischief coated in his raspy voice.

"Why would I need a picture when I get to see the original you every morning?" Jia quipped, arching her brows. Her face contorted into one of amusement, lips perked up into a silly smile.

"You're getting cheeky." Jaemin laughed, nuzzling his face against her hair. Sniffing her scent, he relaxed under her hold and lolled his head to her shoulder.

"Sure I am," Jia smiled, unraveling her arms from Jaemin as she tried to untangle herself from his grasp.

"Nooo..." Jaemin whined, pulling her back against his chest.

"It's already noon, babe." Jia chuckled as she sat up and dragged her feet off the bed. "And we've got a lot to do today."

"But it's the weekend," Jaemin whined again, thrashing around like a child as he rolled over on his stomach. "I want to sleep."

"Get up. I'll prepare breakfast." She poked his sides, and Jaemin twitched his body, giggling lightly.

"Fine," He muttered, propping himself up against his palms. 


Accessories scattered over the dresser, papers sprawled over the desk, clothes dumped on one corner of the room- the place was a mess.

Dust coated the shelves, their browns and blues almost lost underneath the greys and whites. Powdered mud settled on the walls and drapes, and the suspended particles in the air danced around under the illuminated light from the window.

Jia exhaled harshly, a duster on one hand while the other on her hip. "When was the last time you cleaned the damn room?" She austered, glaring at the male.

"A week ago?" Jaemin smiled meekly, tilting his head to the side. "Or maybe two weeks?"

Jia sighed, throwing the duster for him to catch. "Start cleaning."

"Yes, ma'am!" He exclaimed, running off to one corner of the room to start on his job.

Jia and Jaemin both scuttered around the room, dusting here and there, picking up scattered gubbins, putting things right.

Jia hurriedly hopped on the stool and started sorting the shelf, occasionally cleaning the dust. Her eyes landed on a box placed on one corner, set to rest as a thick layer of dust layered the top. She carefully picked it up and bounced off the stool. A plume of particles aroused from it as she dusted the box, the cloud of dust making her cough violently.

"Jaemin, what is this?" She questioned as she turned to face him, the receptacle in hand.

"Ahh! That belonged to my brother-in-law." Jaemin smiled thinly. A gush of memories flashed before his eyes as nostalgia bubbled inside his chest. He slowly walked towards Jia and gently grabbed the box from her. "But I never dared to open it."

"Don't you want to know what's inside?" Jia questioned, rubbing her hand up and down his arms as she looked at him tenderly.

"Maybe. I don't know." He sighed, bringing the box closer to his body. Questioningly looking at her, he slowly whispered. "Should I?"

"Only if you want to," Her lips curved upward into a gentle smile, assuring him that she was there by his side.

Carefully placing the box over his lap, he sat crossed leg on the floor, contemplating. His eyes flickered over to the girl who sat across from him, and he ran his fingers through his hair, a tad bit nervous.

Jia nodded her head, and Jaemin slowly opened the lid, breath hitched in his throat. Picture frames filled with happy smiles, polaroid photographs, an old-fashioned sunglass, a dairy, and various pink and blue envelopes occupied the place, filling every inch of it with nostalgic memories.

A shaky breath escaped his lips, and he pursed his lips together, feeling overwhelmed as countless emotions swelled in his chest. He gently ran his hands through the articles, each item bringing a precious memory from the past.

"Jaemin, what is this?" Jia questioned, bringing him out of his trance. His eyes followed her hand, pointing towards a cigar-shaped object with yellow streaks decorating the body.

"It's a smartpen. What is it doing here?" Jaemin's face displayed confusion as he held onto the thing. He randomly clicked on the button located on the instrument, turning on the play button.

Buzzing noises sailed through the small instrument before a harsh yell echoed from nowhere, startling the two. As voices began to play, words wove together to form sentences- stories unfolding.

A loud gasp rolled out of her lips, and Jia covered her mouth in horror. Fear sat on her throat like a bulldozer, constricting her airways as she found it hard to breathe. Face ashen and hands trembling- her eyes trailed over the male in front.

The pen rolled out of Jaemin's sweaty palms as his mind buffered for a moment, his system shutting down. His mind on pause and body crippling down, he could feel the fear pressing over his chest. 

I miss writing fluff chapters

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I miss writing fluff chapters. 😭😭

And I know they haven't confessed or anything, but I have this big plan for them. Ohhh I'm excited!!!

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