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"Ji, let's wash you up

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"Ji, let's wash you up. Okay?"

Jaemin placed Jisung in the baby bathtub, and the latter shivered as the not-too-warm water hit his skin, gently hugging him. The toddler flinched, slightly overwhelmed by the amount of water surrounding him, making him whinny.

Streams filled the room as lukewarm water hit the ceramic floor, foggy illusions enveloping the bathroom. Jaemin checked the water temperature before placing the showerhead over the toddler's body. Warm drops of clear liquid trickled down his frame, dripping by his side.

Jisung winched as the water hit parts of his open flesh, crimson liquid mixing with the clear ones. He let out a high pitch cry as the pain intensified, the bruises swelling little by little.

"Ouchie!" The toddler wailed, reaching out for Jaemin. Tears mixed with water trickled down his cheeks, eyes red and puffy.

Jaemin quickly cradled Jisung in his arms, swaddling him in a towel as he dried his damp body. The loud wailing of the toddler reverberated through the house, alarming the other kids.

"Is Sungie all right?"

A soft-spoken voice echoed behind Jaemin, startling him a little. He turned around and saw Renjun and Donghyuck peering through the half-open bathroom door, worried about their little brother.

"He's fine. Don't worry." Jaemin smiled, his voice delicately gentle as he directed the kids out of the bathroom. The twins followed him around, their hands intertwined.

"Do you guys want to help me treat Jisung's wounds?" Jaemin questioned, and the twins nodded immediately.

"Jun, can you please bring the first aid kit from the kitchen?" He requested as he dried the toddler's matted hair. "Ask Mommy for help. And Hyuck, pass me Jisung's pajamas from the drawer, please."

The twins bopped their heads up and down before dashing out of the room in a hurry. Renjun climbed down the stairs and stumbled into the kitchen, calling out for Jia. Panting heavily, he pulled on her cardigan to draw her attention. "Mommy! Fur Add Kid! Fur Add Kid!"

Jia turned to look at the child as she dried her hands in the apron. "Do you mean first aid kit?"

"Yes!" He hollered, placing one hand above the other as he requested with his big doe eyes. "Please give me the kit."

"Here!" Jia handed him the kit, and the latter wasted no time rushing out of the kitchen after yelling a thank you. He staggered into the room his brothers were in and immediately delivered the kit to Jaemin.

Meanwhile, Donghyuck had sprinted off to the kid's room. On tiptoes, he reached up to the closet doorknob and pulled on it hard. The door opened with full force, and the little one staggered on his feet before falling flat on his butt. Tears pooled in his doe eyes as pain coursed through his body. But he dismissed the ache and climbed onto the closet, his little brother's wellbeing being more important. He rummaged through the drawers before grabbing the pajamas and passed them to Jaemin.

After treating the wounds and dressing him up, Jaemin led the kids to their room and tugged them in for the night. 


The soft clatter of fingers against a keyboard echoed through the silent living room, the glow from the laptop screen being the only light in the darkness.

Jia leaned back in frustration, her eyes raking the black letters against the whites, proofreading the essay again and again. A circular frame dangled on her nose, reflecting the light from the screen as she muttered curses under her breath. "I don't understand what the professor was thinking when he assigned us an essay instead of letting us paint."

She huffed as she inclined forward, eyes moving side to side rapidly as she held in her breath in pure concentration. The opening and closing of the door went unnoticed as her attention stayed entirely on the monitor in search of a typo.

"Are you not done yet, Peaches?"

The sudden sound of a familiar voice startled her, breaking her undivided concentration. She yelped and placed a hand over her palpitating heart. "You scared me."

"Sorry," Jaemin sheepishly smiled before sitting down beside her. He snaked one arm around her waist and leaned on her, his head resting on her shoulder.

"When will you be done? I'm tired." A yawn escaped his lips, and he closed his eyes, snuggling closer. "I want to sleep."

"Almost done." She mumbled, continuing to work on her assignment. Her fingers rapidly stamped on the keyboard before finally submitting her assigned work. "And, done." 

She smiled, glancing at the half-asleep boy clinging onto her. His long lashes fluttered briefly as he almost gave in to the incoming zizz. "Let's get you to bed now." 

At this point, we can put Jia's apartment for sale

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At this point, we can put Jia's apartment for sale. 👀

LITTLE ONES || NA JAEMINWhere stories live. Discover now