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Ten Years Later

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Ten Years Later

Jaemin's eyelids fluttered open, though he wasn't surprised to be welcomed by Jia's beaming smile that only stretched wider when she saw him shifting. Her grin was so bright that it almost was blinding. Her eyes relayed the excitement brewing within her, and he couldn't help his own smile forming on his lips.

It was Christmas morning.

"Merry Christmas!" She squealed, wrapping her arms around him as she pulled him in for a hug. Jaemin sighed, resting his chin on top of her head, mumbling back a 'Merry Christmas, Peaches.' His voice was still raspy, his body fighting the sleep threatening to drive him back to dreamland.

"Wake up!" She giggled, pulling back from the hug and rushing over to pull the curtains. The ground was ladened with white as far as the eyes could see, the newly clothed trees rising as fairytale beings in the wintry landscape.

"Snow..." She breathed, her eyes alight.

Jaemin slowly got onto his feet and pulled a t-shirt over his head before joining her by the window. He stood behind her, his hands taking hostage of her waist, and he felt her lean back against his chest as they watched the white vista with smiles on their faces.

He never wanted to let go. He won't ever let go. Ten years of togetherness and Jia still had his heart- infinitely, inexplicably, irrevocably. And he'd give it to her a million times if that meant they'd stay together.

The two stayed huddled together for a few moments before she suggested that they get changed into something warmer. The second they were both done, Jia dragged him out of the bathroom, hurriedly making her way out the room. But just as she opened the door, a bucket full of snow fell onto both of their confused figures.

A gasp rolled out of Jia's lips, her eyes widening in shock as the chill ice crystals left tickles of goosebumps over her skin. She turned to look at Jaemin, only to find him staring at her with equal parts shock and confusion. And when the muffled crackles of Renjun and Donghyuck hissed through the silence, the gears in her head finally clicked.

Jia stormed over before Jaemin could even begin to stop her, her snow-soaked body marching towards them with heavy steps before pulling them out of their hiding spot by their ears.

"You dumbheads!" She shouted, but the twins could barely hear her over their laughter. They were doubled over on the floor, laughing so hard that tears had begun spilling out the corners of their eyes as they grabbed onto their stomachs to quell the waves of amusement.

"Her face," Donghyuck choked, wiping the tears with the back of his hand.

"It was hilarious," Renjun added, mirroring his brother's action. But he could barely stop his laughs, finding nothing but humor in the way Jia was glaring at them.

"You imbeciles, come here." She tried to reach for them once again, but Jaemin stopped her in her quest, holding her back as he laughed along with them.

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